Victim’s torment in her final days

UPDATE: Fenron Ferguson, the man suspected of shooting Heavenly Terveus before attempting to kill himself, died of his injuries on Monday night at around 7pm.


Tribune Chief Reporter

PEOPLE who knew Heavenly Terveus say the 21-year-old mother was terrorised and lived in fear in the last days of her life.

Catathesia Newton, Terveus’ long-time neighbour, claimed that on the Tuesday before her death, she finally built up the courage to ask for help from her alleged abuser. However, Ms Newton said by this time, it was too late.

It was claimed that on both the Monday and Tuesday before her death, she was the victim of hostility and confrontation from the man.

Days later on Saturday, the mother and photographer was murdered in front of her one-month-old son.

Ms Newton, alongside the victim’s sister Denise Terveus, and Tania Pierre, another neighbour, all believe that not only didn’t police take the situation seriously, but that had they intervened the young mother might have still been alive.

“From she was a little girl, I know her from she was about three, four and she never been a troublesome child,” Ms Newton said. “She always been quiet, humble, she lived her name. She was heavenly in all aspects. She wasn’t rude, she wasn’t arrogant and obnoxious, none of that.

“She was just humble and quiet. You wouldn’t even know she home and these last few weeks she was just different. She stayed locked in the house; she was afraid. She wouldn’t come out.

“On Tuesday when she reached out for help it was too late.”

Asked whether enough was done by police to help, both Ms Newton and Denise Terveus replied: “No.”

Ms Newton claimed the victim’s boyfriend - Fenron Ferguson - came to the house twice last week and caused a scene.

The victim’s boyfriend was also accused of a number of criminal offences last year but had been released on bail.

Denise Terveus said she was not aware he was released on bail.

“They let him out on bail. . .I wasn’t even contacted that he was even out so this whole situation could have been avoided had they done their jobs properly,” she said.

Denise said Heavenly was also engaged to be married.

She said the system had failed Heavenly and their family.

Ms Pierre added that the young photographer was tormented.

“She was her mom’s only child. She was sheltered up until she got into a relationship with him and he became her life. She cut off everyone. She was isolated so I’m just sad that the ending part of her life she was tormented greatly. She wasn’t at peace.”

The women all say they tried to help Heavenly through her situation, but it was to no avail.

“We tried,” Ms Newton said, “By telling him he can’t come around here no more (allegedly) threatening her and stuff.”

Ms Pierre added: “We notice the police didn’t take it as seriously as we did.”

Moving forward, the women said they want to lift up Heavenly’s name against much of the negativity on social media in recent days.

They also made an appeal for people in the community to do more when they view domestic violence.

Heavenly was found lying on the floor next to her son and boyfriend by relatives inside her parents’ home on Miami Street.

The man, who is suspected of shooting her before attempting to kill himself, was her boyfriend and said to be the father of her infant son.

Superintendent of Police Audley Peters told reporters on the scene Saturday that officers received information about the shooting shortly before 6pm.

He said upon arrival, officers were directed to a single-storey home where they discovered the bodies of a man and woman lying on the floor in one of the bedrooms.

EMS were called and later pronounced the woman dead. However, the man was taken to hospital and died of his injuries last night.

Their son, who was also in the room at the time of the incident, was taken to hospital, but has since been discharged.


tribanon says...

Can we please have some news from The Tribune's staff of so called 'news' reporters.

Most of us already know about the suicidal abject misery so many in our country are living under today thanks to decades of raping, pillaging and plundering of our economy by the corrupt "all for me" ruling class of elitist politicians who just don't give a damn about the vast majority of the people. It's well known too many in our country today have been left uneducated, jobless, without access to medical care, hungry and with no place or no one to turn to for any kind of meaningful or sustained help.

Our corrupt political elite are just too busy cutting secretive backroom deals for themselves and their favoured cronies and equally corrupt foreign investors to care about the abject misery under which many of our people are living today. We have become a showcase banana republic nation in our region of the world and it's going to get a whole lot worse under the current corrupt Davis-led administration.

Posted 25 January 2022, 10:23 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

100% truth, I worry for the future of this country.

Posted 25 January 2022, 6:28 p.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

Sorry, I am not the biggest fan of the police and don't think they should be blamed for this tragic, tragic loss of this young mom in any way. The police bring up a charge against the perpetrator, then the victim drops the charge, what should they do, what can they do? NOTHING. My deepest condolences go out to the family of this young soul. May she rest in peace.

Posted 25 January 2022, 11:13 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Not only that, the go through the process to write the report then ask the victim if he/ she wants to press charges only to hear that they do not want to anymore because loving words have put them in a trance.

Posted 25 January 2022, 2:23 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

I think it's pretty clear that people that have a history of shooting at other people should be locked up for life. Not sure that everyone deserves a second chance to kill people.
If you don't want to kill crazy people at least cut their hands off so they can't shoot or stab people.

Posted 25 January 2022, 12:59 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Then it will be the gun's fault. They keep accusing the gun of shooting people.

Posted 25 January 2022, 2:25 p.m. Suggest removal

Otisha1 says...

For those saying it was too late, that is BS! It is never too late to escape an abuser. All I hear is victim blaming for the slowpokes in the comments saying she dropped the charges, he was on bail meaning he had to be charged or in the process of being charged for something. He is the violent one, he is the abuser, he is the killer, he had no concern for her life, the baby life or his own. IT is him and do not use mental illness as an out. He should not be given grace. The violence against women is appalling and increasing week by week. From one getting assaulted then brutally soccer kicked in the face, to one getting stabbed and knock down, to the woman and her daughter being killed after leaving her abuser. It has to stop. AT least in this instance the scumbag is gone. Good Riddance.

Posted 25 January 2022, 1:05 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

**You, you and you,** are a part de society that will have to pay a generational steep price for its failure, not have done more, invested much more have had hopes have successfully reached out **just in time** to Fenron Ferguson and Heavenly Terveus, ― Yes?

Posted 25 January 2022, 3:39 p.m. Suggest removal

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