EDITORIAL: Royal visit a chance to show off our future

THERE is sometimes a tendency to naysay by force of habit.

This week will see the arrival of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to The Bahamas for a three-day visit. Prince William and his wife Kate will spend their time on several of our islands, and the world’s media will, for a time, turn its lenses our way.

There are questions that hover in the air during the trip – some more important than others. For some, it’s a moment to ask about our future as part of the Commonwealth in the wake of Barbados moving to a republic, for others it’s a time to question what will happen next with the monarchy at a time when Queen Elizabeth’s days of travel to other countries appear to be behind her.

Some of the questions are very parochial – such as who is paying for the trip and how much it will be. Those are fair questions, just as with the government’s trip to Dubai it is a matter of being transparent, not a cause to be adversarial.

But while those doubts and queries may circle, we should not lose sight of the trip itself – which will be a celebration of not just our nation, but of some of the talented minds here on our shores.

Among those recognised during the trip will be the people who have been fighting to keep us healthy during the battle against COVID-19 – the frontline healthcare workers.

We will also see Junkanoo in the spotlight in an event at Parliament Square – not just a chance to celebrate our culture but a moment to wish Junkanoo had been able to take its traditional place at that location at the Boxing Day and New Year marches these past two years.

With COVID-19 receding – but not yet gone – it is a reminder of the possibility of returning to something so much part of our culture.

There will also be a visit to Coral Vita, in Grand Bahama, which won the Earthshot prize, created by Prince William.

With that prize came £1m (a little over $1.3m), and this will be a chance for Prince William to see the organisation’s work up close.

Coral Vita works to restore reefs by growing and transplanting corals. You can bet that, thanks to Prince William’s visit, their work will be featured in newspapers, magazines and TV slots around the world.

As the committee responsible for planning the event also said, this will also send “a strong message that, post-Dorian and post-COVID, The Bahamas is open for business”.

We are not quite post-COVID yet – that part might be a little wishful thinking. But this will be a chance to show what we can be when that day comes.

So let us welcome our royal guests – and show them, and the world, what we have to offer.


SP says...

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Stop the bullshyt! Where's the beef?

Posted 21 March 2022, 6:22 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

The Prince doesn't want beef! He wants white Iranian caviar, fresh from the Caspian Sea.

Posted 22 March 2022, 2 p.m. Suggest removal

truetruebahamian says...

You and most of my nigra bros have no idea of world politics and what we might find benefits as we grab willy in our jeans!

Posted 21 March 2022, 7:13 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

Do we seriously believe throwing a party for two entitled people will catapult the Bahamas into the spotlight of the world?

We really need to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery. This is nothing different from slavery and even the days of the Roman empire. Massa shows up and we bring the servants out to dance and perform like the mindless people they are.


Posted 21 March 2022, 7:35 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

lol. We squandered Dubai that we had 5 years to prepare for. Now they paving the road 3 days before the arrival and you think they have something substantial about our future on the agenda? Get ready for accolades on how well people sing and dance

Posted 21 March 2022, 7:46 p.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

The Royal Visit will give us tremendous publicity worldwide so any costs incurred will be minimal compared to the positive results for our tourism. We need more of a world view. It is also a chance to show appreciation for our democratic freedoms- Parliament and our court system which is a significant heritage from the United Kingdom. This has given us stability and a safe place for investment. Let us appreciate our heritage.

Posted 21 March 2022, 8:20 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

What publicity worldwide?

Will CNN and MSNBC be coming here to record it? Will Al Jazeera be coming? Is the BBC dropping everything to be here? What about China State TV? How any European and African and Asian TV networks will be here. Please point me to who will be coming to document this to give us this "Tremendous publicity worldwide" as last time I checked ZNS is not worldwide.

We need to be careful not to fall for the koolaid that is pushed by government people trying to sell a narrative to move people off the substantive issues.

Posted 21 March 2022, 9:59 p.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

You're being used to show the world how likeable Will & Kate are and how not racist Will is in the aftermath of several problematic comments from him. The only 'opportunity' here is to show how much the black people loved being colonized & celebrate the history of being colonized.

Posted 22 March 2022, 2:59 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

What future? Are you kidding me? Dirty Bay Street is an eyesore, potholes everywhere, filthy building that think paint is covid? Come on man. This island is a dump with high crime and political corruption, what future. The only future is getting jnto politics so you and your boys can have a free ride. New Providence is not a real place. .

Posted 21 March 2022, 8:24 p.m. Suggest removal

bobby2 says...

Unfortunately, bahamianson is speaking the cold hard truth. Bahamas is very quickly losing it's allure to tourists.

Posted 22 March 2022, 12:49 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

The Uncle Toms will put on their song & dance .............. most Bahamians care less about these "royals" .............. The time has come to bid UK Head of State goodbye (ask Fweddy)

Every MP and Senator should be called upon to declare their support/opposition to this issue ...... Bahamians are being ruled by the most cowardly set of politicians in our lifetime.

Posted 22 March 2022, 10:50 a.m. Suggest removal

ScubaSteve says...

Who cares about these two kids and British royalty? Honestly, who really cares? And if you do care... why? The entire royal family is so irrelevant and bring literally no value whatsoever. It's all for show anyway.

Posted 22 March 2022, 2:01 p.m. Suggest removal

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