Vast majority of COVID dead never took jab


Tribune Senior Reporter

DATA from Princess Margaret Hospital shows of the 104 COVID-19 deaths between August 1 and September 8 more than 95 percent of those patients were unvaccinated. This accounts for 99 people.

The data also shows five deaths for partially vaccinated people — or 4.81 percent — while no fully vaccinated person died within the timeframe.

In terms of hospitalisations during this time period, less than one percent of people admitted to hospital were fully vaccinated. However, 95.75 percent — or 383 people — of those admitted were unvaccinated while 3.5 percent — or 14 people — were partially vaccinated.

Wesley Francis, consultant surgical oncologist at PMH, explained the origin of the data to The Tribune.

“All those patients who are admitted are put in a simple Excel spreadsheet and categorised according to demographics and comorbidities,” he said yesterday. “A friend in Bermuda sent me one of those graphs where they were showing those hospitalised and one of the variables they included was vaccine status.

“They created a nice graph so I said, ‘(Dr) Forbes we should probably start doing that also.’ We then basically added another variable which was vaccine status and we started to collect data. Patients had to show if they were vaccinated, they have to show their vaccine card which includes information about when they were vaccinated. As the data sort of matured, we started to analyse it and show the majority of people being admitted were really unvaccinated. The data speaks for itself.

“I tried to get Doctors Hospital’s data but they weren’t recording it properly. I think they’re now starting to do that. Maybe in a couple of weeks they will figure it out. I wanted follow-up data from them too because some people are transferred out west and get discharged and I wanted that data but it’s hard and I couldn’t get that because again, Doctors Hospital wasn’t recording that. This was really just a group of residents at PMH who came together and did this. It is especially important to get the data from Doctors Hospital now that their volume is getting up there with PMH’s numbers.

“People focus on vaccine status but examining co-morbidities is really important because it allows us to predict who may die and we can use that as a way to triage patients and treat them. If you can use the model and determine who will be the sicker patients, maybe they can get a different cocktail of treatment because we have limited resources. That’s really the whole idea behind this thing but again, the public wants to know about vaccinated and unvaccinated,” he said.

During a press conference on Friday, Dr Nikkiah Forbes, director of the National HIV/ AIDS and Infectious Diseases Programme at the Ministry of Health, said of those admitted to hospital partially vaccinated, many had taken the shot less than 14 days prior to admission.

“Between the period of August 1 to September 8... we also admitted 400 people (with) COVID and that can tell you how bad this wave is and I can tell you preliminarily that 95 percent of those admissions from COVID were not vaccinated. Approximately four percent of people had one dose of the vaccine, many less than 14 days after the receipt,” Dr Forbes told reporters Friday.

“There were three persons and that accounted for less than one percent of fully vaccinated people who had a breakthrough infection and they all lived. Of those people who died from COVID... 95 percent of those persons were unvaccinated.

“Five percent had one dose of the vaccine and no persons admitted to Princess Margaret in that time period were fully vaccinated.”

According to the government’s latest vaccine tracker, 173,130 total doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered as of September 10.

Officials said 65,915 people are fully vaccinated, including those who have taken the one shot of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

This total also includes Bahamians and residents who have been fully vaccinated abroad and registered on the government’s platform.


carltonr61 says...

Who trusts her Covid lockdown fear mongering team? Zilch.

Posted 13 September 2021, 9:09 a.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

Y’all people really stupid, yanno? There is no “fear mongering”. People are dying despite our best efforts to save them. And the statistics are correct…. non of the deceased were vaccinated. People like you talk foolishness because you are not confined to the ICU to see what’s truly going on behind these doors. These people plead with us to save them right before going into respiratory arrest and eventually die. Stop talking rubbish please! COVID is all too real.

Posted 13 September 2021, 1:49 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...


Posted 13 September 2021, 3:48 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

Yes, we all know that this is the sound your brain makes. And yes, we’ve all discerned by now that you slept through school (if you even went to school). So you don’t have to constantly remind us that you’re asleep at the wheel. We are all quite aware.

