Vendors satisfied with Potter’s Cay plans


Tribune Staff Reporter

AFTER a fire burned six stalls to the ground last year, a Potter’s Cay vendors association representative said she is satisfied with the temporary plans the government has for the area, which should be “out in the next week or two”.

The fire back in April 2021 left six stalls completely destroyed and two others with damage. Two boats were also destroyed.

Yesterday, Potter’s Cay Dock Fish, Fruit, and Vegetables Vendors Association president Ormanique Bowe said she had a meeting with a government official two months ago about the issue.

“Plans are still at the Ministry of Works and they are just awaiting the final sign off on those plans,” she said.

“He (the government minister) told the vendors who were affected by the fire that they could go away and put up tents and work temporarily if they wanted to, but the temporary plans for the structure that the government has for them should probably be out in the next week or two and moving forward the vendors will be able to build their own stalls with funds the government and (the) Ministry of Tourism has donated to FYP to go ahead and construct the temporary structures. “With the temporary structures, I’m satisfied because they’re going to be solid structures.”

Last May, then Minister of Agriculture Michael Pintard said the Minnis administration had plans to assist vendors at Potter’s Cay who lost their businesses due to the fire.

At the time, he said the assistance would come in the form of building materials, adding there were plans to mark out the location for the rebuilding of six stalls.

Asked if the Minnis administration did enough to help after the fire, Ms Bowe said: “No, they didn’t do anything. They put things in place but... this administration has to pick up where they left off because if you look from April of 2020 from September of 2020 at least those plans should have been pushed I think more.

“I think more force should have been given for them to push it for them to be back in there sooner than now. So now you’re dealing with a new administration what have a whole different set of plans... They have to clean up and then start over. So they’ve only been in four months and like I told my vendors, let’s try and give them a timeline and give them a chance to deal with what they have to deal with.”

She also said: “Let’s look at it like this. The government only owned property meaning the wharf - that is what they’re leasing. The stalls that was built on that property was not owned by the government we have to realise that. The fire was in April, the previous government did not do anything in the six months they were in. They promised them the same thing.

“Now what this government administration is trying to do is work swiftly for them to get them back out there but we have still realise that it’s two plans. The temporary plan what they have in place which should be released next week and that should be an actual building, not tents. Then you have the ideal plan. The ideal plan is the plan whereas the entire Potter’s Cay dock is going to be transformed in a uniform type fashion. I could only say we have to still hold probably another month or two.”

Executive officials of the Ministry of Agriculture, Marine Resources and Family Island Affairs recently met several top union executives to discuss a number of administrative matters regarding the public markets and the rebuilding of the six stalls on Potter’s Cay Dock that were destroyed by the fire.

During the meeting, Minister of Agriculture, Marine Resources and Family Island Affairs Clay Sweeting presented the Ministry of Public Works’ plans for the construction of the stalls. A press release from the ministry said it is anticipated that the new stalls will provide the model for other stalls at Potter’s Cay.


One says...

Taxpayer money going to build back these mismanaged businesses. Government shouldn't be involved. Create the conditions for private market development and innovation. Potters Cay is a slum. We must set our standards higher if we want to elevate our society out of these conditions. Look across the harbour at Paradise Island, if they can do great things on our land then what's stopping us? Potters Cay could be a world-class tourist destination. A marketplace to get the freshest foods and crafts coming from the family islands. A place where Bahamians go to get a taste of the family island cultures on a nice evening dinner.

Where's the vision? We settle for this slack lifestyle.

This easy handout lifestyle where most of us "working" for the government or begging, living and working in slums. Hoping for some politician to save us instead of being empowered to do great things ourselves.

Posted 2 February 2022, 6:27 p.m. Suggest removal

yeahyasee says...


Posted 3 February 2022, 2:12 p.m. Suggest removal

One says...

The last time I went to Potters Cay the worker was embarrassed to tell me to use the toilet you walk to the back and relive yourself directly into the ocean. After that, I'm supposed to come back and enjoy the conch salad.

I know we can do better and I know there are Bahamians that know how to do better. But we live in a society where those people don't get the opportunities. Opportunities go to those who know the right people not to who will create the best product.

Posted 2 February 2022, 6:40 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

This is typical corrupt Davis and Cooper bullshiit. Who gave them the power and authority to decide who among their favoured PLP friends should get to enjoy the benefit of free fire insurance coverage at the taxpayers expense?

And of course Alfred Sears as Minister of Works simply does as he is told to do even though he knows full well that what Davis and Cooper are doing here is blatantly unconstitutional.

It is simply **not** in the public's interest that these non-taxpaying, filthy and unsafe shanty shack seafood and beer establishments be restored in the same location where they will once again quickly become a health hazard, home for bums and a terrible eye-sore.

Let Davis, Cooper and Alfred Sears spend their own personal money and **not** the taxpayers money if they want these disgusting non-taxpaying food and beer shacks re-built.

Posted 3 February 2022, 9:39 a.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

I hope the new stalls aren't too nice because then we'll see a bunch of fires as everyone else will want a free upgrade.
This is definitely the time to do it as the PLP love spending money they don't have.

Posted 3 February 2022, 9:48 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

You mean they love spending taxpayers' funds in illegal ways!

Posted 3 February 2022, 9:52 a.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

And they expect me to pay higher property tax so that they can spend it on rebuilding someone's private business. F that!

Posted 3 February 2022, 2:31 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...


I did loose my fruit stand when one jitney did run through it and mash up all of my fruits and vegetables dem. I hope dis new “sexy “ Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries gwine spend some of dem taxpayers dollars to build back my stand and pay for my new fruits and vegetables dem.

If Obie and da Union dem wan trow one lil blow fa me I cool wid dat too.

T’anks in advance.

Posted 3 February 2022, 12:36 p.m. Suggest removal

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