‘I disclosed’ - but Bowleg blames issue on communication


Tribune Staff Reporter


A CABINET Minister yesterday blamed “mixed communication” for the failure of some members of Parliament to file financial disclosures by the March 1 deadline.

Youth, Sports and Culture Minister Mario Bowleg suggested there was confusion among some elected officials about how general election disclosures would be handled.

Last week, The Tribune asked most MPs if they had met the disclosure deadline. Only some replied. However, Pia Glover-Rolle, Dr Hubert Minnis, Dr Michael Darville, Glenys Hanna Martin, Leon Lundy, Wayne Munroe, John Pinder, Shanendon Cartwright, Adrian White, Clay Sweeting and Keith Bell all said they had met the deadline.

Following a press conference at the ministry regarding Youth in Parliament, Mr Bowleg confirmed yesterday that he too had declared his assets as required.

 “I think what happened was there was a mixed communication for some as it relates to the 2020 assets being recorded because, remember now, we should have put our 2020 for the 2021 election and then the 2021 should be recorded for this year as we move into 2022 because it’s the 30th of each year,” Mr Bowleg said.

 “So, I think that it was declared during (the) election period, but I guess it wasn’t realised that what was declared to the election process was not handed over to the other unit and so for that reason I think that’s what happened to some of the individuals, but I know I cleared both.”

 Press secretary Clint Watson said last week that he suspects “simple oversight” was to blame for some parliamentarians missing the deadline.

 “Now, they all are aware that you have to disclose. It was a part of training for parliamentarians. What may have happened I suspect in this matter is the deadline passed and people being so consumed with whatever they were doing, didn’t meet the deadline or forgot the deadline was there.”

 Meanwhile, State Public Service Minister Pia Glover-Rolle said the challenges public officials face meeting financial disclosure requirements highlighted the need for investment in additional staff to help officials meet their obligations.

 When asked if he thought the process needed to be clearer or just a case of miscommunication, Mr Bowleg noted the possibility of forgetting.

 “No, I don’t think so. You are looking at an administration who we haven’t taken a break since we came right off of the campaign trail and so while we were looking at things that were utmost important as it relates to getting the country up and running there has been times that you would slip your mind, even though you would have been reminded still, you have to report, but at the end of the day nobody’s hiding anything from whether it’s the government or the opposition.”

 “So, all paperwork will be turned in at the right time and if there needs to be fines for those who need fines. (If) they want to fine them, then they just have to pay the fine, but I’m sure that everyone will report their finances.”

 As to whether those who missed the deadline should be fined, the minister replied: “No, the law is in place, but at the same time find out what was the circumstances and situation prior to just the decision.”


Sickened says...

My God! This dude has a seat in Parliament? I guess you just need to be popular but surely a basic education should also be required.

Posted 10 May 2022, 12:03 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

Not just in Parliament, he is in the Cabinet!

I'm sorry, but there is no excuse for this level of breaking the law.

Posted 10 May 2022, 1:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Flyingfish says...

Good we are trying to disclose the MPs income. Now how does one access that info. Wait, don't tell me I can't !

Posted 10 May 2022, 12:03 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Gun license due, medical license due, dental license due, accounting license due, architectual license due, car license due , every other license is due. If you do not pay on time, uou get fined. What is the problem? Just pay your fine and move on. Can a person with a gun license say he or she just forgot? This is unacceptable and we need accountability. Enough of this now, hold ministers accountable. If so, you can rest assured they wont do it again. If Plp and Fnm both filed in time, then the others should be held accountable. They cannot say they didnt know.

Posted 10 May 2022, 12:27 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

Not going to happen. These guys are criminals at heart. If they can get away with something... they WILL do it.

Posted 10 May 2022, 1:41 p.m. Suggest removal

Maximilianotto says...

“Oversight” of some Swiss bank accounts dating back to BahaMar bankruptcy?
Just asking. Affidavits would clarify.

Posted 10 May 2022, 6 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

These rookie MPs either have foot in mouth disease OR the party did a poor job of vetting and training them for the life & career of a politician

Political life is as serious a job as any other high profile management job. However, they carry on as if they're running a tuckshop.

The quality of politician has declined astronomically each 5 year term over the past 20 years. It seems to coincide with the decline in education quality, ethics & morality

Posted 10 May 2022, 7:28 p.m. Suggest removal

BONEFISH says...

This is how life goes in the Bahamas. The politicians don't follow the laws they pass, They expect every body else to follow the rules and laws. They are not censured or are not held to account. This continuing rot in this country starts with them

Posted 10 May 2022, 8:20 p.m. Suggest removal

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