Response to tragic boat disaster

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The swift response by the police and the efficient and effective investigations conducted into the disaster involving the Human Trafficking vessel, that sank in our waters recently is commendable.

Scores of persons died, which is very sad. Persons involved in this human trafficking disaster have been arrested and charged. It is obvious, that the previous boating disaster involving the sinking of the human trafficking vessel in waters off Abaco in which scores of Haitian nationals drowned did not receive the prompt attention and the efficient and effective ingestion conducted by the Police in the recent disaster. There was no identification of the traffickers and the crew even though we had eighteen survivors and 25 Haitians identifying dead bodies. Aggressive and skillful interrogation should have resulted in exposing the identity of those persons, who were criminally involved. I presume, that the eighteen survivors have been deported, but the persons identifying, who are likely relatives of the deceased may still be here and could be interviewed in an effort to expose those responsible for that disaster. Could it be the same traffickers involved in the present disaster? The silence of the Haitian government or any representative was noted in the Abaco disaster. For the very first time we are hearing a representative speak about illegal migration from Haiti to our Bahamas.

His recommended solution is Visas. Nothing has been said by him about his government’s failure to take action to stop the illegal traffic, that has caused the demise of so many of its citizens. I had the experience of working with the Haitian Police for several weeks on two occasions in Haiti in search of a bank robber, who had escaped to Haiti. I found them to be very efficient and capable and their Intelligence Unit very effective. I have also been associated with Interpol representatives from Haiti while attending several Interpol conferences in the Caribbean region. When given the opportunity I would always speak about illegal migration from Haiti. The Haitian delegates would remain silent. I have been told discretely on numerous occasions by senior law enforcement personnel from Haiti, that if their government wanted the illegal traffic stopped it could be done promptly. The Haitian Police through their Intelligence Unit knows where the boats depart from, when they de­part and the persons involved in the operations. Many decades ago Sir Lynden Pindling devised a plan for the orderly employment of Haitian nationals in The Bahamas. That did not stop the illegal traffic.

The issue of Visas will not stop the traffic. Those persons who fail to qualify due to criminal/terrorists backgrounds would continue the illegal traffick. The human trafficking from Haiti could be stopped immediately if the Haitian government instructs and supports appropriate action by the country’s law enforcement agencies to do so. When Salathiel Thompson was made Commissioner of Police just after Independence in the seventies he had three major concerns, that he frequently discussed with me.

(a) the removal of the maximum security prison from our tourist mecca, New Providence;

(b) an indoor shooting range for law enforcement officers to practice and become proficient in the use of the firearms they carry;

(c) Illegal Immigration. Those persons arriving here from other countries and the ones residing here of whom we have no records and no personal in­formation. We both looked at the situation as a major security risk. Salathiel Thompson devised a plan to deal with illegal migration.

Brief information of his plan as I recall follows:

SHANTY TOWNS: Prosecute the builders and landlords for breaches of the building regulations and Town Planning laws of The Bahamas.

If convicted ask for appropriate sentences (fines) and compensation for the demolition of the buildings and cleanup of debris. Investigations would have been launched to determine how residents of the Shanty Towns were able to receive utility services and those persons involved would have been exposed and prosecuted where possible. The first assault was to be on the Shanty Towns in Abaco where he was told Police Officers feared visiting unless armed.

Identification card. The card, similar to the US Green Card. with photograph and antecedents would confirm that the migrant is here legally. The illegal migrants would be given the opportunity to register and have their employers apply for the cards. Failure to acquire the card would result in voluntary or deportation.

DENIAL OF SERVICES TO NON-CARD HOLDERS. Non cardholders would be denied banking services, vehicle licensing and drivers’ licenses, landlords would be required to ensure that a potential tenant is here legally by viewing the card. Service at medical clinics or hospitals would be provided, but patients without the cards would be reported to the Immigration Department. Parents taking migrant children to schools must present the card. The card must also be pre­sented by migrants for use in food stores, etc. Thompson wanted to make it extremely difficult for illegal migrants to reside here. He thought that this policy would send a strong message to those wish­ing to enter our country illegally. I did not agree with some parts of the plan, but I was all for ridding the country of the Shanty Towns and the identification Card, which would provide records of persons residing. Decades later we are still struggling with Shanty Towns and illegal immigration. Thompson’s plan was for immigrants, but he knew that Haitian nationals exceeded others by thousands and there was the continuous flow. His plan never adopted as many influential persons thought it to be inhumane. The Shanty Towns continue to exists and human trafficking continues.



August 26, 2022.


GodSpeed says...

They don't care about their own lives and people, so why should anyone else? Just send them back as quickly as they come because they don't believe in borders or following legal procedures either. All they do is breed and export their people around the planet to cause headaches for other people trying to live decently, and boy do they get far.

Posted 30 August 2022, 2:45 p.m. Suggest removal

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