Posted 13 September 2021, 10:06 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

0.0011325, or 453 persons among our population died with Covid in 18 months. 0.047 or 19,000 persons out of 400,000 tested positive over 18 months. 99.99999% of our population are still alive or well enough to live.

Posted 14 September 2021, 12:41 p.m. Suggest removal

ScubaSteve says...

This chart says it all. Fully vaccinated = ZERO deaths. Not vaccinated = 99 deaths.

It's pretty simple -- just get the shot, where a mask when in public, and you WILL live.

Posted 13 September 2021, 9:10 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

You may have lived anyway if you were healthy. The elephant in the room is that 95% of the population is unvaccinated but not sick. Why? (I support vaccines for vulnerable people) What is the "unvaccinated-but not sick" data telling us? Whats different about those people? Have any of them been exposed to COVID but not adversely affected? In the movies the cure is always in the people who never get sick, just saying...

Posted 13 September 2021, 9:17 a.m. Suggest removal

ScubaSteve says...

Yes, I agree with you. Most folks (vaccinated or not vaccinated) won't get very sick -- which is fantastic. However, you are missing one of the main points of that particular article. The hospitals are absolutely getting crushed and are at max capacity -- solely due to folks NOT getting vaccinated. The easiest way to relieve this incredible pressure on the hospitals is for everyone to get the vaccine.

Posted 13 September 2021, 11:34 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

And I agree with you. I want to know who are these people in hospital, are they healthy, obese, cancer patients, elderly etc? I want to know if the evidence shows the vaccine protects healthy people. On the assumption that if a healthy person gets COVID the majority of them will be fine.

Ive no issue with taking the vaccine as protection, I dont like being forced to

Posted 13 September 2021, 12:16 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

data is not complete and deceptive. To date nobody has stressed that this data is ONLY for PMH. Thats a very big "oversight" to be kind. No wonder they kept denying that no fully vaccinated had died while people in the community were saying that's not the case. How many fully vaccinated have died outside PMH? What percentage of the deaths where in 100% healthy people or are all these deaths in people who were compromised? How many of them were clinically obese? You can massage data to say anything, we have to start reporting complete data not data to push the vaccination campaign. Among the "young" people who died how many were clinically obese?

Btw ventilators can damage your lungs if managed incorrectly. Its likely we'll never know about the possibility of deaths from mismanagement

Posted 13 September 2021, 9:12 a.m. Suggest removal

lobsta says...

Every other country on the planet shows the same, yet you claim it's all a conspiracy. All made up right? The reality is that vaccines work and you are wrong, deadly wrong. You ARE THE PROBLEM! The ones who are vaccinated are the solution. You keep on insulting people who spent decades in their field. Everyone who is an actual expert disagrees with you, EVERY ONE! Worldwide, everywhere. It's not even close. How wrong can you be?

Posted 13 September 2021, 11:12 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"**I**"??? claim its a conspiracy???? When have you heard me say that??? Ive been EXTREMELY clear (well I thiught I was) on my stance based on global and local data.

95% of populations everywhere are ok. Why? Im not saying the vaccine doesnt work, Im saying what is it about the 95% who arent getting sick that differentiates them from the ones that are getting sick?

As to your claim of "*the ge ones who are getting vaccinated are the solution*". **Untrue. The vaccine manufacturers and the scientists have both concluded that herd immunity will not happen AND that the vulnerable fully vaccinated are STILL vulnerable**. They are now adjusting their strategy to protecting the vulnerable.

Just this morning I went through some of the past statements from health officials, and the claims they made seem ridiculous now in face of new evidence, "herd immunity through vaccination" being the biggest. they sounded just like you, absolutely confident in their message. Unlike you my message is the vulnerable should vaccinate, **at the same time** find out whats going on with these unvaccinated who are not getting sick.

