Minnis will not seek FNM leadership at convention


Tribune Senior Reporter


FORMER Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis says he will not nominate for leadership of the Free National Movement nor allow his name to be placed in nomination when the party hosts a one-day leadership convention on November 27.

He said in a statement on Friday: “At the end of November, the Free National Movement will hold a one-day convention to elect the leader of the party. I will not nominate for the leadership nor will I allow my name to be placed in nomination. I wish those who will contest for the leadership the very best.”

Dr Minnis’ statement came amid speculation that although he told FNM executive committee and Central Council members last month that he will step aside as leader, he could still vie for the post if someone nominates him.

“I will continue to serve in the House of Assembly as the member of Parliament for Killarney. I again thank the constituents of Killarney for their support since 2007 and during the recent general election,” his statement said.

“As a former prime minister and in whatever role is assigned to me, I will support the work of the Official Opposition to advocate on behalf of the Bahamian people and to hold the government accountable.

“We remain in a deadly global pandemic. I will continue to promote measures to save and to protect the lives and livelihoods of Bahamians, utilising my experience in office and as a medical doctor. I will never tire in advocating for the needs of the poor, the disadvantaged and the more vulnerable in our society.

“It has been an extraordinary privilege to serve our country as prime minister and as a member of Parliament. I thank the Bahamian people and the members of the FNM for their support and encouragement. I also thank the many well-wishers for their advice, prayers and assistance.

“The Free National Movement has an extraordinary legacy, guided by the values of freedom, equality and opportunity for all. At our 50th anniversary, there is much to celebrate as we renew our mission and embrace the future.

“I have often spoken of the God of new beginnings. May God bless the FNM with wisdom, discernment and fortitude. And may God bless our Bahamas.”


tribanon says...

There's much I could say about this guy but he now does it so much better than I could ever do everytime he opens his mouth and points his finger.

Posted 22 October 2021, 5:47 p.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...


Posted 23 October 2021, 3:49 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

This shows the main difference between the FNM and the PLP. One has some sense of class, decorum and democratic values, while the other (PLP) has none. We salute you Dr Minnis.

Posted 22 October 2021, 6:47 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

Sheeps you got it right, the bigger picture beyond personalities and populist political partisanship.

Posted 23 October 2021, 5:53 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Its clear this was not his original intent.

He fully intended to open the door to nomination, if he didnt he would have given this statement long ago. What other possible rational reason could he have to keep his intentions secret?

I suspect he knew he was on the buttered side of the downhill slope when Ingraham made a statement.

As to his help as a medical doctor, no thanks. 400 people dead since you opened the borders on June 21 and told vaccinated tourists to "*Party On!*", against the advice of **everybody** except Renward and DAguilar, we can't afford another 400 dead people.

Posted 22 October 2021, 6:51 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Spot on, on all counts!

Posted 22 October 2021, 7:08 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Dr. Minnis's leadership On October 16, 2021, deaded after suffering complications from **1620** painful days of **Premiership Leadership Dropsy** and everything like those and that diseases kinds of complications.
**The Wake** and other official Funeral details like whether a **State Funeral** will be offered are being withheld until **late into night of November 27, 2021,** — Yes?

Posted 22 October 2021, 7:09 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Dropsy and that diseases complications? ROTFL

Posted 22 October 2021, 9:51 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

The FNM deserve to be in opposition for continuing to support Minnis when it was clear years ago that he was not Prime Minister material.

Posted 22 October 2021, 7:45 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

You don't get it. Leadership change is a process. And it is happening in the FNM, despite the "delay" according to Joe Public. Did Pindling or Christie step down when they lost in 1992, 1997 or 2012? It took death and defeat to get them out of power. So don't compare the two on that score

Posted 23 October 2021, 7:50 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"compare the two"? What two? The only person @Honestman referenced was "Minnis" and his unsuitability for leadership. Loretta and the 6 said so from the break. Rollins called him a clown after Toggie and Bobo blew up in Minnis' face. The public just didnt know it was so bad until about 2 months in

Posted 23 October 2021, 8:41 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

So who made him FNM leader? Get real. The system set us all up. He didn't come to power by a coup. Votes put him in and took him out. But Joe Public has little say in any of the parties

Posted 23 October 2021, 8:49 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I feel like Im on a seesaw. Back to the original point of "change is a process". Correct. The process was every 2 years there's a convention. In the last 4 years there should have been 3 conventions and 3 opportunities to select a leader, the Obengruppensfuhrer scuttled all of it to maintain his grip on power

Posted 24 October 2021, 4:55 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

This comment was removed by the site staff for violation of the usage agreement.

Posted 22 October 2021, 7:57 p.m.

TalRussell says...

The Popoulaces at-large, never bought into the premiership of Minnis had operated in a vacuum and everything like this and that separated and apart from the  ears and eyes of his 38 House-elected red MPs..
—  And they unmistakably demonstrated such on election day October 16, 2021, a message was to be delivered by more than **Fifty percent of the voting constituents** of the current House of Assembly's voter embarrassed member of the House for Killarney.
— True, whilst you may have won a House-seat but not the trust of a majority of Killarney's voting constituents, — Yes?

Posted 22 October 2021, 9:08 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

Please, please Dr. Minnis, please reconsider your decision. We need you. The people of the Bahamas need you. The world needs you. What are we supposed to do when you are not leader? How can we trust the PLP to behave themselves and not continue to rip us off?

I will be leading a grassroots movement to get you to change your mind. We will picket, pray and demonstrate until you change your mind. How can you even consider doing something like this? Please do not let a few misbegotten sons and daughters of lop headed idiots dissuade you from what the Almighty has chosen you for. Just be patient. In the next election you will return as our Prime Minister. And the first step is to remain as leader of our FNM.

Posted 24 October 2021, 9:25 a.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

Top dude, if you need a job, Just Harry and Megan Markle pay people to post on instagram.

Posted 24 October 2021, 10:48 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

ROTFL @ "*please. we need you*"

Posted 24 October 2021, 4:56 p.m. Suggest removal

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