GLOVES ARE OFF – Minnis: Davis ‘running scared’ and Chester is eyeing leadership role


WITH the general election just nine days away, the Free National Movement held two rallies over the weekend in Grand Bahama and Andros, with much of the rhetoric lambasting the Progressive Liberal Party.

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis criticised the PLP saying its leader, Philip “Brave” Davis was missing in action while he, Dr Minnis, was laying out plans for the future of the country.

“Every night I speak to you about our policies and plans,” Dr Minnis said while in Eight Mile Rock, Grand Bahama on Friday. “Y’all see Brave lately? Y’all hear from Brave lately? The man gone missin’! This is a campaign for the future of our country and the PLP leader can’t be seen. I hear he is dead scared.

“Felicia Knowles makin’ big waves in Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador. So instead of coming and speaking to the whole country like a leader should do, Brave flyin’ PLPs into his constituency trying to save his seat.”

“Just like we beat Christie in Centreville in 2017, we will beat Brave in Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador in 2021. I hear the panic is so bad on the PLP side that Chester gone home to try and hold on to his seat.”

 Dr Minnis turned his attention to PLP deputy leader Chester Cooper, accusing him of hoping his party’s leader loses his bid to once again represent Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador so that he can take over the party as leader.

“Chester knows the people don’t want Brave,” he said. “Chester is hoping Brave loses so he could become PLP leader. But we have a little surprise for Chester too. The Exumas and Ragged Island going’ red with Jennifer Isaacs-Dotson.

 “Last time we beat the PLP leader. This election we will defeat the PLP leader and deputy leader. Last election you told the PLP you wanted them to change. They have not changed. Brave is the worst of them.

 “Let’s let them know that we do not want any more of the old PLP.

 “There is plenty of foolishness the PLP and their people are putting out, especially on social media. They are trying to distract you from the truth of who Brave is and who they are.”

 Over the past few weeks, several government documents have been leaked on social media with allegations of government corruption, personal attacks and what some consider gutter politics.

 Both major parties have denied sanctioning such acts but they continue to flood cyber space.

 Dr Minnis did not specifically respond to any allegation, however, but said “foolishness” is being spread online.

“There is plenty of foolishness the PLP and their people are putting out, especially on social media,” Dr Minnis said. “They are trying to distract you from the truth of who Brave is and who they are.

 “Do not mind the noise. They are very desperate. They are very hungry and need to get back at that cookie jar. They are scared that they are going to lose, so they are going to get even more desperate. But your FNM is going to continue our campaign for your future with our heads held high.”

 While he touted the accomplishments his administration has made in Grand Bahama over its term, Dr Minnis said a “big, big surprise” for the nation’s youth will be announced shortly before the next election.

 When the campaign trail touched down on Andros on Saturday, Dr Minnis told the drive-thru rally goers that the FNM is now the “party of the people” and not the PLP as it claimed to be years ago.

 “The early PLP had a number of significant accomplishments for The Bahamas,” Dr Minnis said. “But as the country knows, that PLP lost its way. It betrayed its own values and betrayed the trust of the Bahamian people beginning in the mid-to-late 1970s.

 “By the 1980s and the early 1990s, the PLP had fully betrayed Bahamians. It became the party of mass corruption and victimisation, only interested in keeping the PLP elite in power. They lost their way.

 “In 1992, the FNM put an end to one of the worst periods in our modern history. It is the FNM that picked up the baton as the party of the people.

 “In our four terms we invested in critical infrastructure. We restored our economy over and over again. We invested in Family Island development. We invested in young people. We led in crisis after crisis to protect your future.”

 Dr Minnis continued chastising the PLP, accusing the party of betraying its promise to the people.

“The PLP came back to office in 2002 promising a new PLP,” he said. “They betrayed that promise. In 2012, they again promised a new PLP. Once again, they brought back the same old bad ways. The era of mass corruption of the PLP continued.

 “For the third time since 2002, the PLP is promising something new, this time under Perry’s deputy, Brave Davis. We are not going to be fooled again by their false promises. There is nothing new about the PLP. There is nothing new about Brave Davis.

 “The PLP under Brave Davis only wants power for the sake of power. Today’s PLP is bankrupt. They are bankrupt of values. They are bankrupt of a philosophy of governance. They are bankrupt of ideas. They are bankrupt of a vision for your future.”


mandela says...

And so are you.

