‘Don’t leave us behind’


Tribune Freeport Reporter


TAXI drivers in Grand Bahama say they are facing the same economic hardship as straw vendors due to the lack of tourists on the island.

They think it is unfair that the government has not seen fit to reinstate the $200 unemployment benefit to cab drivers.

“What this current government is doing to us is not right,” said cab driver Lloyd Miller. “The PLP government took the unemployment benefit away from us and they take away the food vouchers.”

Mr Miller said that cab drivers are not making any money at the harbour or airport.

“I have been to the harbour two days in a row. The first ship brings 3,600 passengers and I didn’t get a job yesterday. I gone back today (Wednesday) and been down there all day from 6am and no job,” he said at the airport.

On Tuesday, the government announced that it will be providing monetary assistance this week to hurting straw vendors at Port Lucaya Marketplace and other industry workers on that island.

The initiative will cost the government $177,000.

Payments in the sum of $500 will be made to vendors at Port Lucaya Marketplace, the Farmer’s Market located downtown, the Fish Fry site in Eight Mile Rock and workers in the harbour area.

Mr Miller is upset that taxi drivers were not included.

“All of us (cab drivers) in the same category as straw vendors,” he complained. “How they can think in their heart to take the NIB stipend away from us? We in Grand Bahama and Abaco have been suffering since Hurricane Dorian and there is still no relief for us.”

The concerned cabdriver said the cost of living has increased on Grand Bahama.

“GB Power is about to increase the cost of power, gas gone up at the pumps, and the government increased the tax on breadbasket items. How in the world are we supposed to survive? What kind of government is this? They say they come to alleviate poverty, but they bringing poverty.”

Mr Miller said nothing has changed to improve the livelihood of cab drivers by successive governments.

“I think they hate us in Grand Bahama because they treat us like a motherless child,” he said.

Darren Laing said the PLP government should not have taken away the $200 benefit from taxi drivers.

“I have been a taxi driver on and off for about 30 years,” he said. “It is just hard for taxi drivers. I see it every day.

“This is the second day I come out here at the airport and nothing happen. It is hard for us.”

David Musgrove also agreed that it is unfair.

“I am not satisfied with it because if guests do not come on the ship, we have no one to take to the straw market. If the ship brings people, then taxi drivers take them to the straw market and elsewhere.”

“But it is not right for them to give the straw vendors and hair braiders whatever they giving them and leave the taxi drivers out. Straw vendors can’t get visitors if taxi drivers don’t bring them. So, it is unfair. If they give one, they should give all.”

Mr Musgrove said there are days when he takes home no fares.

“Two days I been out here and I ain’t carry home a dime. I just got one job just now for today, and today is Wednesday. How could I support a family like that? So, the government needs to look out for the taxi drivers.”

Wilbert McDonald said taxi drivers need help, adding they put in about 12 hours a day and sometimes still leave with nothing in their pockets.

He said conditions at the airport are also unfavourable. In addition to no electricity at the cab stand, and using an outdoor toilet, Mr McDonald said cab drivers pay in the preclearance lounge $2 to $3 for a cup of coffee and over $10 for breakfast.

“So, in essence, we are catching hell, period. We need capital H-E-L-P,” Mr McDonald emphasised.


JokeyJack says...

Yall need to be left behind, because you have left the people of GB behind. Yes, you, the taxi drivers. Years ago we used to have a taxi union here that stood up for injustice, by striking and leaving tourists at the airport and elsewhere.

Why haven't you done that in so many years when there are so many issues related to tourism that call for it? The Princess road closure for example, with no hotel to justify it.

Recently the government has decided that masks do not need to be worn in hotel lobbies, hotel casinos (but our gaming houses though), neither in hotel hallways nor even outside on hotel properties if the (very jokey) distance of 3 feet is maintained by non-family members (who is monitoring this?). Covid don't go in hotels? Did they send a memo on this to the virus itself?

Meanwhile Bahamians (including YOU TAXI DRIVERS) have to wear your mask anytime you show your face in public (well, actually I should say every time you DON'T show you face because now showing your face is illegal).

Then you coming here begging for crumbs off the table?

I hope they don't give you a red cent, and triple your taxi plate fee, and all of ya get flat tire.

Posted 1 April 2022, 10:56 a.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

Ginger Moxey done let dat genie out da bottle wid da straw vendors, as her Party is wont to claim," ain no turning back!!" Now time to pay the piper or anyone else with their hand out,Lol.

Posted 1 April 2022, 11:53 a.m. Suggest removal

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