Turnquest: Country is going backwards


Tribune Staff Reporter


FREE National Movement Deputy Leader Peter Turnquest last night castigated the government’s performance in office, saying the country is already seeing “signs of regression” over the last six “short” months since the party was elected to government.

Mr Turnquest was speaking at the FNM convention held at Atlantis Grand Ballroom where scores gathered to support the various contenders in the election race.

One hundred and one people have nominated for party positions, ranging from deputy leader to deputy protocol officer. Former Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis and FNM leader, Michael Pintard were among those who attended last night’s event.

Yesterday, Mr Turnquest urged party supporters to remain on guard and united and to also hold the government’s feet to the fire while in office.

 He said: “Today in opposition, there is credible evidence to suggest that this destructive mentality is back with unjustifiable terminations of service and employment contracts, particularly in beaches and park and social services after much ado about nothing. Yes FNMs, tribal politics is back on full display by the masters of the game and we must continue to be vigilant, expose and discourage it; we must continue to fight for equality of access for our foot soldiers.”

 The deputy leader also took aim at the Deputy Prime Minister Chester Cooper about recent comments he made about the Davis administration giving a no-bid contract to Colina Insurance Limited.

 The contract was an agreement for the company to provide insurance services under the Bahamas Travel Health Visa programme.

 However, in response, Mr Turnquest said: “You know it was laughable to hear the deputy prime minister and minister of tourism and aviation try to justify and explain the granting of a no bid contract for the travel visa programme that he criticized so heavily while in opposition. Remember his tirades about Kanoo and Atlantic Medical. Well, according to the DPM, his No Bid contract was justified because of the urgency of the decision to change insurance contractors. I wonder what was the urgency since he saw no benefit in the programme anyway?

 “The DPM went on to say that the Ministry of Tourism is not subject to the government’s procurement rules and thus he does not have to follow them. I suggest the DPM have another look at the Act because the provisions are clear. Besides it’s just good business practice as I’m sure he is aware.”

 He further criticized the Davis administration’s decision-making pertaining to the country’s economic recovery, noting signs of “regression.”

 “FNMs, during our last term we place much emphasis on sustaining and growing our principal industries, tourism and financial services with some level of success. We also initiated new programmes to develop and grow small businesses, education, social and physical infrastructure,” the former parliamentarian said.

 “….In six short months however, we are already seeing signs of regression under this new administration, whose stubborn pride will not permit them to adjust course in the face of overwhelming evidence to justify doing so.

 “For instance, it’s a shame this government did not recognize early on that the former administration was on the right path with its initiatives and policies to mitigate expected increases to cost of living due to global supply chain issues.’

“If they had listened to the voice of caution from the opposition, University of the Bahamas economic researchers, the Central Bank and leading retailers and experts, they would have delayed the disastrous one hundred percent tax increase on breadbasket items and medicines, which, combined with rising import prices is proving to be a heavy burden on the backs of struggling Bahamians. Indeed, this policy decision is making our situation much worse than it has to be.”

 His comments followed what newly appointed FNM senator Michela Barnett-Ellis described as too many “confusing” messages from the government over the issue of marital rape. She went on to urge the Davis administration to “do the right thing” and criminalise the act.

 Her comments came a day after Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis told reporters that “rape is rape” and it was possible that his administration would address the topic by legislative means before their first term ended.

 However, as she addressed FNMs condemning marital rape last night, the FNM senator said it was time for the country to prioritise legislation that protects women against violence and pledged to hold the government’s feet to the fire on the issue.

 She also called on the Davis administration to state their stance as it relates to marital rape and gender-based violence.

 Mrs Barnett-Ellis said women are entitled to equal protection under the law, but sadly no steps were taken by the former administration to address the issue.


tribanon says...

Even Turnquest knows the very dishonest and corrupt Cooper is the one who needs to be most carefully watched by the public.

The news organisations in our country should have the few investigative news reporters they may have assigned to keeping a close eye on all that Cooper does.

No one in the Davis led PLP administration at this time, aside from possibly Davis himself, is more corrupt than Cooper.

Posted 24 February 2022, 9:24 a.m. Suggest removal

JackArawak says...

