PM: Challenges made us stronger

PRIME Minister Phillip “Brave” Davis extended Christmas greetings and offered well wishes to Bahamians in a video released by the Office of the Prime Minister yesterday.

In the nearly two-minute-long video, Prime Minister Davis reflected on life’s events this year, noting that each challenge the country has faced has made us stronger.

He also said that he couldn’t have been prouder to be a Bahamian.

“Christmas is a season of hope and renewal, a time for prayer and for togetherness,” Mr Davis said. “I’m here with some of our wonderful children in the Urban Renewal programme who are making care baskets for residents of the Persis Rodgers Home for the Aged.

“God’s compassion includes us all, young and old from every walk of life. Every year, at this time, we reflect that one child born in a humble stable to a family with no home was able to alter the course of humanity and change the world forever.”

He continued: “His essential lesson was to ‘clothe yourself in kindness’ and indeed we find that even the smallest acts of compassion expand our hearts and our spirits each time, allowing us to hold a little more of God’s love.”

Mr Davis credited our faith in God and unbreakable bond as Bahamians for getting us through tough times.

“Everywhere I go in our beautiful Bahamas, I see your empathy and generosity, your strength and courage. Our faith in God and unbreakable bond as Bahamians have guided us through rough waters,” he also said.

“We have not been broken by crisis. Instead, we have become stronger. This Christmas, as I reflect on our nation, our people and the changing world in which we live, I have never been prouder to be a Bahamian.

“We work tirelessly to protect our way of life, to ensure the survival of our island nation, a brighter future for all of us and we feel God’s presence through all of life’s ups and downs, but we know joy comes in the morning.

“Merry Christmas. May God bless you and your families and May God bless The Bahamas.”


moncurcool says...

The challenges made the country stronger? For who? Davis and his travel all over the place cronies?

Has he even gone into black belt areas to see how people are still struggling?

Posted 22 December 2022, 10:25 a.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

It is with a certain wonder that we learn from Mr. Davis that Jesus was born " to a family with no home ". How did he find out that Joseph the carpenter and Mary, his wife, had no home? I have never read this in any bible. In fact what I have read is that thet travelled from their home to the city of David. Surely Mr. Davis would never say anything that was not well researched and accepted as true.

Posted 22 December 2022, 10:26 a.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Adverse conditions makes one strong the bible says so, Sheep runner I await your comments , you the doc and Mr Pintard will beat up on Mr Davis , no matter he is still 100 percent right

Posted 22 December 2022, 10:43 a.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

It is clear to me that God left The Bahamas to its own devices many years ago. Between the crime, rampant gambling, numerous struggling families, barely functioning infrastructure, horrible health care facilities, corruption etc. I cannot envision a caring God that actually lets this flourish more and more each year. If this is truly God's plan then his plan is exactly the same as the Devil's.

Posted 22 December 2022, 11:43 a.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

You can be rest assured the Good Lord will see to it that Davis's soul ends up where it is destined to remain for all eternity. And Satan has a special place reserved for it.

Posted 24 December 2022, 11:36 a.m. Suggest removal

rosiepi says...

The distinction must be made: there are life’s challenges and then there is the scourge of Davis et al. and their policies of me first.

Posted 22 December 2022, 11:52 a.m. Suggest removal

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