EDITORIAL: Date set – now FNM must choose

THE date has been set.

On November 27, the FNM will hold a one-day convention to determine who will be the leader of the party.

More than that, that person will be the leader of the Opposition – who will lead the challenge to government in Parliament.

That role, held so recently by now Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis, is so often underplayed in its importance, but it gives the people of the country a voice in Parliament to call the government to account.

Can it be seen as purely adversarial? Absolutely. But in the ideal world it should serve to point out flaws in legislation or problems that need to be addressed. In short, a strong Opposition can make our government better. Notice that word “can”, whether it does or not depends on who fills the role, and the government’s willingness to listen.

The FNM can do nothing about the latter, so it must do what it can to choose the best person for the job of leader.

There is speculation about the possibility of Dr Hubert Minnis continuing in the role. He has said he will not offer himself directly for the role, but has declined to say whether he would accept a nomination for leader if he were nominated.

Dr Minnis offered himself for leadership as recently as last month – of the nation, rather than the party – and was roundly rejected.

If Dr Minnis wants to continue as leader of the FNM, he will have to do some serious convincing that he can turn around that landslide result.

More than that, had he been elected this time around, this would have been his final term as Prime Minister if he held to his promise of no more than two terms in the post – so his original plan was to be stepping down around the time of the next election anyway, by which time he would be in his 70s.

Any failings that the new PLP government identify with the previous FNM administration will also sit squarely on his shoulders as he tries to stand in Opposition.

Those are the challenges he faces. Other candidates will face their own hurdles to clear, including some who might want the role but who do not have a seat in Parliament.

We wish the convention would arrive sooner – waiting until the end of November is a long time for the FNM to lack a clear direction in Opposition. But a choice has to be made, not just for the sake of the party, but for the country.

We await the party’s decision.


Honestman says...

Minnis has been poor in opposition and poor in government. He has displayed few qualities needed to be an effective leader during his 9 years in office. The FNM needs a "new broom" - someone who has big ideas and who can communicate and empathize with the voting public. The FNM brought electoral defeat on itself because party members could not see what ordinary folks could see years ago i.e. that Minnis was totally unsuited to lead the country.

Posted 9 October 2021, 6:51 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamaslovenest says...

all hail to Minister Jeffrey Lloyd , as the next & desired leader of the FNM & country.

Posted 9 October 2021, 7:25 a.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

Was the rum on sale for this holiday weekend?

Posted 9 October 2021, 10:17 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

You're joking right? The same man who said Dr Minnis was the best prime minister ever?

Posted 11 October 2021, 1:33 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Can’t they just have a snap election? ROLF

Posted 9 October 2021, 7:52 a.m. Suggest removal

Maximilianotto says...

The country needs 2 serious parties, that’s the chosen system. But arrogance in a bubble was the biggest failure. So a completely competent same time humble and modest new crew is urgently needed in the best interest of the country. Good luck Bahamas you deserve it. Let the current dinosaurs retire before dying out.

Posted 10 October 2021, 2:36 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I wonder if someone has filled Dr Minnis' head with the absolute nonsense that he could build a following outside of office like Trump. We'll see come November.

Posted 11 October 2021, 1:32 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Determining whose name gets on the ballot will fraught the FNM party with array of problems right into 2026 Election.
— Says lots about the party's lack willingness to move beyond the past if any of the 2021 House-relected FNM MPs' and Minnis appointed senators and everything like that be encoouraged contest at their November 27, convention for the party's leadeship and everything like that will be seen as an act of **something undesirable,** — Yes?

Posted 12 October 2021, 4:51 p.m. Suggest removal

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