Moncur has govt job - as ‘violence interrupter’


Tribune Chief Reporter

THE appointment of former senator and talk show host Rodney Moncur as a consultant in the Ministry of National Security was yesterday defended as a key component in the government’s plan to fight crime in inner-city communities.

Communications director Latrae Rahming confirmed Mr Moncur’s consultancy as a “violence interrupter” insisting his appointment brought value in that the controversial talk show host understood the dynamics of those communities and was trusted by people living there.

Mr Rahming, who works in the Office of the Prime Minister, could not say how much Mr Moncur was being paid, when his role took effect or what perks he would receive.

Former Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis raised several questions about the issue in the House of Assembly on Wednesday and asked the government to confirm the appointment.

National Security Minister Wayne Munroe, who frequented Mr Moncur’s show before being elected to office, could not be contacted yesterday for comment.

Mr Rahming said: “The Ministry of National Security has engaged former (opposition) Senator Rodney Moncur as a consultant on crime. We have said before that crime is a multifaceted problem that must be tackled from a community level and a policing level.

 “We have said that violence interrupters were a key component in solving the issue. We are using community leaders in our approach.

 “We believe that in order to solve community crimes you have to use people from the community who understand the dynamics of the community, who understand the gangs in the community and I can certainly say that Mr Moncur has been a proponent and advocate for quite a few years, particularly a proponent of the death penalty.

 “It is our hope that individuals like Carlos Reid and Mr Moncur who have an extensive understanding about the inner (city) community could help enhance government, the police force, intelligence on hot spots or possible persons who could be at risk in the community, young people.

 “So, I think we have to have appreciation that crime exceeds policing and the issue of crime means using persons who are familiar with the community who could reach people who ordinarily cannot be reached.

 “So,I think Rodney Moncur has that experience.”

 Asked whether the appointment could be viewed as a conflict of interest, Mr Rahming said: “I think that you could agree that you have to use key persons in solving crime on the community level, right?

 “If there is someone influential in the area, particularly in the Bain Town area or any area that has an impact on crime the police will use them. We’re using Carlos Reid.

 “There (are) a number of people who are violence disruptors. This is a key and new initiative the government is rolling out as part of our programme and so I think that in solving crime from a community level you have to use individuals from the community,” Mr Rahming said.

 In December 2016, then Official Opposition leader Loretta Butler-Turner appointed Mr Moncur to the Senate.

 The appointment was seen as controversial at the time because Mr Moncur’s conservative opinions diverged from Mrs Butler-Turner’s stated positions.

 In the past, Mr Moncur has called birth control pills “evil” and “cancerous” and was also a vocal critic of the June 2016 gender equality referendum, calling the exercise “witchcraft”. He erected a billboard outside his office urging people to vote ‘no’ to all four questions.

 The justice of the peace has also frequently marched for convicted murderers to be hanged.


M0J0 says...

when the rich benefited greatly under the previous administration hardly heard much noise, why cant a man of humble and small means not be allowed a chance to maybe do something good with his ability to speak and gain attention from the public.

Posted 22 April 2022, 11:22 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"*hardly heard anything*". where y'all is be? Did you leave the country when all the questions were being asked about who was "Shell America" and what happened when the BPL board refused to sign some dubious contracts? And remember the guy connected to the Holoweskos who offered to buy up all govt buildings and manage it?

Seriously where y'all is be?

As to giving anyone a "chance". Sure. Someone with the DEMONSTRATED characteristics and skills to do the job. Not because "you young" or because "you live in the community" or "you Bahamian".

As far as I know, living in the community" isnt the sole qualifucation for anything, other than drug dealing lookout

We now have a ton of ill appointed ex ministers and board members who can claim "experience" at the executive level.

Posted 22 April 2022, 1:03 p.m. Suggest removal

thomas says...

" isnt the sole quali-fuc-ation for anything,...I see what you did there, and we all have it.

Posted 22 April 2022, 1:32 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

@MOJO Please tell me that you’re not being serious. The hiring of Rodney Moncur is nothing more than a political payoff. I don’t agree with it, but I at least understand it. And both the FNM and PLP are guilty of it. But please don’t try and convince anyone reading your post that this hire has some effective component to it.

Posted 22 April 2022, 2:09 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

What is his qualification? He lives in the community? Hell, I live in my community, so hire me to if that is what the qualifications for a cushy do nothing job is.

I guess the next move will be hiring people who live near the airport to be pilots for Bahamasair, or who live near BPL plants to fix BPL, or who live near the hospital to fix PMH.

Posted 22 April 2022, 3:43 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

> “We believe that in order to solve
> community crimes you have to use
> people from the community who
> understand the dynamics of the
> community, who understand the gangs in
> the community and I can certainly say
> that Mr Moncur has been a proponent
> and advocate for quite a few years,
> particularly a proponent of the death
> penalty.

So we back to the urban renewal way of being able to run urban renewal because you live urban renewal?

