Mitchell hears reparations update

FOREIGN Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell met with Dr Niambi Hall Campbell-Dean, chair of the Reparations Committee, yesterday to receive an update on work being done by the committee and offer support moving forward.

Mr Mitchell said the issue of reparations is an important one for the self-esteem of the country and its people.

“It’s an exercise in knowing what our history is, the truth of what happened and why there is under development in our country and in our region. So, I look forward to the committee’s work going forward,” he said.

The Reparations Committee was formed in 2013 as a member state of the CARICOM Reparations Committee, with a goal to advocate for reparations against former colonial states for the crimes against humanity, in regards to the transatlantic slave trade and the genocide of the original inhabitants of these islands.


GodSpeed says...

All the slaves who were supposed to get reparations are long dead but if you wanna give me some free money cause I'm black then I won't stop you 🙃

Posted 4 February 2022, 12:16 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

So what is the update? Or the purpose for this was just another Mitchell photo op?

Posted 4 February 2022, 2:32 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

What about an update by Minister Freddy and Chair Sister of the Reparations Committee's **efforts of shoutin' out for de participation** by we UK Colony's high numbers with **lick de brush** amongst de popoulaces so as not to exclude de rightful due Financial Reparations for **those born as racially mixed-up,** which can easily number in Half of a Million are so entitled.
Precisely, why we must stop with defining we colony as a colony of any particular race, ― Yes?

Posted 4 February 2022, 2:59 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

Where do I apply for my cheque?

Posted 4 February 2022, 4:16 p.m. Suggest removal

truetruebahamian says...

Another ass - reparations are a complete idiot idea, and I can see why politicians love to split any dimension in a colour divide. Can't happen - won't happen A waste of time and money . Reparations can only be made in heaven, Look at human history, I had nothing to do with what happened years ago with my family or others, it is a stupid argument supported by stupid people.

Posted 4 February 2022, 6:09 p.m. Suggest removal

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