The hypocrisy of America

EDITOR, The Tribune.

A shooting at a school in Texas. 19 dead children, many wounded and two adults killed. The first thing you notice is the parents of these students appear to be primarily Hispanic.

Then ICE shows up. Apparently even with such a horrible incident, the US Immigrations and Customs Enforcement, a department with Homeland Security is looking for illegal immigrants even within an historic situation like this. Imagine you are a parent in fear that your child is threatened and perhaps missing or worse, then The Federal Government’s Goose Stepping Agents of ICE appear. Possible illegal immigrants who showed up to see if their children are safe may very well be arrested, incarcerated and deported.

I was in New Orleans a while back with my wife. She is a descendent of Chinese immigrants to Canada. While visiting this wonderful city, we walked into a large protest against I.C.E. tactics. Thousands of people who have family members and friends picked up by this agency’s agents. Imagine the kids are home, and you are having dinner, and suddenly a bunch of armed security break into your home and take you or a family member away. Is happening in Russia, China, Saudi Arabia or some far off dictatorship? No, it’s happening in good old America. Some agents approached us as we spoke to the protesters. Our Passports saved us from a possible ride in the paddy wagon.

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free”. Yah, at the foot of Lady Liberty. Sure legal immigration is preferred, but many of your neighbours are from nations of chaos, social fear and tyranny. Give ‘em a break folks. Show them the courtesy of the chase, and leave them to find their little ones, cherish them, or in fact grieve their loss.

An idea... Gun Control. Use all those ICE agents in a process of identifying, interviewing and approving individuals who want weapons. That is what they are folks. Made to kill.

Most mass murders prefer hand guns, semi and automatic weapons over shot guns and long rifles. Stop persecuting honest gun owners who are hunters and sports minded. Outlaw everything except shot guns and long rifles. Simple. Outlaw the common practice of public officials allowed to receive and accept “bribes”- sorry donations from the NRA and Gun Lobby. Put a stop to America’s “illegal” immigrant Centred genocide as well.



Ontario, Canada.

May 25, 2022.


ScubaSteve says...

Excellent post! As a white, Christian, male, & a US citizen... you make all very good points. We actually need MORE immigrants to come to the US. There are currently two job openings for every one unemployed worker in the US at this time. We need more bodies in the country that are willing to work & contribute. If US citizens won't or can't do the job -- bring in more immigrants.
As for guns -- yes, it is absolutely appalling. No one should have access to two AR-15s, 400 rounds of ammo, & a full set of body armor (as the 18 yr old did in Texas this week). Heck, my next door neighbor has four AR-15s, at least 4-5 hand guns, stacks of ammo, & two hand grenades all in a safe in his basement. I've seen his arsenal with my own eyes.
Please keep in mind, as you watch from up north, most folks are for gun control. The issue is that the Republican party has been completely hijacked by the NRA, the desire for money & control, & self preservation from a political point of view. As a result, I have happily walked away from the Republican party when Trump ran the first time in '16 & have never looked back.

Posted 27 May 2022, 10:44 a.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

The writer of this article would do well to remember that Canada's stringent gun controls did absolutely nothing to stop the mass shooting that happened in Nova Scotia about two years back. The shooter even used the big, black, and scary AR-15 that is banned by direct reference in Canada. Almost like criminals don't buy their guns from Walmart.

Americans have the **right** to bear arms. Notice that it is not **privilege**, but a **right**. Americans shed their blood fighting to have an independent nation, while Canada was a British dominion until the Empire was dead and could do nothing to prevent independence. I have frequented both countries, and have concluded that this is the reason why the mentalities of the people are completely different.

Also, please let me know how great immigration is for the millenials and zoomers in Canada. One look at the average home price in Vancouver or the GTA (or even Halifax now) is more than enough to show the wonderful effects of unsustainable immigration on an economy. Most young Canadians are completely locked out of the housing market while the Grits and Tories refuse to do anything about the issue because "racism" and "muh GDP".

Posted 27 May 2022, 12:16 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

All excellent points and I couldn't agree with you more. I too am very familiar with the culture and way of life in the U.S. as compoared to Canada having lived at various times of my life on the east and west coasts of both of these countries.

Posted 28 May 2022, 3:48 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

So reward illegal aliens that break the law and flood the country, yet punish law abiding citizens that own firearms. That sums it up? All of the illegal immigrants are not just innocent people with their "families" fyi, many are rapists, drug traffickers, gang members, convicts, thieves, murderers and who knows what else? You don't know who they are because they didn't abide by a legal process to enter, you don't know if the kid they're travelling with is theirs, could be a child being trafficked, you don't know anything about these people. Can you see the irony of suggesting ICE agents harass law abiding American citizens looking to purchase firearms legally yet you just want to let anyone enter the country illegally without even knowing if they're a dangerous criminal or not?

The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, what is so difficult to understand about that? America isn't China, understand that you are flirting with Civil War when you start clamoring about outlawing and grabbing guns. The very establishment of America as a country was born out of the British attempt at gun confiscation. Better learn from history or when you start trying to take the guns again expect an American revolution again, this time to get rid of Marxist, Socialist and Communist tyrants like your Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who masquerade as "Liberals" and "Democrats". Keep pushing it.

Posted 28 May 2022, 10:31 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Not sure that we can point fingers here. We've got more than enough violence in the workplace to show, noone's been killed yet. But this was an interesting headline on msnbc

"*Toddler fatally shot in Pittsburgh drive-by was not intended target, police say*"

Posted 30 May 2022, 6:38 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...


U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Brian Nichols recently visited The Bahamas for a couple of days to try dissuade Davis and other senior government officials from putting our country on an information and communications technology platform built and installed for the most part by enterprises controlled by the Chinese Communist Party.

That's really quite laughable when you consider the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), working together with U.S. corporations like AT&T under their equipment and service provider agreements with Batelco (now BTC), recorded on U.S. based computer servers every electronic communication to, from and within The Bahamas for many years (and may still be doing so), including every single phone call, email, fax, SWIFT transmission message, etc., etc.

You can be rest assured Davis and Mitchell were laughing behind Brian Nichols back and rightfully so. It's really no big wonder why the U.S. is in such a state of decline relative to Communist Red China and the U.S. government has virtually zero credibility today around the world. Even Larry Fink of Blackrock now says he prefers spending his time in Communist Red China these days because of all the hypocrisy by the U.S. government today.

Posted 31 May 2022, 11:13 a.m. Suggest removal

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