Man tells of ‘cool brother’ lost in dog attack


THE brother of a 61-year-old man who police suspect was mauled to death by several dogs remembered him as a promising young basketball player who lost his way due to drugs and mental illness.

Arthur Swan told The Tribune yesterday that his brother, Anthony Swan, could always go to their mother’s restaurant, Peggy’s Quick Serve, for a hot meal even though he chose to live on the streets.

Mr Swan said he initially heard his brother was the possible victim of the dog attack on social media; however, he did not believe it was true until he saw police press liaison officer, Chief Superintendent Chrislyn Skippings reporting on the scene.

According to reports, around 4am on Saturday police were called to the intersection of Palm Tree Avenue and East Street where they discovered a body with injuries consistent with bite marks.

Mr Swan said it was no secret that his brother used to be on the streets asking people for money due to his mental condition, however that did not stop his family from loving him.

“He’s been in that condition for some 40 plus years,” Mr Swan explained.

“As a result of the drugs and the drugs led into a mental issue, he never rebounded. As much as my family tried, because we had him committed to Sandilands on numerous occasions. We paid a private psychologist and psychiatrist to deal with him on numerous occasions, but to no avail.”

Mr Swan said even though they tried to get Anthony the mental health assistance he needed it became challenging because he would often spiral back into old habits.

When asked how he would describe the victim, Mr Swan said he was a “cool brother”.

Before his brother grew to have a drug problem and became known to the police for his behaviour, Mr Swan said Anthony was a star athlete who had a promising career.

“He was one of the top basketball players in his time. He was also one of the best skaters in The Bahamas when we had places like the skating rink. He used to win skating championships on numerous occasions. He was an excellent basketball player and a great skater. In his time, he was well known until drugs took hold of him, and that affected him tremendously mentally,” Mr Swan said.

Although The Tribune was not able to speak to the victim’s mother, it was said she loved Anthony dearly.

Anthony’s brother said his mother was distraught over his brother’s death. He explained his mother tried to help Anthony repeatedly by trying to treat his condition and help him in any way she could.

He added: “She knew the road he was on was going to lead to an untimely death, but the manner in which he died, how he was killed, that was even more disturbing.”

Mr Swan said he hopes that one day there will be stricter enforcement on laws pertaining to vicious dogs and those who own them.

He said there has been a dog issue for a long time in the country and unfortunately his brother was killed as a result.

Police are encouraging members of the public who have overly aggressive or uncontrollable dogs that they cannot restrain in aggressive situations or circumstances, consistently bark, are always agitated, fight, create disturbances with other animals, or try to attack people, to ensure their yards are properly secured and enclosed to prevent their animals escaping.


GodSpeed says...


Posted 30 August 2022, 3:33 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

He lost the battle for his mind.

Its right before our eyes. Our biggest enemy is targeting our minds. What are the tools of war? Drugs, sex, movies, social media, religion, video games. None of these things by themselves are bad, but when used as tools of manipulation and mind control they cause massive destruction. Anything that dominates your mental state to the exclusion of goodly pursuits... stay away from it.

Video games, facebook, porn are honeypots, tools that can innocently hold an adult's or child's attention for hours on end, then once hooked, you can be feed them anything.

The next big tool is virtually reality, it blocks out all external triggers to capture 100% of your mind. Again by itself not a thing wrong with it. As a tool of manipulation? masterful.

Locally they got the legalization of mind manipulating gambling and drugs going, Now theyre subtly introducing talks about legalizing prostitution another mind manipulation tool.

All of these things have one goal, mind control. Our defense is the good things that do the same thing. We have the answer already. *And finally my brethren all things that are good all things that are pure all things that are honest, think on these things*. Drill that into the children.

Posted 31 August 2022, 4:35 a.m. Suggest removal

realitycheck242 says...

you can also include gambling

Posted 31 August 2022, 5:16 a.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

All of the above may be true, but it's the slack enforcement of the laws against persons with these vicious dogs running around loose that is the cause of his death.

Posted 31 August 2022, 7:38 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Yes we have a problem with nuisance animals but also true that if he wasn't on drugs he wouldnt have been there. Its also not outside the realm of possibilities that he triggered the dogs. One thing I know about these guys who act crazy, they have sense. I had to swerve to avoid one on Shirley St and he jumped out the way of the car as he realized I had very little room to manoevre around him and the car in the next lane..

The gentleman in this story must have been deathly afraid I am sorry that he died that way.

Posted 31 August 2022, 11:43 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...


Posted 31 August 2022, 8:16 a.m. Suggest removal

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