Have cake and eat it

EDITOR, The Tribune.

All this tireless and seemingly senseless argument about vaccinating or testing hotel employees before they can be employed as a safety measure against this terrible epidemic that is terrorising the world and turning people’s lives upside down, is a mystery to me.

The logic seems simple.

A pandemic has put its ugly arms around the world, threatening all of its human inhabitants. So far the only known way to escape it is to put on the mask, lock yourselves in your homes with no outside contact and hibernate until the all clear is given. As this is not feasible, alternatives have been suggested.

For hotel workers, whose jobs can continue only if the hotel can remain open by assuring their guests that as far as is humanly possible they will be safe in their establishment, the workers will have to make a simple decision. They can get a COVID vaccination free of charge, or, if they object, they will have to take a daily test to make certain that they are not infected before they can enter the hotel to do their job. However, for this they will have to pay. The choice is theirs.

But, oh no, they not only want their cake, but they want to eat it too. Well, my friends, it just ain’t like that!

If your job is important to you, you will take the vaccination, which is free, and get on with the job, or you will insist on the daily test for which you will have to pay. If you can’t afford to pay, then get the vaccination — which I can assure you does not hurt. But, don’t be stupid – get on with the job.

And don’t come crying to the public about you lost your job, when the decision is in your own hands. I can assure you you won’t get much sympathy out here because we are all in the same boat and having to make the same unpleasant decisions. You know we ain’t fool. Go and take your vaccination so that you too can move around more freely and will not present a medical threat to the rest of us.

Tourism is the Bahamas’ life blood and so our hoteliers have to guarantee that as far as possible their establishments are safe places to book, eat meals and generally feel secure. To guarantee that their guests are welcome to an establishment that is offering them a safe place in which to relax and forget their worries and the fear that they might be contaminated by COVID, the hotel staff must also be medically safe.

The hotel employees, if they want their jobs will have to fully cooperate or the hotel might be forced to close and then there will be no job to talk about. So either get vaccinated for free, or pay for a daily test and stop crying about not being able to afford it. Please show some common sense.



October 6, 2021.


joeblow says...

"Go and take your vaccination so that you too can move around more freely and will not present a medical threat to the rest of us."

That one statement shows the blistering ignorance of the writer concerning what the shot does and does not do. For the umpteenth time, it does not stop people from getting covid and hospitalizations for symptomatic infections among the so called "vaccinated" are on the increase.


European countries have stopped giving Moderna to young people because of the increased risk of heart related problems. In short no one knows the long term effects of these shots and people need to stop pretending that they do and demanding others take it!


Posted 8 October 2021, 6:40 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

Another dumb article. It's amazing how everyone is ready to give up their freedom for something that doesn't even make sense. Have fun when they limit or take away your freedoms for something else which you may feel differently about in the future... Anyway, the point has already been made multiple times, this political tactic being employed by employers, and even some world leaders is all political in nature and not based in science. The vaccine does not stop you from catching or spreading covid. End of story.

Posted 8 October 2021, 8:09 p.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

Sorry but a dumb reply. This vaccine is not brand new but developed from work done on Ebola and Sars vaccines..Of course science did this as it did in polio, diptheria, rabies, HIV smallpox vacicnes etc etc. Correct it does not stop you getting covid nor stopping you passing it on , BUT it does prevent in almost all cases hospitilization for severe symptoms and more importantly intensive care.. The media including Facebook, Twitter, newspapers etc have given free range for so many false, misleading and plain scaremongering. .People need to take responsibility for their choices and not expect to jepordise the health, safety and livelihood because they want the rules changed.

Posted 12 October 2021, 8:27 a.m. Suggest removal

FrustratedBusinessman says...

Stop with the lies. Polio, DPT, MMR, hep A or B, etc. were not mRNA or viral vector. This is a giant experiment and people like you are complicit in whatever negative long term outcomes your test subjects experience.

Jesse Jackson had his shots, some good that it did him. People have a right to decide what they put into their body, and don't deserve to be guilt tripped into becoming an experiment. If it does not stop the transmission of COVID, a testing policy needs to be universal otherwise it is blatantly discriminatory.

People like you will turn our nation into a medical apartheid state like Israel.


Selling your soul to the same devils that manufactured the opioid crisis genuinely believing that they are doing it for "a greater good" lol. Naivety at its finest.

Posted 12 October 2021, 9:49 a.m. Suggest removal

truetruebahamian says...

If you work for me respect what I say or go somewhere else. Your choice - no problems!

Posted 9 October 2021, 10:47 a.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

So true

Posted 12 October 2021, 8:27 a.m. Suggest removal

FrustratedBusinessman says...

"Have sex with me or go somewhere else. Your choice."

"Work your entire weekend for free or go somewhere else. Your choice."

- Your logic

I have spent time on both sides of the isle in regards to this issue, and I can truly say that shitbag Bahamian employers and their lazy employees deserve each other. I say we put them both in a WWE hell in a cell match and let them kill each other off. Nothing of any value would be lost.

Some of you people think that slavery still exists in this country.

Posted 12 October 2021, 9:42 a.m. Suggest removal

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