Posted 13 September 2021, 12:26 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

What youve heard me say consistently is for is deeper anakysus and more comprehensive examination and reporting of the data. Thats far from what conspiracy asks for

Posted 13 September 2021, 12:32 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

This shows great immaturity. If someone disagrees, then it's "conspiracy". The only conspiracy here is the the goal of pitting vaccinated against unvaccinated which you have brought hook, line, and sinker. Drop this nonsense, and start thinking along the lines of actual covid treatments. Sure, right now vaccines are helping to reduce hospitalizations and severe disease, but at the end of the day you may be one of those "fully vaccinated" persons catching some variant which may lead you to the hospital. Don't you want treatment options? Shouldn't we try to treat persons before they end up in hospitals? Natural and vaccinated immunity are both great, but treatments options should never be disregarded...

Posted 13 September 2021, 3:10 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

This is not a matter of vaccinated vs unvaccinated as has been the false dichotomy from the beginning, spouted by various global leaders. This is a matter of following covid safety protocols such as proper mask wearing, social distancing, and quarantine, as well as doing extensive testing of all persons who are travelling, mass gathering, and even dining, vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. This is the only way to help prevent the spread of Covid. Vaccination will not stop the spread of Covid. While vaccination has been proven to reduce the risk (not eliminate) the risk of hospitalization or death, there are also combination drugs/treatments that can be used to assist persons who are covid positive (vaccinated or unvaccinated) to help them fight it and avoid hospitalization and death. You give persons these treatments once they test positive, not when they show up at the hospital.... this is the error that is being made. Stop leaving persons to fend for themselves who test positive. There is sound medical treatments and supplements that they can take that will help them in the fight. Until we start to think like this as a nation we will never start to move past this stage and unnecessary quarrel about who's vaccinated vs not vaccinated. Such childishness.

Posted 13 September 2021, 9:45 a.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

Also, simple logic dictates that as the percentage of vaccinated persons increase, those metrics will obviously change. We have a much higher percentage of unvaccinated persons so of course it's going to look like this at the moment. As new variants emerge and the vaccine effectiveness decreases, what will be the comparison then? Those who have received a booster shot vs those who haven't? Such childishness. Let's get real with this and actually help persons. And yes, I am sayin this as a "fully vaccinated" individual.

Posted 13 September 2021, 9:47 a.m. Suggest removal

C2B says...

If you want to die, go ahead and die. Don't get a vaccine and take your chances with your morbid obesity and undiagnosed diabetes. The real issue is the effect on the economy.....but alas, you are uneducated so the fact that tourists are afraid and can visit anywhere else or simply stay home, escapes you. So everyone suffers economically, including your family. Smart.

Posted 13 September 2021, 11:11 a.m. Suggest removal

Dawes says...

But thousands of people have got it and lived, and they were unvaccinated. Otherwise the deaths worldwide would be in the 10s of millions as we didn't have a vaccine at first. Why do people try and fear monger. If you are not vaccinated Covid will not kill you, there is just a higher chance that you may die (around 2% at most). Why not brag about the 98% survival rate?

Posted 13 September 2021, 2:07 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

**Exactly**. There is something to be learned from the people who are unvaccinated and survived COVID with no severe side effects and from the unvaccinated who've never gotten sick. Id bd interested in unvaccinated who were exposed but not affected. Why?

Our medical community should be running to analyze this data especially given the fact that 60% of us are vulnerable but only 5% were "officially" infected? Officially meaning people feeling sick enough to seek help and those close to them.

**At the same time**, yes vaccines are a stop gap measure, they are clearly helping vulnerable people. What we dont know are the long term implications. But if you dont live to next week long term has no significance

Posted 13 September 2021, 2:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

So we should just continue to clog up the hospitals, and take up precious space needed for other seriously ill patients? Not to mention the burden of work on healthcare workers.

What about the effect on businesses who have to deal with employees having to take time off sick ? The time away from work for those with COVID (even without quarantine) is likely to be a lot longer for those who are unvaccinated than those who are fully vaccinated. Most people who come down with flu or a common head cold will only be off work a couple of days, but those with COVID are likely to off work for significantly longer. How is that fair on businesses, especially small ones who can't easily temporarily backfill a position?

