‘No secrecy - we must build trust’


Tribune Chief Reporter


IN his first speech as Prime Minister, Philip Davis committed to removing the veil of secrecy from governance and to act in ways that build trust from the Bahamian people.

Mr Davis said an administration under his direction will treat people fairly and ensure the same rules apply to all.

His speech outlined how the new Davis administration intends to steer the country in a COVID-19 environment and in the face of fiscal challenges.

Mr Davis received his instruments of appointment from Governor General Sir Cornelius A Smith at the Baha Mar convention centre on Saturday, a day after he was sworn in during a private ceremony at the Office of the Governor General.

The media learned about the private ceremony after the fact.

At 2pm on Saturday, Chester Cooper was sworn in as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Aviation and Investments.

 “We are going to listen,” Mr Davis said on Saturday.

 “We are going to consult widely. And we are going to bring people together. That is the best way to make progress as a nation. No leader and no government should be isolated from the people. I also commit to lifting the veil of secrecy on that which has gone before us, so that all of the arrangements under which we have to live are transparent, and those who authored them are accountable.

 “We will govern in the interests of all Bahamians, not just the privileged few. We will act in ways that rebuild trust between the government and the Bahamian people.

 “We will uphold the Constitution and the rule of law, and ensure that everyone is treated fairly, so that it’s not one rule for one set of people and another for another set of people.”

 Mr Davis said there is much work to be done, adding change would not come overnight.

 “There is much work to be done; but I know that by working together, we can succeed and build the kind of prosperous, independent Bahamas that our founding fathers dreamed for us. It will not happen overnight, but with steady progress, we will get there.”

 At Saturday’s ceremony, former Prime Ministers Hubert Ingraham and Perry Christie were in attendance. Mr Davis was a partner in the law firm Christie, Ingraham & Co, which later became Christie, Davis & Co before morphing into Davis & Co.

 Other notable attendees included former Governor General Dame Marguerite Pindling, Chief Justice Sir Brian Moree, former official opposition leader Loretta Butler-Turner, some former parliamentarians and parliamentarians-elect, family, and other well-wishers.

 During his swearing-in ceremony, Mr Cooper said the new government should establish itself as one not distracted by the trappings of office.

 Mr Cooper also said the Davis administration should not punish people who did not support the PLP.

 “There is a sense of fear about the way forward, and we need to guide the country with steady hands,” Mr Cooper said.

 “In my role, I will be resolutely focused on creating an investment friendly environment, growing our industries and our economy to create jobs and opportunities for our people. We have to work to make sure people do not go hungry, that people are safe within their communities and that the wealth of The Bahamas becomes more common.

 “There is no shortage of work to do, but we are well positioned and well equipped to do it, with your help. I will work diligently as deputy prime minister to support our prime minister and bring everything in my disposition to the Cabinet and Parliament of The Bahamas. As I said, these are trying times in our country, and we have found ourselves swept into power with a great majority.

 “We will not forget that our predecessors had an even greater majority, yet they were rejected by the Bahamian people. We will learn from their example. We must be gracious in victory. We must not become distracted by the trappings of office.

 “We must not seek to punish those who did not support us. We must commit ourselves to service. We are here to serve the people; they are not here to serve us. We must commit to being efficient, attentive and result oriented.

 “We must listen to the will of the people and adjust our own agenda accordingly. We must be honest and transparent with the people’s business. We must not say one thing and do another.

 “We must try with all our might to fulfil what we have promised. We must be candid with one another and the Bahamian people,” Mr Cooper said.

 Both ceremonies were held at Baha Mar’s convention centre due to extensive renovations at Government House.


One says...

We need a Freedom of Information Act, not a politician choosing what to tell us.

Posted 20 September 2021, 2:20 p.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

So how much longer will the Queen's house be under renovation and what is the cost (millions)? We in the Bahamas love things foreign so much we would rather spend millions on the Queen's residence for the GG than to spend a dime for/to establish the residence for our PMs. God save the Queen and to hell with our PMs. (sic)

Posted 20 September 2021, 9:47 a.m. Suggest removal

killemwitdakno says...

Brave has a nice mansion in Sandy port. The off islander should get the term in the house if it's not rented to other foreign officials on short term visits to recoup the cost.

Posted 20 September 2021, 10:23 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

The colour and type of attire worn by some in the photos must be pleasing to Red China's representatives in The Bahamas. LOL

Posted 20 September 2021, 2:50 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

Will everything about Nygard be told?

Posted 20 September 2021, 4:02 p.m. Suggest removal

One says...

Not from our country. Our only source of information is from Canada and USA investigations. We're peasants and our leaders don't respect us.

Posted 20 September 2021, 5:47 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

... I just hope the first order of business is not to borrow $800 million! I would like to see them move VAT out of the consolidated fund into a separate account for the purpose of paying down the national debt!

Posted 20 September 2021, 6:57 p.m. Suggest removal

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