The pandemic is still with us

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I was going to visit an ill friend this past Saturday, but St Michael’s Hospitals’ 9th Floor was isolated with a COVID-19 outbreak. This also has happened on the first floor of La Verendrye Hospital (Riverside) in Fort Francis and also the West Wing of Rainy Crest was added to a large list of COVID-19 outbreaks throughout the nation.

The usual precautions are taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19, but are not limited to:

General visitors will be restricted to bottom floors of hospitals. Palliative patients can have up to four visitors, two at a time, plus one essential caregiver.

Cohorting of staff (those exposed will be separated from non-exposed medical staff). N95 masks are essential on staff and visitors in all designated areas.

Emergency Units in many hospitals are closing down for periods of a few days to a week and beyond throughout the nation, especially in medical centres and hospitals in rural and small-town locations. Lacking needed staff and the overall staff personnel fatigue are reasons for this continual action. Staff are often taking vacations or just not returning to their employers. Lack of professional assistance, better pay and an overall lacking working conditions seems to persist through our medical facilities.

Bill 124 has brought about controversy within the Health Ministry, various public sector unions and hospital staff members. Limiting pay increases to 1% annually, the medical and nursing staff of Ontario’s hospitals are calling for both legal and labour action. They have been staffing our hospitals all this while, and the pandemic continues to spread its viral tentacles with no end in sight.

All the weaknesses our health system had before the pandemic came upon us, have been and continue to show themselves. Various governments seem unwilling to spend the needed funds to not only fight this virus, but also to strengthen the health system we rely upon. Better wages, training more replacement workers in mass, extending COVID protocols within the system, investigating those senior homes that failed their patients in 2020-2021.

For many of our national and regional governments the health portfolio has been and continues to be seen as a money pit, sucking up funds that many administrations could use elsewhere. Working in a hospital is a profession, and not charity. Paying our experienced staff will keep them here where they are needed, not just now but in the near future too. Many hospitals are receiving newbie staff, without the necessary experience essential to carry on. Experienced medical staff are very much like essential managers who show their new associates how it gets done. Many of our governments are at fault, putting budgetary concerns before the welfare of our neighbours. This is a global issue. Statistics place the need for new nurses within the region of the Caribbean at 7,500+, and in Latin-Central America at a further 18,330+. Imagine how many skilled medical professionals passed away due to the pandemic. Tens of thousands and growing daily. All our hospitals are full, and medical professionals, namely family doctors are still unprepared to deal with this pandemic, sending many of their patients to emergency centres. A true sh*t show, while many administrations pretend the worst of the pandemic is behind us.




July 18, 2022.


JokeyJack says...

"Imagine how many skilled medical professionals passed away due to the pandemic. Tens of thousands and growing daily. "

That is SO FUNNY. No, they haven't died. THEY QUIT because they were being forced to take the vaccine after having worked as "heroes" for over a year during the so-called pandemic. Now they are branded as idiots and conspiracy theorists for refusing to take an experiment thing called a vaccine. So they quit. Quit by the tens of thousands. They say if yall not grateful for us saving your lives, and in return you want to inject us with weird chemicals that may have unknown consequence - then you're own your own buddy. See yah.

Posted 22 July 2022, 12:05 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

You know, and now that people see how HEROES get treated - many will not be willing to step up to help next time. People like to be heroes; people don't like to be dogs.

So next emergency (of any kind - it may not be medical), we may be shocked that there is not the help that we expect. For example, let's say a bunch of building catch fire on Shirley Street like from one end to the other and the fire engines can't keep up - and some guys who have pesticide trucks and other trucks with sprayer tank say - hey I can put water in my tank and come down there and help.............but then they might say - well, yeah - but do I really want to be next years dog? Likely not.

Posted 22 July 2022, 4:20 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

Gertrude would love to read this letter.

Posted 22 July 2022, 3:26 p.m. Suggest removal

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