Posted 13 September 2021, 5:06 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Where did you hear anyone say clog up the hospitals or dont get vaccinated. Well you didnt hear it from me. Im talking about the richness of data and opportunity lost.

For months people on this site were referencing Israel's data analysis and being called conspiracy theorists. Now the world is referencing Israel's data. Why dont we do a study of our own, I find it fascinating that with a population where 60% are said to be obese and only 20% or so are fully vaccinated only 5% ended up with severe infections. Thats the foundation for some great analysis. But I concede that because we didnt start with the objective the opportunity may be lost. For one you dont have their immunity levels tracked over the past year, you dont have a record of the weekly interactions they had or if they knew anyone who contracted COVID and when, we didn't track their diet and exercise regimens etc etc. All it takes is intention.

But no lets wait for someone else to do it. Then we'll all say oh wow look at those smart people who came to our country to study our data. Make sure they get some conch fritters

Posted 13 September 2021, 9:06 p.m. Suggest removal

lobsta says...

The Tribune should lock comments on any of these articles. It's infuriating reading these comments that actively prolong the pandemic. Get your vaccine and get back to life!

Posted 13 September 2021, 11:18 a.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

You should stop reading it and go back to your life.

BTW, Lockdowns and "FLATTENING THE CURVE" also prolonged the pandemic.

Posted 13 September 2021, 1:29 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Sadly, efforts to flatten the curve by vaccinating just about everyone with these novel warp speed developed mRNA vaccines, now known to only offer protection of limited duration, may have perversely given the original COVID-19 virus the impetus and time needed to mutate into much more virulent, transmissable and deadly variants. Scientific studies of late are revealing that the healthy unvaccinated under age 65 who acquired natural immunity should be fearful of what the healthy, younger and needlessly vaccinated are allowing, or triggering, this gain-of-function virus to do.

Posted 13 September 2021, 3:31 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

And which scientific studies are these?

Posted 13 September 2021, 5:07 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Keep current with your own homework or continue to remain behind the eight ball.

Posted 13 September 2021, 8:56 p.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

It's so sad to see so many Bahamians openly flirting with covid.....they won't see the danger of flirting with a fatal lover until he sticks his tongue down their throats and they can't breathe.......then their families will run amok blaming the government.

Posted 13 September 2021, 11:24 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Trust me, flirting with the possibility of Minnis remaining in power would undoubtedly be infinitely more cataclysmic for all of us.

Posted 13 September 2021, 4:40 p.m. Suggest removal

FrustratedBusinessman says...

Less than a quarter of Bahamians are "vaccinated" (let me know when immunity is given), so of course the statistics are going to show as such. Israel is living proof that this vaccine (even under Ministry of Truth(1) definitions) is not a solution to this issue. Give it another 6 months, the goalposts will have moved to needing a fourth shot(2) to do anything relevant to modern life.

Hydroxychloroquine and zinc worked as a treatment. The media lied about it(3). I don't know anyone who used ivermectin (besides Joe Rogan), but based on the lies spread about hydroxychloroquine, I feel pretty confident that they are lying about that as well. My question is why the push on "vaccines" with no focus on treatments? It seems like a one-sided approach to me. For as often as Bahamian politicians lie to us (and so do ones in other parts of the world), it amazes me how some are ready to murder those with a hint of skepticism surrounding this whole affair. Delta was here for months, the Bahamian government and PAHO(4) lied through their teeth about it. Skepticism is warranted at this point.

I still have never received an answer to this question yet : why do we have to sign a liability waiver when receiving the "vaccine"? There is a legal definition for what world governments are doing to their citizens that do not want the shot(s) : duress(5).

5: https://legal-dictionary.thefreediction…

Posted 13 September 2021, 11:51 a.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

This is the point I was making earlier, it is a dishonest one sided approach, and I'm saying this as a vaccinated person. Some of these commentators suggest that you can either take the vaccine or die, as if those are the only two choices. I hope these commentators consider that vaccinated persons can die from covid also. To these specific commentators - Don't you want treatment options under those circumstances? Or do you prefer for them to tell you sorry sir, you are "S#4t out of luck"? Stop being childish and divisive and actually hear what persons are saying and try to treat those with Covid. Eventually there will be more vaccinated persons in hospital and dying, what will be your rhetoric then? Buch of childishness.

