Sands urges caution over lifting COVID restrictions


Tribune Staff Reporter

WITH the emergence of new and more infectious COVID-19 strains, Free National Movement Chairman Dr Duane Sands says the government must not become overly eager when easing additional restrictions and instead take a more cautious approach.

Dr Sands spoke after the government announced further relaxations to COVID-19 rules on domestic travel.

People travelling from New Providence and Grand Bahama are no longer required to take a COVID test for inter-island travel.

The travel guidelines, which came into effect Friday, apply to both vaccinated and unvaccinated people, according to Press Secretary Clint Watson.

When contacted for comment yesterday, Dr Sands told The Tribune the FNM did not have many “great oppositions” to new travel guidelines.

He only reiterated the need for the government to remain cautious when deciding how to further re-open the nation’s economy.

He said: “We all would like to see improved economic numbers and we all would like to see the economies of the various islands improve and by the grace of God, and with the right policies, they will but at the same time, you don’t necessarily get another bite of the apple and so these are tough decisions and all we could hope is that decisions are being made for the right reasons.

“They certainly are somewhat counter to the recommendations coming out of PAHO and WHO. But we have taken a position that we are not going to oppose the rules for opposing sake. We are mindful of the complexity of public opinion, the economic impact, the medical impact, the state of affairs in our healthcare facilities.”

The former health minister also pointed to the emergence of new COVID strains, which he called concerning.

“We no longer just have the BA.2 subvariant but just within the last 24 hours, WHO has spoken of the XE subvariant which is (said to be) more virulent than any of the previous COVID strains and so while no one is expected to have a crystal ball and we all hope and pray that we’ve seen the back end of COVID, the real question is what would prudence demand?

“And, also what is driving the changes in policy or protocol? Is it truly about the science or is it more about politics? You know we don’t have many great oppositions to the change as long as we will be monitoring the situation. This week, we would’ve had a scattered shot in terms of the dashboard. There were days when we had one case, four cases and 20 cases and so where’s this thing headed? I don’t know.”

Although virus numbers still remain relatively low in the country, Dr Sands said there is a possibility of another COVID wave occurring as he warned policy makers to start preparing now.

“In public health,” he said, “the time to prepare for a next pandemic is now, whether you’re talking about the next wave or you’re talking about ebola or some other biological hazard, the time to prepare and build capacity is now and the truth of the matter is we have limited capacity.

“While I don’t know for sure (about another wave), what I can say is we have seen the BA.2 variant become the predominant strain in a number of locales in our neighbouring countries so if it’s happened there – history has shown that we tend to follow.”

As of April 1, there were 33,295 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the country since the start of the pandemic, with just four new cases reported that day. Only 85 of those cases were still active. Meanwhile, only ten people remain in hospital with the disease.

Yesterday, Dr Sands encouraged Bahamians to continue following the recommended health measures, warning the country’s fight with the disease is far from over.

“We would like to believe that we could only focus on only Russia and Ukraine. We would like to believe that we could only focus on the price of oil and inflation and Will Smith and Chris Rock but the truth of the matter is COVID is real and as much as we would like to pretend there are still thousands of people dying from COVID everyday around the world.”


DDK says...

Get a life Dr. Sands! Get healthy! Go on a diet!

Posted 4 April 2022, 2:18 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

This is the longest this country and yes, the world has remained near zero ( single digits per 10,000 population) since November 2020. And most definitely this is the longest and closest the world has been near to normal, since the pandemic began. Most economies are near fully open and many restrictions have been relaxed. Some will argue that if the US had don a better job of imposing Covid restrictions and also enforcing them, that would have had a significant positive effect on the pandemic. And while this is time to take a break and breathe a sigh of relief, it is by no means that me to throw caution to the wind. Concern is now being directed to food availability and food security as there has been an outbreak of bird flu and many chickens had to be removed from the food supply.

Posted 4 April 2022, 3:05 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

ANY disease (like Covid) kills lots of people and/or causes great harm whenever medicine is not allowed to be administered.

Posted 4 April 2022, 3:24 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

I wonder if he wears a mask in the shower ?

Posted 4 April 2022, 3:42 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

He wears mask and face shield in the shower.

And he is due for the 5th shote because I heard him say last December that he had 4 shots.

So his next shot is due this April.

Posted 4 April 2022, 4:11 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

> WHO has spoken of the XE subvariant which is (said to be) more virulent than any of the previous COVID strain

The virus is banding in fraternities and sororities now.

Posted 4 April 2022, 4:12 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The focus may move more to Long Covid in the near future. Persons who continue to experience symptoms of Covid long after recovery from the disease. These include shortness of breath, mind fog or confusion, depression, lost of taste or smell, hair loss, impotence, Erectile dysfunction difficulty with speech and dozens of other symptoms. Exactly how long these symptoms last is unclear but experts believe the virus goes deep internet the body and internal organs. Including the kidney and liver and in the prostrate and testicles in males.

Posted 4 April 2022, 6:51 p.m. Suggest removal

Twocent says...

As does the Ace II scripter!

Posted 5 April 2022, 9:55 a.m. Suggest removal

Bonefishpete says...

4 shots? Amateur : A 60-year-old man allegedly had himself vaccinated against COVID-19 dozens of times in Germany in order to sell forged vaccination cards .

Posted 4 April 2022, 8:51 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Covid really exposes who the control freaks are, would never vote for this clown.

Posted 5 April 2022, 9:22 a.m. Suggest removal

Twocent says...

We saw the Royal faces…..but Sands still hiding his LOL Guess he didn’t get the memo…it’s over folks. (The Royals didn’t need to prove dey reached the vax percentage, Sands still working on it)

Posted 5 April 2022, 9:52 a.m. Suggest removal

M0J0 says...

the recent changes are excellent not only for tourist but also for Bahamians to do some domestic travelling. This is the time many of these island resorts should offer local rates and packages. Least now your trip does not start off at 200 before tickets and hotels and car.

Posted 5 April 2022, 10:03 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Sands got his brief already according to the re-emergence script to carry covid into permanence Vax shot for the globe that big pharma has perpetual income. Russia has created a second New world order that us not following the WHO elitists script dominance. They will drag Covid on as deadly threat for earth. Already they are bold enough to tell you that you will not work without Vax if you are healthy or already been infected.

Posted 5 April 2022, 4:23 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...


Posted 5 April 2022, 9:24 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

He is just sticking to the Davos globalist agenda. Gates already threw in the towel by declaring vaccines don't work and has gone into energy production mining.

Posted 7 April 2022, 8:52 a.m. Suggest removal

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