‘Aggressive’ legislation planned


Tribune Staff Reporter


OBIE Wilchcombe, leader of government business in the House of Assembly, said the government intends to bring forward “very aggressive legislation” after the re-opening of Parliament today.

Mr Wilchcombe, who is also social services and urban development minister, made the comments while speaking to reporters before yesterday’s Cabinet meeting, when he said Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis’ selection for Speaker of the House of Assembly and president of the Senate will showcase the administration’s commitment to diversity.

He said: “(On Wednesday), the House opens. Of course, we have a new speaker. I think the leader of our country will make a statement tomorrow (Wednesday) as you see who the leader of the House in terms of the Speaker will be and president of the Senate. I think he’s making a distinctive statement about diversity. He’s making a statement about his commitment to gender equality, and I believe that would send a very strong signal and an example of what leadership is all about.”

“We intend to have a very aggressive legislation (agenda),” Mr Wilchcombe continued. “We intend to be very organised. We intend to ensure that our sessions begin with substantive discussions predicated upon the things we agreed to during the campaign and by that, I mean what we agreed with the Bahamians people what we would do to ensure that we fulfill our perspective of a new day.”

The reopening of Parliament will feature the reading of the Speech from The Throne, which will outline the Davis administration’s policies and objectives for the upcoming parliamentary session.

The event will take place at the Baha Mar Convention Centre rather than in Rawson Square as a result of recommendations by the government’s steering committee.

Officials said the decision was made because of expected inclement weather, the active demolition of the nearby Churchill Building, as well as space and seating limitations in the square due to COVID-19’s social distancing protocols.

“Owing to the previously stated rationale,” the government recently said in a statement, “we are satisfied that this decision will allow for the execution of the event in a manner that is representative of the opening of the House of Assembly.

“We are further satisfied that all COVID-19 health and safety protocols will be executed to standard. The government of The Bahamas is ready to get to work and we invite all Bahamians to follow the proceedings on television, radio or by live stream and hear first hand the legislative priorities of the Davis-led administration.”

Today’s opening of Parliament follows last month’s election win of the Progressive Liberal Party, which secured 32 out of 39 seats in the House of Assembly.


Maximilianotto says...

Good luck! An uphill battle! What’s “aggressive”? More debts?

Posted 6 October 2021, 11:25 a.m. Suggest removal

Kofi says...

Don't tell me, show me. Make sure the legislation makes sense, and can be enforced.

Posted 6 October 2021, 5:13 p.m. Suggest removal

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