Posted 13 September 2021, 12:31 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

See my post above.

Posted 13 September 2021, 3:36 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

Look the top guns in the UK have already said the COVID will become endemic.

John Campbell already said some directions have to be given for people in this new phase.
He is talking prophilactic measures and supplements like Zinc.

As to the local situation, they should breakdown death by immigration status, because one cannot get vaccinated without NIB number, and remember, the vaccines are restricted by immigration status.

I thought booster shots incorporate new variants, but the boosters are just 3rd. doses.

As I read somewhere, the real pandemic is the of of people who like to insult others.

And save yourself the trouble of telling me that I am dumb, or the creator of covid variants or a conspiracy theorist. I will not answer your post.

Posted 13 September 2021, 1:25 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

"John Campbell already said some directions have to be given for people in this new phase. He is talking prophilactic measures and supplements like Zinc." Exactly, more medical persons are finally starting to understand the need to actually "treat" persons again. This never should have stopped. This is precisely where we have gone wrong and why we are in this situation.

Posted 13 September 2021, 2:59 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

I agree, treatments for those seriously ill with COVID should, and currently are, under investigation, but it will take time, as it's not easy to enroll patients currently suffering with COVID, into clinical trials. Clinical trials have to be designed and scheduled, but unlike those with cancer, RA, Lupus, Leukemia, high cholesterol etc etc, COVID patients are only transitory and you can't enroll patients easily unless you purposely infect them with the virus, as you don't know when they will be COVID positive.

The smarter scientific approach, is to create a state whereby if one does become infected with COVID, then further treatments are not necessary, or rarely required. Hence the purpose & usefulness of the vaccine.

Posted 13 September 2021, 5:18 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

I agree with you on the importance of the vaccine, hence why I took the vaccine. However, some persons just don't want it for various reasons, and I don't blame anyone who doesn't want to accept the risk of taking new vaccines. If we accept that, and move on instead of demonizing the unvaccinated then we can discuss actual treatments which can even help all including those who are vaccinated and have "break through" infections. In regards to treatments though, countries have experimented with drugs such as ivermectin and have had great success in reducing hospitalizations, severe disease, and death. Sure, it's not officially approved, but studies have shown it's success. There are other similar drugs which if given to covid positive patients early in their infection, have shown to reduce their risk of developing severe disease. Therefore my question is, why aren't we doing this if we want to see our hospitalizations decrease?

Posted 13 September 2021, 10:28 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

The problem with the 'studies' that have shown 'success, is they are not controlled. Clinical studies are very complicated (& expensive), to design & run. They have to be reviewed & pre-approved by regulatory authorities, and conducted independently. Otherwise, anybody can say they've conducted and run a successful study, and if that person happens to have the prefix 'Dr' in front of their name, then Joe Public automatically assumes it has to be true. All studies have to be peer reviewed & independently reviewed by regulatory authority (FDA etc) to be considered valid.

If you don't believe this type of thing happens, just check out the recent Theranos trial that is ongoing, and then you'll understand why you have to be careful of these 'garage' or 'hospital' studies.

Posted 14 September 2021, 5:27 p.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

Interesting data has just been released in UK - detailed breakdown of all cause deaths standardised per millions of population of vaccinated and unvaccinated mortality between the months of January and July. Putting aside leaky vaccine effectiveness (we know it works but not for long) - what is really interesting in the data is that deaths **for causes other than covid** per million of vaccinated people and deaths at 21 days or more after the first dose has steadily exploded over the last six months in spite of the relative decrease of covid related deaths.

For example: Death for things other than covid for 1st dose and 2nd dosed peeps in January was around 10 per million of respective populations but by end of June this had increased 10 fold to 100+ per million. The unvaccinated population basically averaged around 34 per million in January and decreased to about 24 per million at the end of June - this is easier to understand as the vast majority of the unvaccination population at the end June are children under the age of 16 and those that are too ill or hospitalised to take the vaccination...