Posted 6 September 2021, 8:17 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Minnis fails to understand Bahamian voters are voting against each of his yes men MPs that makes him a dictator for the next five years. No FNM or PLP can live with feeling betrayed by sponge spine who don't look out for the public interests destroyed jobs then turning Bahamian proud hardworking mothers and fathers into weak desparate handout beggars. And he calls this destruction kindness and saving lives. The election is not about the PLP but the complete failure of the Bahamian FMN dream team for accountability and inclusiveness not dictatorship of the chosen few and two years of being barked at by FNM baboons. Police and Defence Forces guns guarding us from beach sunshine terrorizing us with armed roadblocks, closing foodstores to starve us with your sadistic bloody, love. We need no more of FNM style love and sweet tongue empty promises that gets a few filthy rich.

Posted 6 September 2021, 8:33 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

He has monitized Covid creating a new millionaire class as the minimum wage earnings go toward tests. He plans to monitized Marijuana sales only for rich growers while any casual user is fined above five years salary. He has monitized digital payments that a few buddies make billions while barring us from paying cash.

Posted 6 September 2021, 8:52 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Under his emergency order the Bahamas faces a cataclysmic explosion of deaths and cases crises. Those backbone of a pumpkin MPs

Posted 6 September 2021, 9:13 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

If **'TruthBeOut'** and has spread about 1200 Out Islands, Cays, and Inlets PopoulacesEligibleToTurnOutVote,** who are eyeing and asking each the other, — Why hasn't a single red influencer that still has their sacred political capital intact who has to be **‘Running Election Scared’** over their RedPartiy's collapsing popular support who after hearing and readin' the same exact ridiculous stuff of the kinds their RedParty's **Number 1 Clown** is talkin' — and not be sayin' themselves, — Finally, **this Clown,** has now become too much an election damaging embarrassment threat to we beloved RedParty? — ​**He must be speedily brought to a screechin' full stop.** You just don't have to make this stuff up,— Yes?

Posted 6 September 2021, 10:17 a.m. Suggest removal

DonAnthony says...

It’s about time, this should be the mantra everyday. If Minnis can make this election about Brave Davis then the FNM will win, bahamians do not like or trust (especially true of young voters) Brave Davis in fact they are scared of any administration led by him.

Posted 6 September 2021, 10:29 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

@ComradeAnthony, it still will be **if** the 1200 Out Islands, Cays, and Inlets PopoulacesEligibleToTurnOutVote - believes much anything sprungs out your man's, Minnis's mouth, — Abacoians may just lead the mood PopoulacesEligibleToTurnOutVote - who aren't keeping any secret of giving a
whole new meaning to their dilemma who by the thousands vocally seem to be looking for some kind way to communicate their **untrustworthiness** message to **Thee** "Terrible" Mr. Minnis — Yes?

Posted 6 September 2021, 10:36 a.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

doc does not mention Our Lucaya or the GB Airport both are major issues. D"Aguila
rode high on BAR MAR which he and the doc opposed.

All that has made a significant difference in the Bahamas are PLP the University of the Bahamas NIB. BAMSI Urban Renewa the air space is PLP.

So can HE_HAW as much as he likes. his time is running out.

Posted 6 September 2021, 1:58 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**Man STFU!** Peter is no better than Paul. Didn't the U.S. report 3 weeks ago that the FNM is totally corrupt? Why haven't **YOU** responded to that???

Minnis's high-school strategy of controlling the narrative by standing around talking bullshyt about Brave and the PLP is a total non-starter!

We are not so easily mislead. We always knew Brave had serious issues, and Chester is certainly not surprised that Brave is tainted.

Minnis says “Every night I speak to you about our policies and plans".????????????

WHERE are the "policies and plans" to deal with the ongoing onslaught of the Haitian invasion dilemma?

WHERE are the "policies and plans" to deal with the U.S.-reported corruption in the FNM?

WHERE are the "policies and plans" to deal with Brent Symonette's group of mining pirates?

Both parties are equally guilty of massive corruption!

Posted 6 September 2021, 5:43 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

He should be voted out. If only because those 5 years of gain and profit for a select few is enough.

I never forget the words of a talk show caller that "the party is at another house".

Posted 6 September 2021, 8:43 p.m. Suggest removal


Minnis is him out

Posted 6 September 2021, 8:46 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

And replace him with who? Brave Davis??? Get real! We just voted out the PLP four years ago and now you’re suggesting placing them back in office? That would be a horrible decision. If we put the PLP back in office things will only get worst…. trust me. I don’t like Minnis either but he’s our only practical choice at the moment. The PLP needs to get rid of Brave Davis and give Chester Cooper an opportunity to lead.

Posted 7 September 2021, 4:29 a.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

Bahamian people seem to be unable to understand that things can get worst. A whole lot worst. Everyone seems to be under the misapprehension that things will be better under the PLP and that’s simply NOT TRUE. Tread carefully Bahamians. Uncontrolled emotions always lead to disaster and regret.

Posted 7 September 2021, 4:34 a.m. Suggest removal

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