Bahamas Republic

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The reason why the UK keeps its antiquated colonial institutions relevant is by the awarding of various gongs - OBE, MBE and, of course, the top gong a knighthood. Then tin pot politicians and the rich and famous can put “ Sir” before their name. A nonsense in reality but for egotists and narcissists i.e. the majority of politicians/ rich and famous it caresses their bloated egos.

Generally the poorer and less educated parts of the Commonwealth kow-tow to the UK and keep these meaningless awards. The more astute nations and hats off to Barbados can see through this nonsense and take the sensible decision to cut ties with their previous colonial oppressors and in effect discard Victorian England.

Of the two political parties here the PLP by far and away love the pomp of the knighthoods the most, so sorry Fred Mitchell you are spitting into the wind with talk of a republic. I understand your motivation bearing in mind your lifestyle the chance of the “Sir” tenuous at best for you, but were you to fall foul is with the likes of your present PM who no doubt would love the tap on the shoulder and rise Sir Brave.



December, 2021.


Alan1 says...

I do not believe that anyone can applaud Barbados for the undemocratic way it declared a republic. P..M. Mia Mottley refused a referendum so the people could decide whether they wanted her republic or not. After two opinion polls said they would not vote for a republic and leading citizens like Sir Gary Sobers declared their opposition Mottley "dug her heels in" and strongly said a referendum was not going to happen. Even the ceremony to mark the transition was held in private with the public not invited in case demonstrations against her actions marred the event. Hardly a great start. Many investors have left Barbados. Communist China is filling the void. The U.K. gave Barbados self government and then independence without a problem. We are proud of our history in The Bahamas, Our system of government has worked well for a long period of time and the resulting stability has brought in international investment. The track record of republics is very poor..There is no reason why we should change our democratic foundations.

Posted 13 January 2022, 11:25 a.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

When there is a largely poorly educated "majority", such majority is easily persuaded that "bad" things are in its best interest.......

Posted 13 January 2022, 1:30 p.m. Suggest removal

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