> “We have said that violence
> interrupters were a key component in
> solving the issue. We are using
> community leaders in our approach.

If Moncur was such a violence interruptor, then why has he not done it in his community and solved the violence? Why are we always doing the same stupidity in this country?. Hiring people who have no track record of solving the problems we are paying them big money to do. Another hand in the cookie jar getting paid for political support pre election.

Posted 22 April 2022, 12:30 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

The Bahamas is a joke. And a bad one at that. The brain-drain epidemic has left what use to be a country void of any sensible, effective leadership or direction. The Bahamas is rudderless with nothing but incompetent minded individuals left at the helm. Just imagine passengers trying to fly a plane. Our most enlightened intellectuals capable of managing the most crucial and critical offices within our government have left for greener pastures. And the void left in their wake has proven catastrophic. Gone with them are class, decorum, etiquette, decency, propriety and diplomacy, leaving nothing but fools and illiterates to fill the gap. Nonsensical individuals more commonly known for gimmicks and comedy who’s mere presents serve as a side-show for entertainment consumption is not an effective means to mitigate crime. Lots of words come to mind when I hear the name, Rodney Moncur. And the word “solution” is not one of them.

Posted 22 April 2022, 2 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

No effective component only a political payoff.You see, in this country all of us know and see, but you have to prove it.we all know ministers get paid under the table, but you have to prove it. We all know customs officers, police officers, immigration officers, water and sewage workers , bpl workers all get paid off, but you must prove it. This place is a corrupt place. We all know it , but you have to prove it.

Posted 22 April 2022, 2:37 p.m. Suggest removal

Emilio26 says...

You forgot to add the Ministry of Public Works & Utilities and Lands & Surveys to the list of corrupt entities.

Posted 22 April 2022, 2:54 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

Even if you gat da proof it don't mean shit!
People get catch wid da shingles in dey possession and not only did dey get to put dem on dey roof but get paid a multi million taxpayer bonus to help wid da installation costs. SMT!

Posted 22 April 2022, 5:12 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Rodney Moncur already has a national platform that far exceeds most talkshow hosts and other media personalities. He espouses Christian values that speak in a cultural tone to the common man and woman in this country ........ fidelity in marriage, manners and respect, support for capital punishment, fair treatment under the law, etc.

Regardless of his mode of studio delivery and his onshow antics, he has a good effective message to deliver to the grassroots youth and the urban community. A bigger political platform that can bring together the PLP and the FNM leadership at the inner city community level, and will only help the country at large ............. Whether we should pay him 60K & perks is debatable.

Posted 22 April 2022, 2:54 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

If Rodney has such a vast platform to speak to people, then tell me what difference it has made?

NONE, It's just a clown who was singing for his supper, and now he has been rewarded.

We need to call things what they are. Will we continue to let politicians make fools of us, rewarding do nothing people with cushy payoffs at the expense of the public?

Posted 22 April 2022, 3:49 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Remember guys, we need more taxes or else the country is not going to survive.

Posted 22 April 2022, 3 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

So it was Minnis who raised the question of Rodney Moncur being hired by government. Minnis is still a sour pus because he knows it was Rodney Moncur, who almost single handedly, caused the Minnis government to be totally swept from office. Minnis banned Rodney Moncur to holding high office in the FNM and now Minnis is being treated like ‘the thief who came in from the cold’. By the very same FNM. What a difference an election makes.
But understand Rodney Moncur’s appointment is not in law enforcement. It is with community efforts to stem crime and violence in communities. And whilst his appointment may require him to work hand -in- hand with the police, he is not a law enforcement officer per se. . And yes his appointment may be an extension/revival of Urban Renewal but it was working. The results of the little monies government spent on Urban Renewal reaped far more results than Marvin Dames spent on drones, police vehicles and video cameras. And there’s nothing against outfitting the police and giving them proper funding.

But police cannot babysit communities 24 hours a day. And it has been president proven that communities that have more community activities and social involvement have less crime and less violence. Teach Bahamians how to become our brothers keepers again.

Posted 22 April 2022, 3:18 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

@ComradeBahamianson, no government from the UBP, Pindling, Papa Hubert, Perry Gladstone, Thee Mr, Minnis had ever thought to send out a questionnaire to ask the PopoulacesOfCommeners' (POC) to take a few moments to complete by sharing their personal/business experiences when coming into contact with law enforcement, government workers, elected officials and public employees, ... And don't be anticipating receiving such a questionnaire from the "Brave" premiership, ― Yes?

Posted 22 April 2022, 3:33 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

All these comments about Rodney makes me wonder how many even remember The Socialist Workers Party? Rodney 11 votes, Socialist Workers Party? Ring any bells? Maybe it was 6 votes not 11.

Posted 22 April 2022, 7:21 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Speaking my years knowing Comrade Rodney, he is truly one of the colony's more colourful ... but unlike some we've encountered ... doesn't bite, ― Yes?

Posted 23 April 2022, 11:08 a.m. Suggest removal

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