Trampling on the Constitution?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Is our Constitution being trampled on?

Wow, that’s an allegation, why say it?

During the remarks of St Anne’s MP - Adrian White - he mentioned the well recorded, very public headline of the 1983’s -’A Nation for Sale’ - this was an NBC network expose of allegations by Brian Ross.

Thirty-nine years ago, yes, but it is as much part of the history sometimes infamous like Christopher Columbus’ landing - the slave trade - the discrimination of the minority Government, the UBP, all kinds of headlines in between - we should accept these - examine and determine the accuracy but we cannot censor - disallow any mention –the last time I looked at the Constitution even those who might be trying to rewrite history will accept and agree Freedom of Speech and opinion is enshrined - full stop.

When MP White used the phrase, he did not explain, actually did not have the chance, in what context he was using the phase ‘A nation for sale’, but I am reasonably sure the context was in reference more descriptive and surely even in the House of Assembly his Constitutional Rights must be upheld?

Does the Hon Speaker plan to censor?

Already there are many words that are so-called ‘unparliamentary’... to be honest some of the Rules are beyond being childish, but in our Parliament the governing rule.

Dress - you hear of anything more childish you may not wear certain colours of ties. When you speak, male MP’s must have their jackets buttoned up – what has the choice of colour one wears got to do with the decorum and getting on with The People’s business?

If the PLP want to wear golden yellow ties and the FNM bright red - good for them – for me I rarely button my suit jacket it is uncomfortable so why should I?

Oh, those imaginary “Points of Issue”... if you follow the mother of Parliaments, London, you will find the rule is far more democratic - unless the MP standing gives way to the MP raising the Point of Issue, he/she can continue speaking..... you see, Editor, there is a method to close a biting argument-criticism by jumping up and down raising factious Points of Order, disrupting the MP standing (you see that practice regularly and also the sudden call for an adjournment).

Surely the House of Assembly must retain decorum, yes, but it must be the one location where the fullest practice of Democracy Free speech is practised. We better be careful censoring words and phrases as where will we conclude?

Following the NBC story there was a legal action brought against NBC and Brian Ross - that eventually was rescinded... that is the history. Madam Speaker, you can’t erase the NBC programme - the written word - many books and commentary - that breaches our Constitution.

Let’s stop being rather stupid – let the male MPs wear their flamboyant ties, speak with their jackets unbuttoned as neither improves the debate... we need to improve on the slap-happy lack of style and content of speeches - why are MPs allowed to read texts, not speak ad lib with only notes - Madam Speaker, that’s something you can enforce... no set speeches, except Ministerial Communications. Contributions to our Parliament should be of our elected MPs not a professional paid speech writer.



June 6, 2022.


JokeyJack says...

All topics spoken about in Parliament by your "representative" MP, must be pre-approved and on the agenda. Your MP is not allowed to actually speak in the House, only do as he or she is told to do and say what he or she is told to say. Hannah-Martin has proven this on two occasions, being thrown out of the House simply for wanting to speak about something.

There actually aren't even any MPs - only Party members. Don't worry though, there will be LOTS of drinking and dancing in the streets on July 10th as Bahamians celebrate their continued slavery.

Posted 10 June 2022, 2:03 p.m. Suggest removal

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