Discussions over removing mask mandates on Family Islands


Tribune Staff Reporter


HEALTH and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville said officials are currently discussing whether to remove the remaining mask mandates on certain Family Islands that have no active cases of COVID-19.

While a decision on the matter has not been made as yet, officials believe that current mask protocols should remain in place until the country is considered to be out of the woods from COVID-19.

Currently, people are not required to wear a mask while in a lobby, corridor or casino of a hotel or in an outdoor setting where there is at least three feet of space between people who are not of the same household.

But, mask wearing is still largely required indoors.

When asked whether the government was considering lifting mask mandates on islands with no active cases, Dr Darville replied: “It is something that we’re looking into and this Wednesday, the committee will look at it again.”

“One of the things we’re concerned about with the mask mandate is the fact that after you arrive in The Bahamas, there is no more testing until the foreigner or those who are travelling (get tested to go) back to the United States. With the spikes that are ongoing and the peaks and troughs that we are seeing with COVID, we are on the verge of we’re going to function with caution. And the committee will discuss it this week and a decision will be made, but we feel that the mask mandate with what we’re seeing should remain in place until we feel that we are at a clear.”

COVID-19 cases began steadily increasing in the country in late April, with double digit numbers being recorded most days since then.

As of June 6, there were 972 active virus cases in The Bahamas.

There have also been 811 virus related deaths confirmed since the start of the pandemic.

The latest deceased victim is a 62-year-old man from New Providence who died June 4 from the disease.

Yesterday, Dr Darville told reporters that officials have seen an overall reduction in infection rates in recent days.

However, he suggested there will be spikes in numbers from time to time and further appealed to Bahamians who have not yet been vaccinated to get their shots.

“We are still experiencing spikes with COVID-19,” he told reporters yesterday. “As you monitor the numbers, you will see that some days we have higher numbers, some days is lower numbers. One of the good things is that the cases that are showing up at the hospital are not cases suffering directly from COVID. They are incidental findings with individuals with other issues.”

“So, we are pleased to say that we are fending quite well at the tertiary level with the COVID cases. And even though we have been seeing spikes, I’m pleased to report that this week, we’ve seen a reduction in cases now. We’re watching that very closely and monitoring it. I cannot say exactly what it means at this point. But once again, we would like to encourage Bahamians everywhere to practice the safety protocols that we currently have in place. And for those who are not vaccinated to please come forward immediately and get your first and second job.”

At last report, over 167,000 people were said to be fully vaccinated in The Bahamas.


tribanon says...


Posted 8 June 2022, 10:45 p.m. Suggest removal

AnObserver says...

The pandemic is over. Go travel anywhere else besides the Bahamas, no testing, no masks, no bullshit.

Posted 9 June 2022, 8:26 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

That is only a formal announcement .......... the reality is that very few FI persons wear masks

Posted 9 June 2022, 8:33 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Until everyone receives the Mark of the Beast, there shall be no buying and selling. The economy will remain shut down. After we receive it (even 5 year olds soon) then we all get our shovels to start shoveling coal.

Posted 9 June 2022, 9:51 a.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

Forget about peaks and troughs, get rid of the nasty, useless masks. Forget about unproven vaccines and inaccurate tests. People need their money for gas and groceries. Give it up. Manage our health care facilities. These Health Ministers, past and present, have useless one track minds and love the sound of their own voices.

Posted 9 June 2022, 10:46 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Children shots are in town. So beware. According to global knowledge the Vax neither prevents neither protects then shed spikeprotein to Vax and non Vax. The Bahamas is not a place. Every nation is counting or making note of vaccinated persons sudden deaths. Furthermore, according to Israel Medical data the vaccine stops working after every four months. Why is The Bahamas the land that latest medical news skips. Even Fauci recommended last week that mabey a shot is needed annually for vulnerable persons. To be vulnerable to covid 19 according to data those that died had up to three liveable diseases that compounded and compromised their health. Little children do not fall into that category. But the follow the money falls with testing centers profits. Because covid is going nowhere

Posted 9 June 2022, 1:16 p.m. Suggest removal

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