So the question is what is killing vaccinated people that isn't covid in such greater numbers - 10 fold increase!? The august data has not been release yet but Excess mortality is also way above average right now...something bad is going on.. collateral damage from lockdowns? Delayed check ups? Or something else..?……

Posted 13 September 2021, 1:31 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

"So the question is what is killing vaccinated people that isn't covid in such greater numbers - 10 fold increase!? The august data has not been release yet but Excess mortality is also way above average right now...something bad is going on.. collateral damage from lockdowns? Delayed check ups? Or something else..?"

Probably a combination of these things. Perhaps those "lockdown" chickens are coming home to roost in the impact to our health. Also, only persons in denial can say that vaccines aren't killing anyone. If you die after you catch covid, it's covid related, but if you die after the vaccine it's not vaccine related? Talk about double standards... Sure you can get hit by a car after being vaccinated, but what about the sudden heart attacks or strokes and all these other things? You have to be in complete denial or brainwashed to say that the vaccination has no impact...

Posted 13 September 2021, 2:56 p.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

Was going to leave the obvious plausible unspoken - the question that needs to be asked is whether increased mortality from vaccine side effects being shoveled under the rug…or are swathes of old people kicking it because because of missed diagnostics. The issue with the later approach is that the 20-40 something year group is seeing increased above normal mortality as well…

Posted 13 September 2021, 4:04 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

"the question that needs to be asked is whether increased mortality from vaccine side effects being shoveled under the rug…" Yes, I think that this is the case. They will tell you that your risks from covid is higher than the risks of the vaccine and so your best option is to just take it. I firmly believe that in the future when the data clearly shows the negative impacts of the vaccine and is irrefutable, the rhetoric from the medical commnunity will change to "we gave you the best advice at the time based on the 'science;" and there will be no accountability.

Posted 13 September 2021, 4:32 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

*what is really interesting in the data is that **deaths for causes other than covid per million of vaccinated people** and deaths at 21 days or more after the first dose has steadily exploded over the last six months in spite of the relative decrease of covid related deaths.*

C'mon buddy, think about it !! Use that brain of yours to understand the math.

Of course that's going to happen. As more of the population is vaccinated, you have a higher number of deaths (percentage of population doesn't change) by causes other than COVID. It doesn't mean the deaths are because those people were vaccinated, what it means is that more and more people who died of other causes are vaccinated. That is totally different than what you are saying/implying.

Look, if a million people were vaccinated (1st or 2nd dose) and there were 10 deaths, then statistically when 10 million people were vaccinated (1st or 2nd dose) you would expect 100 deaths, right? There are a lot more people vaccinated now than there were back in January. What you should be looking at is the numbers per million of the population not per million of the vaccinated and unvaccinated.

As I repeatedly keep telling you, correlation does not necessarily mean causation. You truly don't seem to understand that

Posted 13 September 2021, 8:01 p.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

BOBBY look at the data bud - what is increasing is the standardised proportion per 100k that is increasing..not the gross deaths. Come on we've been playing tennis on mortality rates for a minute. I know the difference between the increase of death because the sample size of vaccinated people proportionately expands versus an increase in age standardised mortality relative to the population of vaccinated persons.

"As more of the population is vaccinated, you have a higher number of deaths (percentage of population doesn't change) by causes other than COVID." is what you said BUT this is exactly what is changing. The standardised rate or percentage of deaths in vaccinated populations is increasing. The increase is is most substantial after 1st doses + 21 days and gradual after 2 doses.

Between the two we're seeing a 10 fold increase in the "per 100k age standardised" rate of death in those two populations.

Look at that data.

Posted 13 September 2021, 9:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

I am looking at the data, but my interpretation is very different than yours.

Posted 14 September 2021, 5:28 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

> the rhetoric from the medical
> commnunity will change to "we gave you
> the best advice at the time based on
> the 'science;" and there will be no
> accountability.

