Armed robberies on the rise


Tribune Chief Reporter

ARMED robberies are on the rise in New Providence, according to Acting Commissioner of Police Clayton Fernander who urged people to be vigilant as they move about.

The incidents have not been concentrated in any one area of the island, he said, and victims have been hit while at ATMs, gas stations and food stores.

“It’s spread wide from all over,” Mr Fernander said. “That’s why we want to alert everybody. We just completed our weekly COMPSTAT meeting where all the commanders are present and they give a report on all the crime activities. We have a mapping of all of the armed robberies from January to today’s date (yesterday) and the general area.

“It’s really all over. It’s not just in one or two particular areas. Sometimes it happens at the food store. If you’re leaving the food store if you’re not paying attention and as you move to the parking lots to get into your vehicles.

“As I’ve said, the ATM machines that are spread all over with the banks and even some of the service stations where machines are when people are leaving.”

 He said on Monday night, a woman sitting inside her vehicle near a pump was approached by three armed men who held her at bay and took the car. The assailants were pursued by police a short time later.

 “The occupants of the vehicle abandoned that vehicle and they all ran in separate directions. Officers gave chase and that area was saturated with additional officers and they were able to come up with two of the individuals and they are now in custody.

 “The vehicle was recovered and there were no injuries during that arrest and I want to assure members of the public and want them to be on the alert that the armed robberies we have noted that there is a lil’ uptick with respect to armed robberies where individuals are being robbed of their vehicles. So, please I’m saying to members of the public let’s try to be vigilant as you move about. As you’re coming home, call somebody ahead that they could be up to ensure that you’re home safe.”

 Tourists have also been hit by armed robbers, Mr Fernander said. Four of these incidents were pinpointed in a recent United States crime advisory to its citizens.

 He said this was concerning, adding some tourists had also been robbed while at a golf course recently.

 “Every right-thinking Bahamian should be very concerned about that and if they know who the culprit is with respect to that recent matter on the golf course they should turn him in and turn him in now. Because that is our bread and butter. If the tourists stop coming then we are finished and we will not stand by and let a handful of individuals destroy our country and Bahamian people have to understand we may say they are the criminals killing up one another. No. The picture is bigger than that. It’s a country that they are destroying.

 “Every right-thinking Bahamian’s hands should be on board.”

 Police are urging people to not visit ATM machines at night and not to leave vehicles running unattended.

 He said homeowners should also ensure trees are trimmed and people should visit the nearest police station when they do not feel safe while driving.


Cobalt says...

Didn’t Clayton Fernander just state that there are “excellent results on crime fight”?
Now he’s stating that armed robbery is on the increase?

Posted 27 April 2022, 10:13 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Do you really believe anything Fernander has to say? He was told to do much more singing for his supper and that's exactly what he is doing, as if his words alone will result in a significant reduction in crime. LOL

Posted 27 April 2022, 1:07 p.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

Just a BIT confusing!!!!

Posted 27 April 2022, 10:18 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

In other words they are yielding results with the fight against crime but armed robberies are on the increase. This has been the result for some time as several business owners have experienced home invasions or persons following them home from their place of business. In addition, police recently cracked a gang of seven that were responsible for the robberies of a number of businesses, including convenience stores, liquor store, service stations and variety stores. Maybe the gang is back in business.

Posted 27 April 2022, 12:27 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnQ says...

Interesting observation by the Assistant Commissioner. For quite a number years, the citizens of New Providence have had to live behind locked doors, barred windows, stay inside after dark, and watch over our property and possessions. Outings to the grocery store, bank, doctors office and place of employment require locked car doors and constant awareness of surroundings. Meanwhile armed thugs run the streets with no regard for life. The police force seems unable or unwilling to crack down on the undesirables who are generally well known.

All the while, New Providence citizens are unable to legally defend themselves and protect their families. When the citizenry are rendered defenseless by the government, the government must take all the necessary steps to protect citizenry or the country will fall into anarchy.

Posted 27 April 2022, 7:59 p.m. Suggest removal

AnObserver says...

Is this the same guy who said serious strides are being taken against crime? WTF?

Posted 27 April 2022, 10:09 p.m. Suggest removal

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