The right use of official titles

EDITOR, The Tribune.

TITLES - right to use prefixes before ones name an issue as there is unfortunately many who abuse and are never corrected.

Inherited from colonial times... the big deal the knighthood ‘Sir’… few and far between Governor’s General and maybe ten from the public have the right to use that prefix, but there are abusers. I recall there is even a limit as to how many a government may put forward in The Queen’s Birthday or New Year’s Honours requests - sort of one in a calendar year.

The Catholic Church give knighthoods of varying Orders, but protocol does not allow them to use the prefix - they may use an abbreviation of initials following their surnames denoting they are a knight of what particular Order. A breach of all protocols if they use the prefix ‘Sir‘ or ‘Dame’... that designation is solely and exclusively granted with an award from Her Majesty.

Our National Awards...over the past four-years we became accustomed with the use of “The Most Honourable”... the lower National Awards unsure whether they provide for a prefix probably provide for an abbreviation after their name.

Oh, the question of the use of ‘Honourable or Hon’... assigned to a sitting Minister in Cabinet for the term he/she is a Minister and only if that person completes two full terms as a Minister may they continue to use that prefix for the rest of their days with us.

The Senate... protocol provides during a person’s term as a Senator they are entitled to use by privilege, Senator, actually Honourable Senator, but that stops once your term as a Senator is concluded - nowhere can I find that you may continue to use the Senator prefix, some do and are not corrected amazingly journalists don’t follow the correct line.

Will awards from the Queen continue if The Bahamas was to take Republic status? No, as The Bahamas would no longer recognise Her Majesty as Queen over The Commonwealth of The Bahamas.

If The Bahamas drops Her Majesty citizens may continue to receive honours of Her Majesty, but in an honorary status, I believe subject to pre-obtaining approval of the Prime Minister as with any award from any sovereign State.

Rt Hon... assigned to those who are Privy Council members.... once assigned that is for life. I believe today only Rt Hon Hubert Ingraham and Perry Christie have that distinction.

Use of His/Her Excellency persons who have been Ambassadors-High Commissioners as much as we like it, sorry, I suggest incorrect… only good whilst appointed.

As we discuss Republic status just a thought as I have to suggest in the minds of many these trappings of colonialism are of extreme importance to be retained for personal prestige, but with the taking of Republic status sorry folks - bush-crack they are gone.



May 6, 2022.


Alan1 says...

That is a very accurate letter. Also gone in a republic would be Royal Bahamas Police and Royal Bahamas Defence Force. These forces would no longer be a part of The Queen's Forces. We should not be thinking of abolishing our historic democratic foundation of the constitutional monarchy and go down to the status of yet another failed third world republic.The Monarchy has served our neighbour Canada very well since its independence in 1867 and many other Commonwealth countries. We have nothing to benefit by going down the republic route. As in other places investors would flee from our Bahamas.

Posted 9 May 2022, 5:30 p.m. Suggest removal

Flyingfish says...

How about we talk about Canadian colonialism, oh wait is that not important damn. Ok i guess we'll just talk about how we are the world 1st independent colony.

Posted 10 May 2022, 8:20 a.m. Suggest removal

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