Going backwards for 6 months? LOL. Fifty years of failure Turnquest and you’re a guilty party. Take that foot out of your fool mouth

Posted 24 February 2022, 10:20 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Been going backwards for years. When people comenout of cars with cutlasses after car Accidents, there is a pronlem. We have gone.from talking to each other toresolve conflict to acting out on each other. The island.is getting dirtier and dirtier. National pride is gone. We have accepted young men and women dancing on each other on the.street as acceptable and the list goes on. We call this progress and.freedom of expression. This is twisted and upside down.

Posted 24 February 2022, 10:39 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Even de assembled convention's delegates, will have gotten the picture of this man's unleashed behavior as indicative of the same man's, who promised,.. I, Peter Turnquest, goes quietly for now but I promise, I will have more to say about Minnis, after Minnis, fired de Red Party's Peter from de trappings de UK Colony's deputy prime minister, minister of finance and Freeport's East House MP, and everything else like this and that, that he has not said, **shi@ about de Free Fish-Eyed** Minnis.
And, now youse know, why it's well and often said, you just cannot make this stuff up, ― Yes?

Posted 24 February 2022, 12:57 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Turnquest should be ashamed of himself it was him who said OBAN was a good deal
and he could not find about forty million in government then he found it. Then low and behold the doc Dumped him
This is for you Turnquest.
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king soldiers and all the Kingsmen
could not put Humpty Dumpty together again

Posted 24 February 2022, 1:50 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Turnquest you and your FNM Government increased VAT 60% then took VAT of a few cheap
items. it is akin to delivering deep wounds then supplying band-aids to flowing blood.

Why increase VAT 60% in the first place. Then take VAT off a few items. VAT on fruits. vegetables and meat.

A Masterful liar indeed.

Posted 24 February 2022, 1:59 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

You're stuck in the past when most Bahamian voters know only too well it's only the future that counts. And with Cooper there's guaranteed to be plenty of the worst kind of corrupt wheeling and dealing ahead with our hard earned taxpayer dollars and government borrowings. You can bank on that, much like the Colina group is doing. LOL

Posted 24 February 2022, 2:05 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

'Twas a sufficient in de thousands of **result altering** Red Party supporters, who knew **de truth** by sittin' out 2021 general election, thus stuckin' House-elected Red MPs to sit on House of Assembly's ***(4) seater** back bench, **yet each and all** Red Party's elective positions hopefuls, **continue to dismiss them,**― Yes?

Posted 24 February 2022, 2:35 p.m. Suggest removal

M0J0 says...

lol they sound just like a loud stink fart. Mix up and we all know loud farts ain't as deadly as the silent ones. Go sit down and enjoy retirement.

Posted 24 February 2022, 3:22 p.m. Suggest removal

pro_test says...

From where the FNM had the country Backward is a good thing

Posted 24 February 2022, 3:29 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Who will be judged worst at governance? Which duo will do more fiscal harm to our country? We know what Minnis & Turnquest were faced with during their term

Christie & Davis or Davis & Cooper???

Posted 24 February 2022, 5:13 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

These people still take us for conch! Politicians are the biggest full of shyt group in the country. Why the hell do we continue tolerating these idiot pirates?

Posted 24 February 2022, 6:38 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

"Hey hey hey!", catchphrase best describes de red parties Elite Cats, ― Yes?

Posted 24 February 2022, 7:12 p.m. Suggest removal

BONEFISH says...

This guy. Who in their right mind listens to him?

Talk about tribal politics. Let him explain or rather lie about the situations with the financial secretary Wilson ,Assistant Commisioners' Fernander, Strachan and Deleveaux, The mess at the Bahamas Department of Corrections. The situation with the leadership of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force.

Let him explain or rather lie about the models that justify the vat rate increase. Let him explain or rather lie about how he stopped and cancelled certain projects in the Ministry of Finance in 2017. How he had to restart them in 2019 like the Tyler Technologies project. Kevin Peter Turnquest simply was not a good minister of Finance. People with sense in the FNM know that. The campaign general of a senior FNM cabinet said that.

Posted 24 February 2022, 9:32 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

You may not listen to what they're saying ...... But you better watch what they're doing

Posted 25 February 2022, 10:07 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Especially the very corrupt Cooper.....keep a real close eye on all that he does.

Posted 25 February 2022, 3:09 p.m. Suggest removal

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