Not with the methods mentioned above, look at this Science:

**1. I tried to get Doctors Hospital’s data but they weren’t recording it properly. I think they’re now starting to do that. Maybe in a couple of weeks they will figure it out.**

Reminds of those forms when they list Sex: ____________. People answer YES.

> 2.I wanted follow-up data from them too because some people are
> transferred out west and get
> discharged and I wanted that data but
> it’s hard and I couldn’t get that
> because again, Doctors Hospital wasn’t
> recording that.

Reminds me when I was in high schooland we tried to measure rainfall by lining up some soda bottles along the fence.

> 3. This was really just a group of residents at PMH who came together and
> did this. It is especially important
> to get the data from Doctors Hospital
> now that their volume is getting up
> there with PMH’s numbers.

The guy is telling you they winging it. Enough said.

Posted 13 September 2021, 4:49 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

Great post, point taken....

Posted 13 September 2021, 5:13 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Exactly. If you want meaningful analysis you have to start "at the start". Remember when they told us they couldnt match test results to people? How was that even possible? This critical info that the country needed and they just left random labs to figure it out for themselves

Posted 13 September 2021, 9:14 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"*A friend in Bermuda sent me one of those graphs...*"

Oh Lord. It already start. We have to get "graphs" from outside the country.

Posted 13 September 2021, 9:16 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Im surprised at how little data they take on vaccination. No weight, no BP, no questions on medications. They should be asking a random sample of those people if they want to join a study. And as yet no data on persons who've taken the vaccine and had adverse reactions. They exist. With adverse graded on a scale of 1-5.

Posted 13 September 2021, 9:31 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

... I would like to see the data on vaccination reactions and amount of people who died after completing vaccinations! I would also like to see something on the amount of people who became infected AFTER admission to PMH for some other reason. Wonder when they will create a graph for that!

Posted 14 September 2021, 8:19 a.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

Yes the uk data is showing some alarming signals amongst the vaccinated population...

Posted 14 September 2021, 9:44 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

All in all I commend Dr Francis for being the only person in the medical system apparently who thought data collection beyond *Infected Yes or No* was even necessary.

Posted 14 September 2021, 11:29 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

She going to demand three week lockdown after elections suites her way, this will allow her lying totalitarian one-man-say regime to make permanent the RIP off of our country. The press are not asking her the tough questions. She should be asked about any three week lockdown and manditory vaccination of workers and students after elections. Why are hundreds of thousands of doses in country if not forced vaccinations afterall the shackled and weak slave MPs already gave the dictator power till November. Why take a substance into your body with your signature voiding the making of liabilities should you become harmed or face death afterwards. Should we not be allowed to refuse risk taking. We are fined for not wearing seat belts because of rusk to life. But forced to take a vaccine even though there is potential of risk to life. My choice too to not wear a seat belt. Whole life am I risking? My own - same as taking the vaccination. This is insanity. My friend took Vax shots here this summer. She traveled to North Carolina to her daughter. I am not sure what her Hospitilization Covid bill will be like. Sure no one here in authority who convinced her by TV adds is obligated to help with finances. It was her choice and she signed to take the risk.

Posted 14 September 2021, 11:41 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

453 deaths among 19,000 positive cases 0.0238 should look more like 150,000 cases.0.00302. Our population is mostly healthy or very young therefore able to naturally cope with Covid. Those who are obese, sit all day, drive at 100mph and smokers, heavy salt eaters should be fined for threatening their own health and the health of others. You have to read the harm disclaimer on the cigarette pack before smoking them, taking Covid vaccine or warning of harmful health effects on alcohol bottle labels. The unknown health risk you sign before vaccination protects the maker from Nuremberg War Crimes experimentation on living humans.You voluntarily sacrifice your life and that of your children to science. Hopefully FDA would learn by April 2022 what dangers they could officially add to variously concocted 9 month old in experimental phase vaccine. Like our Nurses Union, 3rd and 4th stage testing will be completed in nine years time, then a medical decision could be taken.

Posted 14 September 2021, 1:06 p.m. Suggest removal

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