Govt ‘violence interrupter’ scheme not started yet


PASTOR Carlos Reid, a consultant to the Ministry of National Security, has said the government’s “violence interrupters” initiative has not yet started, despite continued murders in the country.

The homicide count now stands at 87, with two homicides over the weekend.

The latest incident happened at around 10am on Saturday at a residence on Kenilworth Street. The victim was a 57-year-old man of South Beach Estates.

 The second incident left one man dead and another hospitalised in stable condition.

 The shooting reportedly occurred at around 10pm on Friday outside a store off Soldier Road.

 In an interview with The Tribune yesterday, Pastor Reid explained that once the programme is up and running it will help reduce crime in the country.

 “You know, a lot of what we are seeing are vigilante killings, retaliation killings, and if you follow the murders, a lot of the murders are persons who were released from jail and people who were charged with similar offences,” he said. “So, we believe that if we could get swift justice, where persons are brought to court in a timely time then we won’t have the amount of killings we are seeing right now.

 “I believe that if we could get all those components where we get swift justice moving, we get violence interrupters moving, and our intervention and prevention programmes. If we got all of these programmes, these initiatives working simultaneously, I believe that we could see a reduction in the amount of murders that we are seeing in our streets.”

 When asked about the time frame for the programme, Pastor Reid said he believes in short order the Prime Minister is going to give the nod to move forward with implementing the initiative. He also noted they have a number of programmes that they are working on and some that have already started.

 Pastor Reid stressed that they want to get it started because the police alone cannot solve the issue of crime or stop the level of retaliation. Through this initiative it is hoped there will be a shift in the number of murders happening on a regular basis.

 He added: “If we could get the communities involved, persons from these communities, we believe that it’ll go a long way in us stemming the tide of murders in this country.”


sheeprunner12 says...

How much is Carlos Reid being paid by our Treasury to talk BS and play basketball games?

This PLP Govt is doing nothing to lower crime. Period

Posted 16 August 2022, 10:32 a.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

What is violence interrupters? Is this another fancy do noting initiative?

And why it is the government needs to hire consultants? If you have to bring in a consultant to tell civil servants how to do their jobs then maybe we need to get rid of the civl servants and hire competent people who can do the job, rather than these kickbacks to so called do nothing consultants.

Posted 16 August 2022, 11:27 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades, with The Colony's homicides counting upwards of 87 ... It's a very serious threat to **life and economy,** and not offering a solution like **Violence Interrupters” Initiative Scheme** when it sounds like somethin' you would have read straight from the pages of the Politburo of the 1950's Soviet Union ― Yes?

Posted 16 August 2022, 11:45 a.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

Anyone heard lately from we gubments other highly paid violence interrupter and crime consultant, Comrade Rodney.
Surely us populaces ordinaires are entitled to an occasional update from dem who appointed and anointed him on what we getting for we money spent, - Yes?

Posted 16 August 2022, 12:15 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

They haven't started yet to nothing to report. I'm sure they've already started receiving their salaries though. Maybe they will be going on strike soon as well looking to get an increase. ; )

Posted 16 August 2022, 1:37 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Sure seems to have **eventually** worked for pockets when BPL board were stacked Red Shirts ... Just have had in you the will and means to take the government to court ― Yes?

Posted 16 August 2022, 1:57 p.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...


Posted 16 August 2022, 1:30 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Having someone who can go into a community find out what is going on from bith sides and wirk to resolve an existing conflict is a great idea. BAMSI was a great idea. Beaches and Parks was a great idea. Urban Renewal was a great idea. The problem is our interpretation bastardization and corruption of the great idea. Invariably ALL of these great ideas fall subject to the award of jobs to completely unqualified family friends and lovers. We get the obvious results wasted money and good lovin.

Posted 16 August 2022, 1:45 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

So, if 90% of police & DF live in Nassau, how come they don't know or hear or see any of this crime or the criminals who live around them? Or do they all live in gated communities? Or are they part of the gangs themselves? Hard to think they are oblivious to crime.

That is the best intelligence that Govt needs.

Posted 16 August 2022, 2:28 p.m. Suggest removal

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