Friday, December 2, 2022
Tribune Staff Reporter
FREE National Movement chairman Dr Duane Sands has urged Public Works Minister Alfred Sears, KC, to help the “long suffering” people of San Salvador and Eleuthera with water challenges.
Central Eleuthera residents had previously been hit with water supply disruptions a number of times this year.
Mr Sears has also apologised to Eleuthera residents for the continued disruption of water supply on the island - adding the matter was one of “deep concern”.
In a recent voice note, Dr Sands had a “particular request” for a politician he quipped was “about to leave office”.
“I speak of no less than the Minister of Public Works who ought to be resigning fairly soon after misleading people and the Parliament on the facts of the BPL fuel hedging programme,” Dr Sands said.
He was referring to Mr Sears conceding that the Ministry of Finance - headed by Prime Minister Philip Davis, KC - had dismissed recommendations to continue the trades underpinning Bahamas Power & Light’s fuel hedging initiative as “not in the interests of the country at that time”.
Dr Sands continued: “Now we want the minister to do a few things before he leaves office. First, fix some of the hundreds, no thousands of potholes in New Providence and the Family Islands. These are some craters. I mean tyre flattening, axle bending, rim shattering holes everywhere.
“I can’t remember a time when the potholes were so neglected. It seems like the Public Works Ministry is on go slow and it is bad out there. The other day I tried counting holes on East Street and realised I had to stop because there were just too many.”
Mr Sears has previously announced two major road improvement developments, including a three-week “blitz” to repair potholes in New Providence.
Dr Sands went on to highlight the issue of water.
“The second thing before the minister resigns (is) please get the long suffering people of Eleuthera and San Salvador some water so they can drink. (So) they could bathe. (So) they could wash their clothes and flush the toilet. It’s 2022 for heaven’s sake - isn’t potable water a basic need. Why is this not a priority of this administration? Why y’all making the people suffer. So, yes, the Minister of Public Works is a short timer but these couple things are important,” he insisted.
In June, WSC announced it would execute a $2.7m contract for two one million gallon tanks and an additional $525,000 for related support work in view of water supply interruptions in the area.
Mr Sears has told reporters that the tanks have already been ordered and should be ready by mid-next year.
Attempts to reach the minister were unsuccessful up to press time.
Porcupine says...
Mangrove Cay, Andros has the same water problems.
They are not even talked about.
Our local W&S seems clueless and just collecting their overtime.
The public has no right to ask questions, and the Water & Sewerage seems to have no obligation or interest in those who pay their salaries.
This isn't an issue around one minister.
This is a national problem of incompetence, dishonesty and a complete lack of accountability.
An oversight? No, a culture.
Posted 3 December 2022, 5:31 a.m. Suggest removal
birdiestrachan says...
Mr Sears has a heart for the people unlike the Sands who is all about the power , Mr Sears put on the armour of God he knows your heart, for you it is not the money or the power it is about up lifting people and you will correct the situation
Posted 3 December 2022, 3:21 p.m. Suggest removal
birdiestrachan says...
Dr sands also knows that the water problems on those Islands are not new they were there before the doc kicked you to the curb Mr Sears will fix it , the sands believe Bahamians are stupid not so sir not so
Posted 3 December 2022, 3:31 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
The past half century shows us that we should not expect any great improvements to our roads when the Progressively Larger Potholes, PLP, administration is in power. They are much too busy traveling off to foreign countries to pay attention to little details such as these.
Posted 4 December 2022, 9:08 a.m. Suggest removal
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