Island officials wary of impact of resort tragedy


Tribune Staff Reporter

AFTER three American tourists were found dead at a local resort on Exuma over the weekend, the island’s administrator said officials are remaining hopeful that the unfortunate incident will not negatively impact the island’s economic recovery.

“Persons, they are going about their daily duties,” Cristian Palacious told The Tribune yesterday. “We have a lot of tourists on the island as we speak. We’re just being hopeful and prayerful that this does not affect the island in any negative way.”

“Exuma is known for its beauty. It’s known for its hospitable people and we’re just continuing to keep those things the way they are so people could continue to come and enjoy those things.”

According to Ms Palacious, Exuma is rebounding stronger than ever, with many tourist operators booked and busy.

“Everything else is going fine,” she said. “We have a lot of tourists. We have a lot of our rental cars booked. A lot of our tours that are booked so we’re just remaining prayerful and hopeful that this does not have a negative effect on the island itself.”

This comes as the island faces heavy media attention both locally and internationally after three American visitors - two men and a woman - were found dead at the Sandals Emerald Bay Resort in Exuma on Friday after falling ill from unknown causes.

It is not clear what led to the victims’ deaths, however officials said foul play has not been suspected.

Sandals Resorts said all protocols were followed after the health emergency was initially reported to resort officials. However, the resort said it could not offer further information about the incident “out of respect for the privacy of our guests.”

One of the deceased victims has been identified as Vincent Chiarella, according to international reports.

His wife, Donnis Chiarella, was reportedly airlifted to the US over the weekend after being treated at the Princess Margaret Hospital.

The identity of the other two deceased victims were not clear up to press time.

The incident has sparked concern that the deaths could seriously affect the island’s tourism product.

When asked about the matter yesterday, Ms Palacious said: “Residents are I think they are bit more sympathetic to this unfortunate situation as opposed to worrying about its effects.”

In a statement released Sunday, Exuma and Ragged Island MP and Acting Prime Minister Chester Cooper said he contacted the families of all victims to offer condolences.

“First in our thoughts are the grieving families,” he said. “As a native of Exuma and the Member of Parliament, I have reached out personally to the families to offer condolences on behalf of the people of Exuma and The Bahamas”.

“Since Saturday, the Royal Bahamas Police Force, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Tourism and officials from the US Embassy have been working together, including collaborating to expedite the process for the formal identification of the deceased.

“Once the remains have been legally identified, the pathologist can begin the process of identifying the cause of death.”


Alan1 says...

The sad story is now all over the British and Canadian newspapers I have checked and some I have seen in the U.S.A. What with the ridiculous and harmful continuance of the Health Visa and all the roadblocks to enter our country this news is just not what we need at this time. People could well conclude that it is too dangerous to visit our country anyway let alone all the complications to enter here and the expensive tests and Visa charges. When will we wake up to reality?

Posted 9 May 2022, 5:36 p.m. Suggest removal

Bonefishpete says...

High fuel prices might just push it over the edge.

Posted 9 May 2022, 10:33 p.m. Suggest removal

Flyingfish says...

Well the government cant control the fuel prices, so nothing could be done about that except switching to more renewable energy or public transport

Posted 10 May 2022, 8:03 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

We are all wearing our masks, so nothing can harm us. Please relax people. Covid is the only thing that matters. I dont know how this story is even making headlines.

Were the victims vaccinated??? That's the real important question here.

Posted 10 May 2022, 11:13 a.m. Suggest removal

Maximilianotto says...

Close Sandals immediately before American lawyers will sue for damages. Sandals insurance won’t pay as apparently protocols may have been violated. This is serious. Could be the end if Sandals.

Posted 10 May 2022, 6:04 p.m. Suggest removal

Maximilianotto says...

End of Sandals.

Posted 10 May 2022, 6:05 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

We need innovation. Real innovation, not the carbon copies that we call innovation, or the govt sponsored "success" stories where friends and favour govt contract placement decides who suceeds. We cannot continue to base our entire existence on an industry that is so vulnerable to external shocks. The key word being "entire"

Posted 11 May 2022, 4:42 a.m. Suggest removal

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