Concern remains on vaccine hesitancy


A PAN American Health Organization official has said The Bahamas has only reached around 39 percent vaccination coverage and that vaccine resistance is a serious issue both here and the region at large.

 During a press briefing yesterday, Assistant Director of PAHO Dr Jarbas Barbosa responded to questions of large gaps in vaccine coverage in people under the age of 12 in The Bahamas and throughout the region due to lack of access to paediatric vaccines.

 However, Dr Barbosa said the main priority should be to vaccinate the priority groups before children, urging the immunisation of the elderly and those with comorbidities first.

 “I think that the main priority now, not only in The Bahamas, but in all Caribbean countries, and all countries in the world is to vaccinate the priority groups.

 “The Bahamas has around 39 percent of immunisation coverage, that is not enough vaccination to protect all the vulnerable population. So, before thinking about vaccinating children, we need to go first to the elderly and to adults who have any underlying conditions, such as diabetes or hypertension or other diseases that can put them at risk to develop a severe form of COVID-19.”

 Dr Barbosa also said PAHO is working with the Ministry of Health and other health officials from countries in the region on how to respond to vaccine resistance.

  “We are working with the Ministry of Health of The Bahamas and other countries in the Caribbean on how to respond to vaccine (resistance); that unfortunately is a very important phenomenon that we have detected in that region.

 “The Ministry of Health (is) concerned, and we are working with them to engage not only the healthcare workers - that is very important - but other leaders in the region. Political, religious leaders that can provide the information that the families need to receive in order to make the right decision to protect their lives, getting vaccinated.”


GodSpeed says...

Never getting the clot shot, sorry not sorry! 💉💉
Just give up already, the 99.9% survivable virus is an overblown flu and the gene therapy, bioweapon "vaccine" is useless. Much documentation is coming out now about the side effects from these "vaccines" including death.

Posted 10 March 2022, 9:31 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Only now are some of the longer term side effects of these experimental vaccines beginning to manifest themselves. And the likely extent of the harm done to many who were either coerced or frightened into getting jabbed is not looking pretty. A lot of information is being very deliberately concealed for fear of the panic and anger it will cause among the jabbed community. Not good at all!

Posted 10 March 2022, 10:11 a.m. Suggest removal

M0J0 says...

it is said that many are now dropping due to being shot with the jab. It really wasn't a beneficial shot to take.

Posted 10 March 2022, 11:44 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

It means 61% of the population have sense not to bother with this toxic US jabbing campaign. It also means 61% of us survived two years of a '"nothing burger" virus. We made it this far. If they do not attack us with those syringes make it even further.

Posted 10 March 2022, 1:28 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

The economic and psychological sanctions on the individuals who refused the vaccine is insurmountable. That is why Israel and most highly vaccinated nations got rid of the vaccine discrimination as 100% of there populations got Omicron. Faced with this heath futility they bravely proclaimed the obvious that the vaccinated or not pass made zero sense. Harbingering fear across the world to keep the pandemic and vaccines in arms is not supported by data and science.

Posted 11 March 2022, 8:57 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

You and that other guy who posts to this website under the handle @John have much in common.

Posted 11 March 2022, 9:09 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Seriously? They literally have zero legs to stand on on a "*vaccine for all*" policy. Their time would be better spent investigating who got infected with zero symptoms, moderate symptoms, severe symtoms, death and why.

Posted 12 March 2022, 2:45 p.m. Suggest removal

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