ALL OVER FOR HEALTH VISA – and no tests if you’ve had COVID jabs


Tribune Staff Reporter

HEALTH and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville announced yesterday the government will remove its COVID-19 testing requirement for vaccinated people entering The Bahamas beginning Sunday.

Preceding this announcement, Tourism Minister Chester Cooper revealed the travel health visa will also no longer be needed beginning this coming Sunday.

However, unvaccinated people will still be required to produce a negative test prior to arrival in the country.

Yesterday, Dr Darville said the decision to remove the testing protocols for vaccinated people was science-based and followed recommendations from both local and regional epidemiologists, adding it was also “consistent with US CDC guidelines.”

He also suggested that officials came to the decision after receiving positive feedback from several neighbouring nations on the country’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

 “Bilateral meetings with regional leaders were very successful and lesson learned proved to be invaluable,” he said during his contribution to the 2022/2023 Budget debate.  “Follow up meetings at the Summit of Americas solidified many plans inclusive of the US CDC’s announcements on the removal of the COVID testing requirement inbound to American citizens as of Monday June, 13 2022.”

 “This is good news for our tourism sector and begs the question when will The Bahamas follow suit and revisit the testing and mask mandated currently in place in our country. These questions have been addressed by the EOC in my ministry and I am pleased to report that inclusive of removal of the travel health visa on Sunday, the 19 of June 2022, at 12:01am - effective June 19 2022, at 12:01, the Ministry of Health and Wellness will also remove the testing requirement for all vaccinated persons entering The Bahamas.”

 For his part yesterday, Mr Cooper announced travel health visas will no longer be required for international visitors beginning Sunday, something he had previously foreshadowed.

 The health visa was implemented under the previous administration in 2020 as a means to validate and keep record of the COVID-19 status of visitors and residents at the pandemic’s height and ensure compliance of other travel requirements.

 The travel protocol, however, was eliminated for citizens and residents of The Bahamas back in December by the Davis administration in keeping with their promise to have the protocol removed entirely.

 He said the move was being done to ensure the country is able to “get the numbers that we need for our tourism product and economy,” adding officials believed the timing was just right.

 However, he also reminded visitors and Bahamian residents that they are still required to produce a negative COVID test no older than three days before entering the country.

“The rules regarding air travel and the changing guidelines have reshaped the airline landscape,” Mr Cooper said during his budget communication in the House of Assembly.

“We have had to adjust. We will continue to do so. Our goal is to encourage more flights in from our key markets so that we can get more people here safely, quickly and affordably, whilst protecting public health.

 “Yes, I support the review of travel testing rules. We must reduce the friction as we ramp up for the summer months and, therefore, I am pleased to announce that the Cabinet of The Bahamas has approved the elimination of the travel health visa.

 “This is going to take effect at 12:01 on Sunday, just in time for Father’s Day.”

 Yesterday, Mr Cooper was asked by the opposition whether officials planned to use an alternative method to collect important travel data that was gleaned from the visa programme.

 He replied: “The answer is that we’re not eliminating testing as I’ve indicated before – the ongoing management of COVID, as has been the case before, will continue to be done by the Ministry of Health and Wellness. Contact tracing will continue to be done by the Ministry of Health and Wellness.”

 The removal of the travel protocol comes as the nation’s tourism industry continues its rebound from the COVID-19 crisis. It also follows the United States’ decision to remove COVID entry testing for visitors.

 Yesterday, Mr Cooper gave an update on tourism arrivals, saying the country’s rebound levels were similar to that of 2019 pre-pandemic records.

 “As far as tourism numbers, we are still processing the May data and we hope to have that within the next 10 days,” he said. “ But, I can say that foreign air and sea arrivals to The Bahamas from January to April this year totalled 1.9 million people. Of that number, just over 460,000 visitors were stopover visitors.

 “In April alone, we had 586,574 visitors by air and sea. Air and sea arrivals through April year-to-date were up by 950 percent over the same period of 2021.”

 The Deputy Prime Minister also revealed a nearly 1,000 per cent increase in arrivals to The Bahamas for the first four months of this year compared to the same period last year.

 He continued: “Arrivals are up, occupancy levels and hotels are up. Cruise arrivals up. We are rebounding faster in the Caribbean.”

 Notwithstanding these improving figures, he said the government has set an ambitious target to double the number of stopover visitors to The Bahamas in three years.

 “It sounds aggressive,” he added, “but simply put, they spend more and to do this and we need more airports, we need more flights, and we need more rooms.”

 In this vein, Mr Cooper announced plans to construct new airports on several Family islands, including Exuma, Eleuthera and Cat Island.

 “We’re looking out for the Family islands,” the Exuma and Ragged Island MP continued. “We will complete the new airports at Exuma and North Eleuthera. We’re going to build a beautiful new airport at Deadman’s Cay, Long Island. We gone have a new FBO and 5,000 ft runway Black Point, Exuma.

 “All of these airports will be facilitated through public private partnerships. The Great Harbour Cay airport will be opening shortly with new opportunities for jobs, and retail opportunities and we have designed the New Bight Airport in Cat Island.

 “We will shortly engage interested parties for a PPP and we expect construction to begin in early 2023. Cat Island, I want you to know that your MP is working for you.”


Twocent says...

