COVID cases doubled in two weeks


Tribune Staff Reporter

HEALTH and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville indicated that in the last two weeks, officials have watched the COVID-19 numbers “double”.

The revelation comes after Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis revealed on Monday that remaining mask mandates in the country could be totally lifted by the summer, but highlighted the concern of “proper air ventilation” for some indoor venues.

However, yesterday Dr Darville said while officials are hopeful about removing remaining mask restrictions, the issue of imported cases from travel and increased cases in the United States have to be monitored and considered first.

 “Yesterday the prime minister did say that we are looking at removing the mask mandate and we’re optimistic about it. With that being said over the last two weeks we’ve been watching our numbers, our RT PCR test, and our numbers have doubled - that is of concern.

“Secondly, we’re also noticing in the United States, in states where tourists come to The Bahamas, the numbers have been going up as well and then a judge in South Florida there’s an issue with the removal of the mask mandate in public transportation as well as on aircrafts — that’s another concern,” the minister said yesterday.

 “So while we are mindful and wishful to remove the mask mandate, we must take into consideration the scientific factors that could potentiate the possibility of imported cases coming into the country. The EOC along with us at the Ministry of Health and Wellness are watching these various different parameters and hopefully if we are able to see our cases begin to go on a downward trend that would mean that the issue of (the) mask mandate would be taken into consideration sooner than later.”

 The minister told The Tribune on Sunday that Ministry of Health and Wellness officials were monitoring the “slight increase” in positive PCR test results. He said concerns about this would be discussed at an EOC meeting this week.

 Deputy Prime Minister Chester Cooper predicted last week a further ease to virus restrictions in the days and weeks ahead.

 Asked if the EOC was considering relaxing any other restrictions, Dr Darville replied: “At this time, no. I’ve indicated that in the last two weeks we’ve watched our numbers double. That is of concern. We’re analysing those numbers. We’re looking at the numbers as a result of imported cases versus the possibility of community spread.

 “So, we would look at it scientifically and we will make decisions based on the science while at the same time mindful that we have an economy to run and we’re watching what’s going on in other parts of the region and we will make those decisions that is in the best interest of the Bahamian people while taking into consideration the economic environment that we’re in.”

 As for the possibility of travel restrictions being tightened, he said: “There’s no plan at this particular time. What we’re doing is watching the numbers. We’re looking at imported cases. We’re a tourist country and our policy is to try to ensure our tourism sector thrives which means that we need people to come in to spend money. We’re watching. We cannot make a determination at this particular time, but I can tell you that some of the cases are travel related and it is of concern.”

 The summer months are approaching, a period where Bahamians travel for vacation, typically to America. Dr Darville said there is a plan officials intend to put in place as “we begin to see how things unfold” when asked about worries of another wave during the summer period.

 “We’re always concerned. We’re watching very closely. This situation is extremely fluid. It’s very difficult to predict but I can tell you cases are now going up in the United States. The majority of our tourists are from the United States. The majority of our students and family who go on summer vacations go to the United States and we have a plan that we intend to put in place as we begin to see how things unfold.”


JokeyJack says...

Of course the numbers doubled, and if the prime minister backs down on mask removal then over the next 3 weeks the numbers will return to normal. If the PM then waits until, say, July 3rd and starts talking about reducing restrictions (on Bahamians) then the numbers will suddenly go back up again. How anyone doesn't see this pattern is beyond me.

Of course, the people support keeping the shackles on themselves by NOW going into restaurants, traveling on planes, going in hotels and doing "normal" things WHILE things are not normal. If the people will continue to support commerce while they are subjugated as slaves then the government will happily keep them as slaves.

There is no slave, like a willing slave - they are by far the best. Congratulations to you, Bahamians, you win the title.

Posted 27 April 2022, 10:03 a.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

Give it a rest, Dr. Darville! Leave the "numbers" and the "science" alone! Get a life! Go look after your hospitals and staff!

Posted 27 April 2022, 10:21 a.m. Suggest removal

User1234 says...

Of course lots of the positive tests are linked to have to test to travel so you are likely to find more cases of the endemic virus. it will be circulating locally, just people won't be testing if they aren't really illl...particularly as symptoms are now the same as a cold...

Posted 27 April 2022, 10:59 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Anyone notice how this most corrupt, incompetent and lamed-brain Darville only talks about COVID restrictions and experimental vaccines. He never talks about what he's doing to make sure our country has an adequate supply of the therapeutic medications (monoclonal antibodies, etc.) that have been proven to be very effective in reducing the severity of COVID cases, resulting in much fewer and longer required hospitalizations and minimal deaths?????

Posted 27 April 2022, 1:17 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Oops, the word "less" should be immediately before the word "longer".

Posted 27 April 2022, 1:53 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Bad, but expected news!

Posted 27 April 2022, 5:21 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

What they are failing to tell you and, perhaps Dr Darville himself may not have realized, is that most persons who are getting Covid, both here and in the United States, are people who take vaccines and booster shots AFTER they have recovered from the Omicron strain or AFTER that strain has passed over their population. Virologist in South Africa indica some time ago that Omicron treats the vaccines like another strain of the virus and ‘binds it and attempts to make it inactive.’ Omicron then establishes its own immune system in the patient. So if the patient then goes and takes a vaccine or a booster shot, omicron may come back and re-infect that individual. In fact, it may create a new and different variant and this is most likely what is happening in the United States. In China, on the other hand, they never got the Omicron. And the efforts to keep cases at zero in China are proving fruitless. Rather than lockdowns and curfews, they should follow other safety protocols and allow the virus to pass over the population. One expert believes Covid-19 will not disappear until the Omicron infects every single person on the planet. And thus far this prediction appears to be holding true.

Posted 27 April 2022, 5:55 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

And is the Health Minister trying to subtly let it be known that he is not the one responsible for relaxing the laws that allow tourists to walk around without masks?

Posted 27 April 2022, 6:22 p.m. Suggest removal

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