Pintard: Pay contractors what they are owed

FREE National Movement Leader Michael Pintard has urged government to bring closure to the outstanding payments that are owed to some small contractors.

And as hurricane season approaches, Mr Pintard questioned how long people in need of housing repairs will have to wait to receive much-needed help.

Mr Pintard also criticised government, saying there was concern by members of the public that it had not prioritised its plan for the country’s revenue.

“The new day government is bragging about the $210m in revenue that it has collected ahead of schedule,” the Marco City MP said in an audio recording released by the party.

“The public however is concerned about the priorities of this government and whether or not the millions of dollars being collected will be properly utilised to meet the real demands and needs that Bahamians have.

“We are outraged that Urban Renewal workers are fired and yet they are not settled financially; that some of the contractors at beaches and parks still await final payment; that many small contractors throughout the Commonwealth of The Bahamas are awaiting badly needed cheques as these families are in pain because of rising food costs, gas costs and soon electricity costs.”

He continued: “Prime Minister settle the bills for those Bahamians who are vulnerable and waiting on monies owed by the government.

“In Abaco and Grand Bahama as this Hurricane season approaches there are hundreds of Bahamians who for the last seven months were waiting for the relief promised by the new day government so that they are able to seal their homes from the many leaks they experience and for others to have a chance at getting back into a home.

“Hundreds of residents have been approved for repairs or reconstruction. How much longer will you make them wait?”


M0J0 says...

Tell me again why they did not settle them before their departure or at least had them up to date so if anything owed it was only a month or two.

Posted 10 May 2022, 7:50 a.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

Perhaps because government is continous. Just how they could put gibson file to the top of the pile and settle his matter they could of paid other persons...maybe.

Posted 10 May 2022, 8:03 a.m. Suggest removal

M0J0 says...

cant settle payments for people whom most did not even have a business license.

Posted 10 May 2022, 9:38 a.m. Suggest removal

M0J0 says...

Gibson is a thief so that should be top just like Shane and others dragged in handcuffs.

Posted 10 May 2022, 9:39 a.m. Suggest removal

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