Fringe group calls for executions

FRINGE activists Citizens For Justice Bahamas yesterday expressed outrage at the level of violence in the country and called for criminals to be “removed” through state executions where convictions are successful.

The day after a four-year-old boy of West and Fleming Streets was killed by stray bullets and a man, 47, of Hospital Lane was riddled with bullets resulting in his death, the group strongly condemned murders, insisting New Providence “had become like Ukraine”, likening it to a war zone.

In addition to these shootings, there was also a double shooting at Yellow Elder Gardens in which two men are said to be in critical condition in hospital.

Responding to the recent spate of violence, Citizens For Justice Bahamas said something must be done to reduce crime and reduce the violence. The organisation also put forward several recommendations to curb the crime situation.

“Four persons were shot yesterday, including a four-year-old boy and a young man who have died,” the group said.

“Citizens For Justice Bahamas is outraged at the level of violence and is calling for an end to the bloodshed and carnage.

“New Providence has become like Ukraine, a war zone. Something must be done and a different plan of action must be taken quickly to reduce the violence and fight crime.

“We believe that the Royal Bahamas Police Force will rise to the occasion and expect Commissioner Clayton Fernander to win this battle with great policing strategies and the support of the public. The murder count for 2022 is on track to exceed last year’s count and the record high set a few years ago, if it continues at this pace.”

Among its recommendations were to enforce the law.

“Our laws on capital punishment are not being enforced. Cold-blooded murderers are heartless and have no fear of God, man, police or any authority.

“They must be removed from society, the biblical way, through state killings for convicted murderers, nothing less. Our legislators must pass laws that that would ensure that persons convicted of murder, not be allowed to escape the death penalty by the Privy Council, as is the case now.

“We have created a lawless society that has evolved into a war zone. Because justice by the state is not carried out, vigilante justice has taken over our streets. Revenge killings and gang wars are prevalent.

“We must take some drastic measures immediately, if we’re serious about resolving this issue rather than always attempting to be politically correct in the eyes of foreign agencies, human rights activists, the United Nations and the European Union. Capital punishment, which was established by the Most High God to deal with intentional murder, has been discontinued in many jurisdictions.

“We must also legislate much harsher penalties for persons convicted of rape, sexual assault of minors and illegal firearm possession.”

In addition there must be more robust church outreach programmes, the organisation said.

“The church can do much more. Pastors and church (religious) people believe that prayer alone will change things. That’s a lie. Faith without works is dead. Churches must get out of the comfort of the four walls and go into the communities to minister to our youth with a strategy and anointing to win them over to Christ and change them from within.

“The Church can make a great impact in reducing crime and violence. Our problem is that too many Pastors and church leaders refuse to deal with social issues as Christ did during His earthly ministry. They rebel against the command to go into all the world and make disciples, hence, we now have a predominant society that does not know God or His word and they are lacking in godly values and morals.”

They also called for proper funding of social programmes and a workable National Development Plan.

Not only should these be focuses of the government, Citizens For Justice Bahamas said every effort must be made to empower Bahamians.

“Land is wealth. We call on the government to issue Crown grants of one acre of land with infrastructure to each Bahamian from the estimated 3.5 million acres of Crown land throughout the Bahamas. Land is wealth. When we empower the masses, poverty and crime will be greatly reduced. We ask that the land dispute on Carmichael Road be resolved without any violence or legal action against persons clearing down and claiming land. Investigations reveal that the majority of the claimants have in fact made application and the process has not been dealt with in a timely manner. This is a great opportunity to begin the empowerment process rather than battling the people in need of help.

“We also call on the Bahamas government to take Bahamian investors seriously and level the playing field. Citizens must be given them the upper hand over foreign investors. Bahamian investors continue to get the red tape while officials roll out the red carpet for foreigners. This oppressive mindset must shift.”


bahamianson says...

What is a fringe group? Is that like a french group?

Posted 28 July 2022, 8:41 p.m. Suggest removal

truetruebahamian says...

I agree totally with the push for executions. Capital punishment is on the books so follow the law. A cold blooded killer should not be given the prerogative of mercy.

Posted 29 July 2022, 8:08 a.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Who decides whether a group is "fringe" or not? The vast majority of Bahamians would support the reintroduction of capital punishment if polling were conducted right now. The justice system is a joke in this country, and these killers know that and don't take it seriously.

Posted 29 July 2022, 12:08 p.m. Suggest removal

bobby2 says...

Enforce the death penalty!! Or, at least life in prison with no chance for parole!

Posted 29 July 2022, 12:24 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

Apparently that's too cruel for someone who rapes, murders and tortures children and others - and all in one go. They should be treated 'humanely'.

Posted 29 July 2022, 2:39 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

The Tribune editor wants to describe this group as "fringe".

But at least three quarters of Bahamians support the death penalty. It's the Privy Council that blocks its implementation. The MPs must push for death penalty.

Posted 29 July 2022, 3:40 p.m. Suggest removal

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