The Minister of Health and Wellness has revealed himself to either be a willing pawn in a game of NWO or an ignorant and disingenuous “servant” of the people. The science, common sense, experience, and full epidemiological knowledge all suggest something very different to his understanding of disease, especially this novel viral contagion. So many studies and statistics suggest that almost the entire planet now has some degree of antibody resistance. The facts are clear concerning the transmissibility of the variants regardless of vaccination status. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated persons have all now had Covid in one form or another. To distinguish one from the other is political and far from being scientific! Our nation’s tourism economy, and consequently our people, will suffer because of this nefarious mindset. We know the game being played out.

Posted 16 June 2022, 10:03 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Fully agree. Chester the Jester should have announced our country dropping the vaccination requirement, period.

Posted 16 June 2022, 11:39 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Myself being an unvaccinated inhuman dog, i avoid the tests by simply not traveling out of the Bahamas thereby necessitating a return. Airlines, Florida hotels, car rentals, and restaurants get no money from me - not anymore.

Posted 16 June 2022, 11:30 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

You're lucky because, all other things being equal, you will now likely live longer than your vaccinated counterpart. Many studies now show it was natural immunity that ended up being the driving force behind the containment of COVID, not the experimental vaccines. And God only knows the full extent of the side-effects that lie ahead for the vaccinated sheep.

Posted 16 June 2022, 11:44 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

True, but not sure if living is a good idea either. When 70% of Americans drop dead over the next couple years, China is just going to do a Hong Kong move on the USA and simply take over. Americans wont stop them because the news outlets will simply report that "things are never going to return to normal " - and the people will just swallow it cause it's on tv. People have already swallowed that phrase with regard to this flu thing.

Posted 16 June 2022, 12:45 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Page 10 in this morning Tribune states that 'Heart Disease top cause of Death in nation. ' That assessment is consistent with ofther highly vaccinated nations Data including Israel. Head of the Bahamas Nurses Union is our only national scientist. She alone dared to use science in advising a wait and see toward non tested vaccine that should have gone through at least 15 years of animal test to see whether RNA vaccines crosses over into human DNA.

Posted 16 June 2022, 1:01 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

There is evidence that vaccines speed up the heart rat and also create other abnormalities inThe patients normal functions. Clear and indisputable , scientific evidence will confirm that the highest incidence of Covid-19 infections and related deaths occurred when politicians and their bandwagons, all vaccinated, invaded the Family Islands and local New Providence communities , Minnis and the FNM , apparently to hurriedly kick themselves out of office. And evidence will also show that after vaccines, the numbers of persons dying from seizures, stroke and heart attacks increased significantly, especially among persons over sixty. And the term ‘the person died with Covid but not from Covid is sometimes applied.’

Posted 17 June 2022, 7:28 a.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

These doctors and politicians just don't seem able to cut the covid umbilical cord, either from following ignorance or raking in dollars, probably both. Meantime, health services in the country are almost non-existent while these bozos dicker and dither over visas, vaccines and the horrid masks. It seems the masks have become the new face underwear, both the washed and the unwashed varieties..

Posted 16 June 2022, 1:33 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Just plain stigma against the vaccinated as Isreal got rid of vaccinated exceptionalism as Vax rate covid had surpassed the unvaxxed. Bahamian magic science just told Israeli scientists they are dumb fools. As both vaxed and unvaxxed could test positive. 52 is just always too correct.

Posted 16 June 2022, 5 p.m. Suggest removal

ColumbusPillow says...

Well done!

Posted 16 June 2022, 5:34 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Dr Anthony Fauci has not only tested positive for Covid-19, but he is presenting with symptoms. Yes the symptoms may be mild, but the ability of a person to transmit the virus does not diminish once they become vaccinated. In fact the potential for vaccinated people to transmit is greater, simply because of the preferential treatment extended to them. This is the height of hypocrisy. And is it also a push for vaccines. Scientists agree that once a Covid virus disappears, it does not come back, ever. So the question is as Covid-19 disappears, what are the vaccines for? Especially if one is In good health and has survived the pandemic thus far. Unless you live in China, (and they,too, eventually will) you have probably, most likely been exposed to Covid-19. And your body has now created a natural immunity to it. And to now go and get vaccinated, considering the risks is not the best decision.

Posted 17 June 2022, 7:13 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

CAN the Great Health and Wellness please explain this ( scientifically): over the past several months, MOST, and sometimes up to NINETY PERCENT of persons testing positive and people who had a recent history of international travel. And most of their travel was to the United Sates. The point is one has to be FULLY vaccinated to travel to that country. So the clear and undisputed conclusion is that ALL persons traveling abroad ( US included) and returning to The Bahamas and TESTING POSITIVE for Covid were vaccinated, yes?

Posted 17 June 2022, 7:36 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

And, most likely, if further investigations are done, it can be easily determined that if the 20-25 persons who get Covid and who did not travel abroad recently, worked or had exposure in the tourism industry, where masks are not required and where most workers Are MANDATED to be vaccinated.

Posted 17 June 2022, 7:41 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

According to best data provided by Bahamian elite scientist researcher AKA 52, vaccine efficacy barely lasts past 4 months. My question is why those not vaccinated after say months affording to what I have read are also unvaccinated but not made to suffer State institutionalized victimization and stigmaization.

Posted 17 June 2022, 4:39 p.m. Suggest removal

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