End the Travel Health Visa

EDITOR, The Tribune.

When is The Bahamas going to become realistic and end all the complicated and time consuming entry rules like most other countries? We were regular visitors to Nassau coming to stay at our holiday home for many years. However, we have not been able to complete all the hassles and be on the ground in three days.

Finding a place to get the required rapid antigen test is a challenge and expensive. Waiting for a written result is uncertain. Scanning all the documents and vaccination certificate to get the Health Visa is another problem. All of this has to be done in conjunction with flights which are far fewer than previously. We know so many other Canadians who simply cannot be bothered with your policies and are now going elsewhere. What now is the point of the Visa with COVID-19 on the decline? We are told that it has apparently just become an expensive tax. The Bahamas is falling behind now. People want easier entry these days.

We saw all the interesting and successful events of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s recent trip to your country on our Canadian television and media. It was great publicity for The Bahamas. How unfortunate that much of the enthusiasm generated by their trip cannot be transformed into more visitors arriving because of your unbelievably difficult entry rules.


Toronto, Canada,

April 10, 2022.


realityisnotPC says...

More hypocritical whining about procedures that are NOT complicated unless you have serious mental challenges. I suggest the writer looks in the mirror at all the hoops you had to jump through to visit Canada...when they were letting people visit at all! Download an app, fill out forms, 2 weeks of isolation etc. And this guy has the gall to complain about filling in an online form that my teenage kids have been able to complete on their own in less than 5 minutes. Not exactly complicated and time consuming. And if you can't get hold of the tests, that is your country's government's fault, not ours...if our tiny little country can make it easy for residents to get antigen tests at just $30 a pop, then the mighty G7 member Canada damned well ought to be able to do it too. Sick of these whiners...at least he didn't pretend to be a travel agent like the others who send these pathetic letters to the Tribune.

Posted 14 April 2022, 2:15 p.m. Suggest removal

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