Signing to formalise agreements between Bahamas and Hunan Province of China – 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations

PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis presided over a joint signing ceremony to formalise agreements between The Bahamas and the Hunan Province of China yesterday.

“This year marks the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between The Bahamas and China,” said Prime Minister Davis before offering sincere thanks to the Chinese government for their support in helping to strengthen The Bahamas’ infrastructure. The Chinese government has previously donated medical equipment and supplies to aid the country’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and hemodialysis machinery and equipment.

Mr Davis said both countries share several priorities, which “include matters relating to health, agriculture, and the human connections between our respective countrymen”. He pledged to match the Chinese commitment to strengthening ties.

Photos: BIS


joeblow says...

... if we get the Chinese out of our country, we would be much better off as a country! Sell outs!

Posted 30 August 2022, 8:01 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

So we have signed and now officially Communists. We knew we have been for years, just not it's official.

Posted 30 August 2022, 8:30 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

For several years now I have been telling all of you who read my posts to this website that the corrupt political ruling class have greatly and most unjustly enriched themselves at the expense of the Bahamian people by giving control of our country to Communist Red China.

Hubert Ingraham very foolishly opened our country's door to Communist China in 1992. Ingraham should have never signed on to the evil and sinister "One China" policy by breaking our country's longstanding diplomatic ties with Taiwan.

The people of Taiwan have been and remain the one and only true democratic China ever since the communist rebels forced the legitimate government of the non-communist Chinese people off of the mainland and onto a neighbouring island.

For decades the ruthlessly evil and sinister Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been increasing its sphere of global influence by seizing economic and political control of other nations that have easily corruptible (bribable) political leaders.

The CCP have had great success in seizing economic and political control of many nations on the African continent and in the Caribbean region, including The Bahamas.

Large scale corrupt construction contracts, including supposedly 'donated' sports stadiums, etc., have been a key means by which the CCP has gained economic and political control of vulnerable nations they have targeted to serve their purposes.

Any and everything the CCP purport to do for another nation comes with serious strings attached; strings that leave the nation under the domineering evil influence of the CCP whose interests are seldom, if ever, aligned with the interests of the nation's indigenous people.

The primary Bahamian representatives of the CCP are Perry Christie, Brave Davis, Allyson Maynard-Gibson, Baltron Bethel, Fred Mitchell, and a few others like them. Most of these traitors of our nation played a big role in the Baha Mar debacle at which time they cemented their very corrupt ties and the 'selling-out' of The Bahamas to the CCP.

There is an overwhelming preponderance of evidence to show that our elected officials, whether they be PLP or FNM, no longer represent the interests of the Bahamian people. Instead they are puppets beholden to their puppeteer masters in the Chinese Communist Party half-way round the world.

Now that the CCP feel comfortably in charge of our nation's economic and political affairs, expect to see many more of these types of 'signing ceremonies'; the CCP feel emboldened and it is their way of letting all Bahamians know who is really calling all the shots, including the jabbings of our young children and grandchildren.

Can't help but wonder if the U.S. government and the average U.S. citizen even realizes yet that the very sinister and evil CCP now has control of Hawaii and California to the west, Canada to the north, and the Bahamas, Cuba and a host of other nations to the south. Talk about being out-flanked!

Posted 31 August 2022, 9:51 a.m. Suggest removal

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