Super Value sets target for staff to vaccinate


SUPER Value Food Store chain has called on its staff to be fully vaccinated by the end of September or take a weekly negative test.

In a memo dated August 26 and sent to all staff, Super Value’s president Debra Symonette warned workers about the dangers of the Delta variant and urged them to get vaccinated. Workers were also told anyone who breaks quarantine will be fired.

“We are encouraging all staff to be vaccinated,” the memo said in part. “There have been so many more new cases and deaths, that tourists have been advised not to travel to The Bahamas and Bahamians have been advised to be careful travelling abroad.

 “We estimate that less than 30 percent of our staff have been vaccinated and we have set an ambitious goal to have all staff take their first shot by the end of August and be completely vaccinated by the end of September. In the interest of your safety and the interest of the company, our customers and the country we expect your full cooperation.

 “There is a new ‘Delta plus’ variant that spreads 60 percent faster and is more contagious than the (old) ‘Delta’ variant. In order to save your life, keep the economy going and avoid a permanent lock down, all employees should get vaccinated immediately,” the memo notes.

 Local officials have not confirmed if the Delta variant is in the country, but they suspect it is given the current surge in COVID-19 cases and deaths. The Delta plus variant has been recorded in some parts of Asia and experts say it may be more infectious than the original Delta variant.

 Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic here in The Bahamas, 18,268 cases of the virus have been recorded after 129 new cases were added to the dashboard on August 29. So far 396 people have died from the virus and 20 other deaths are under investigation.

 Because of the high numbers of COVID-19 cases recorded, the US Centers for Disease Control has issued a level four travel warning against The Bahamas. Level four indicates, “do not travel”.

 The memo from the Super Value president continued: “Please ask your head cashier if you need assistance making your appointment. Any employee that breaks quarantine will be dismissed. After September any employee that is not completely vaccinated will have to take a negative test weekly.”

  The Atlantis resort on Paradise Island is also asking staff to get vaccinated or if not, they will have to pay for their own weekly COVID-19 tests beginning this month.


hrysippus says...

A sensible move. Well done SuperValue management. Now we wait for the whining and union response.

Posted 1 September 2021, 11:18 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

The science says those unvaccinated and negative for covid have no covid to spread. However the vaccinated sheds covid spikes as their bodies artificially make covid to force their bodies immune response to create antibodies. In essense those who become vaccinated to create a little immunity automatically spreads it throughout their environment. We are looking at mass casualties of apocalyptic proportions then national lockdown as other nations could attest to.

Posted 1 September 2021, 1:34 p.m. Suggest removal

ConchFretter says...

This is false. Neither J&J, AstraZeneca (both viral vector vaccines) or Pfizer (mRNA vaccine) cause any viral shedding in the generation of antibodies. This only happens if the vaccine is a weakened version of the live virus itself.……

Posted 1 September 2021, 3:43 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Roberts should at least follow our nursing physician professionals and wait at least over eight months to maybe thirteen months to verify medical clarity. Vaccines take at least fifteen years of observation, so far we are talking about less than nine months. Why would the CDC recommend both vaccinated and un-vaccinated be tested for positivity. Come on now. Furthermore the vaccines loose their efficacy making the vaccinated again unvaccinated after five to six months. Now there is a Mu strain out manifested probably within the vaccinated that purports to be vaccine proof. Today two most senior staff at FDA resigned because politics is demanding medical determination before health and life. We must thread wisely for our people above covid becoming globally monetized as primacy for international loans blackmail. Come on now, four booster shots for every human on Earth once vaccinated. Who do we owe this money too?

Posted 1 September 2021, 1:57 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Why is he whining his staff handles millions of dollars, the breath of the public at large and they are near 199% covid free. remarkable and responsible on their behalf. That dynamic will quickly change as the vaccinated join the zombie line of mass spreaders.

Posted 1 September 2021, 2:17 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Just a more positive PR recommendation for the Mega Grocer, Comrade Rupert, if he just might want to give some serious thought to if he should covert a few of his many bundles saved-up, — **Elizabethan Bahamaland Ten Shillings Banknotes** — into a couple of hundred — **Pindling $1 Banknotes** — for purpose of retrofitting the stale imaginary message which that old — **Deluxe Cleaners/Portion Control** signage — that looks the worse than if it had contracted a deaded case COVID — is delivering to his 2021 store most cherished shoppers — Yes?

Posted 1 September 2021, 4:20 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

"SUPER Value Food Store chain has called on its staff to be fully vaccinated by the end of September or take a weekly negative test." This opening statement makes zero sense. I am vaccinated. What is so special about me being vaccinated in the context of preventing spread, when i can still catch and spread covid? So I don't have to take a test but my unvaccinated brother/sister has to? We are testing all persons travelling in the country, vaccinated and unvaccinated, but here locally, are we saying that our vaccinated population are special? Such stupidity.

Posted 1 September 2021, 9:40 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

NFL coach in trouble for letting out information that 100% vaccination for players has seen many of them get sick. USA President Truman warned of the dangers the money and power of the USA (MIC) Military Industrial Complex could have to perpetuate itself and subvert all democracies for profit wars. Now we have Medical Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex doing the same imposing it's will on democracy by using the media as a mafia and Big profits to subvert world leaders. Next we will be sold personal oxygen meters and we will be convinced it is the right thing to encourage others to pay for breath like take a vaccine that does not prevent Covid.…

Posted 2 September 2021, 8:26 a.m. Suggest removal

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