Landed in The Bahamas

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Please, a little space, in your powerful media, in a concise way.

The Bahamas, has a day in honour of Christopher Columbus – October 12th, who landed in The Bahamas during that time.

Christopher Columbus, was born in Italy, the former Roman Empire, ruled by the Caesars, whom they accepted as their gods. Jesus was put on the cross, also St Peter. St Paul was beheaded and a christian. Christians were persecuted for 300 years, by the Roman Empire.

The son of a christian mother and a non-christian father, saw a cross in the sky, and led by him, the christians defeated the powerful Roman Empire, and Rome became a christian nation, over 1700 years ago. This is the christian nation that Columbus came from.

His support came from the Spanish Queen. He sailed and landed in The Bahamas, hence, the first christian prayer was said.

Columbus' trip was not in vain, it became a New World, with millions and millions of christians saying prayers and replacing the false gods.

Two important statues, were given to the New World – the Statue of Liberty in the United States of America, given by the people of France and a Columbus statue, given by the black people of Portugal. In the world present or past, there always will be good and bad. Jesus the Son of God will separate.

During World War II, from the New World they went to Europe to help. Many, many ships were lost. With Columbus it was only one, a president, from his wheel chair, waiting for the outcome and for freedom of the world, soldiers, had to die.

The inventions from the New World, Columbus, did not enjoy. A man landed on the moon, telephones, cars, trains, medical technology, cruising from Miami to Nassau, or a jet plane, taking him to the Spanish Queen.

From outer space, it is said that The Bahamas is a beautiful place, and in 1492 Christopher Columbus landed in This Place.

Thanking you, Editor, for your valuable space.



October 28, 2021.


jt says...

Oh wow. “False Gods?” What proves yours real?

Posted 29 October 2021, 9:05 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Knowing that you stand against everything and therefore stand for nothing is plenty enough for me to understand how assinine your uneducated woked view of historical monuments must be. ROWL

Posted 30 October 2021, 1:37 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...


Posted 30 October 2021, 9:08 a.m. Suggest removal

benniesun says...

Excerpt from Bartolomé De Las Casas - A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies .

"I, Bartolomé de Las Casas, or Casaus, a brother in the Dominican Order,...completed it in Valencia on the eighth day of December 1542, at a time when the violence, the oppression, the despotism, the killing, the plunder, the depopulation, the outrages, the agonies and the calamities we have described were at their height throughout the New World wherever Christians have set foot. "

"Hispaniola was the first to witness the arrival of Europeans and the first to suffer the wholesale slaughter of its people and the devastation and depopulation of the land. It all began with the Europeans taking native women and children both as servants and to satisfy their own base appetites; then, not content with what the local people offered them of their own free will (and all offered as much as they could spare), they started taking for themselves the food the natives contrived to produce by the sweat of their brows, which was in all honesty little enough. Since what a European will consume in a single day normally supports three native households of ten persons each for a whole month, and since the newcomers began to subject the locals to other vexations, assaults, and iniquities..."

Posted 30 October 2021, 4:58 p.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

We cannot re-write our history. Columbus was a part of our history. One of the greatest contributions to our development has been the Christian religion. This was brought to us by the European nations through their explorers and missionaries. This was a positive aspect of our colonial experience .

Posted 30 October 2021, 5:44 p.m. Suggest removal

temptedbythefruitofanother says...

columbus and his ilk were genocidal thugs that murdered, tortured and destroyed a beautiful culture that existed in Bahamas and elsewhere pre 1492. No way in hell should this criminal be celebrated. Tear the stature down now!

Posted 1 November 2021, 5:44 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Tearing down statues is a trick by the white man do we forget our history, and then they can trick our grandchildren.

Posted 1 November 2021, 2:34 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...


Posted 1 November 2021, 6:07 p.m. Suggest removal

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