ALICIA WALLACE: Don’t be fooled - this crisis hasn’t gone away

WE are still in the fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and case numbers are decreasing week by week. Dr Nikkiah Forbes has explained it is still too early to identify a trend as there needs to be decline over a period of several weeks. Last weekend, 136 new COVID-19 infections and 11 deaths were recorded, and there were 118 people with COVID-19 in hospital - though not all there for treatment for COVID-19 - on Saturday. The highest numbers in this wave were during the holiday season. This is a good indication the virus spread when people gather, particularly in relatively large numbers, and spend time together with their masks off.

COVID-19 is still a factor in our lives and needs to be one of the first considerations when we are making decisions. It is affecting every aspect of our lives, whether we realise or not, and we are going to continue to suffer the consequences until we commit to changing our behaviour.

Many people are talking about the Omicron variant as though it is the common cold. They excuse various activities and behaviours by saying people who contract the Omicron are not getting sick or displaying symptoms, and people are not being hospitalised for or dying from Omicron. This, regardless of what you hear, is not true. People are, in fact, experiencing symptoms, being hospitalised and dying from this variant. These people, however, seem to matter less to the general public. Because the numbers are lower, because the people are older, because the people have disabilities, because their lives are considered less valuable by so many, people are prepared to dismiss their experiences.

It may be true many people with the Omicron variant have not been experiencing symptoms. Maybe the vaccines are helping, and maybe there is another reason. Regardless, this should not lead us to become reckless, assuming we will all get it and be symptom-free. In addition to not knowing all of the the long-term effects of COVID-19, whether or not there are symptoms, there is the danger of not knowing whether or not you have it. If most people do not get symptoms, then most people have no indication of their infection and no reason to get tested unless it is mandated for a specific reason such as travel or work.

If a person with the Omicron variant is asymptomatic and does not test, and they have decided to live as though there is no pandemic, they are going to put people at risk. If they share physical spaces with other people who have similar attitudes, even more people will be at even higher risk. By participating in an event where people do not wear masks, such as a dinner, you can easily contract COVID-19 from someone without symptoms, and you can pass it on to someone who gets symptoms and may be severely impacted by the virus. It is absurd to dismiss concerns about COVID-19 because Omicron seems “mild”. That is what makes it dangerous, especially for elderly people and those who are immunocompromised.

We need to think about those most vulnerable as we make decisions. This does not mean we need to restrict ourselves to our homes. It means we have to be responsible. We need to exercise caution.

It is important for us to continue to follow the guidelines. There aren’t many PSAs or signs about it these days, but we ought to know the importance of washing our hands and doing it properly. Hand sanitiser, of course, is not a replacement for hand washing, but useful when hand washing is not possible. Masks need to be worn when in public or in a space with people outside of our own households. They need to be masks of good quality and worn properly, covering the nose and mouth and having no gaps around them, to be effective. N95 masks are said to offer the best protection so, as much as possible, we need to use them. Unfortunately, they cost more than other types of masks, and this needs to be addressed at a national level as much as it needs to be addressed globally.

Over the holidays, in a few countries where testing was accessible and at-home testing kits were readily available, many people shared their holiday plans included testing to ensure everyone was as safe as possible. Many groups tested and shared results with the agreement that only those testing negative would be able to attend. They also tested after the event, especially where travel or use of public transportation was involved.

In some cases, there were two rounds of testing before the events, trying to ensure the contagious period was covered. As an example, people would test one week before the event, and then again on the day before the event. Many of them also chose to self-isolate once they had tested to further protect family members and friends. Testing before and after gathering is a good practice that demonstrates care for others as well as personal responsibility. It is not as easy or financially feasible for most people here, but with the free testing option, more people should be able to do it. Yes, this is yet another way people with low incomes are deprived of ease and joy.

This week, it was reported 159,000 people are fully vaccinated. We need more people to have protection from COVID-19. We need more people to be consistent in their preventative measures. We need more people to be vocal when they see people - especially people they know and love - take unnecessary risks or demonstrate a lack of knowledge and understanding.

We need more people to carefully consider the risk involved in their activities and to understand their responsibility to the people around them. If most people with the Omicron variant really are asymptomatic, then any of us could have COVID-19 and not know it. We need to act like it. The pandemic is not over, so our caution cannot end either. We all have a role to play in limiting community spread.


1. Wordle. This daily word game has everyone talking. It gives players six chances to guess a five-letter word. Correct letters in the correct space turn green. Correct letters in the wrong space turn yellow. Incorrect words turn grey. Everyone gets the same word, so it is key that no one reveals the word. So far, it has been going well. The New York Times has even bought the game for $1m. Find it at

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ThisIsOurs says...

"*WE are still in the fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic..*"

**5th wave**. Why is everybody repeating wrong information over and over again? This entire pandemic has been a lesson in how to parrot bad info.

- mar 2020: 1st wave
- jul 2020: 2nd wave
- mar 2021: 3rd wave
- jul 2021: 4th wave
- nov 2021: 5th wave

Posted 2 February 2022, 10:06 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

The misinformation started with China and Fauci.

Posted 3 February 2022, 1:44 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...


Posted 3 February 2022, 9:10 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

IT’S A STALEMATE! It is past time to get over this nonsense. It is stale mate. The deep state agenda intended to scare everyone into the unnecessary jabs, they failed. IT’S A STALEMATE! Those who were scared and fickle took the jab so that they do not die, do not get sick and do not get covid 19. Well, they are contracting covid19, they are getting sick, maim and are dying. IT’S A STALEMATE! Those who did not take the jab, were said to drop dead in the tens of thousands everywhere. It didn’t happen. It is not happening, and it is not going to happen, well, not unless everyone takes the jabs, and everyone is not going to take the jabs. It is not going to happen. IT’S A STALEMATE!

Posted 3 February 2022, 9:46 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

But the worst of the real culprits behind all of the evil that has happened during this pandemic must be made to pay a dear price for their dastardly deeds. And that includes the Xi Jinping led Communist Chinese Party, Fauci and others at the National Institutes of Health, Bill Gates, many corrupt politicians and corporate leaders around the world with close and treasonous business ties and dealings with the Communist Chinese Party, etc., etc. etc. Unless these culprits are made to pay a most dear price, the world will see wave after wave after after wave of similar but more ethnically targeted pandemics.

Posted 3 February 2022, 10:26 a.m. Suggest removal

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