Minister confident over contact tracing

EDUCATION Minister Glenys Hanna Martin said she is confident in the ability of health officials to properly trace students, teachers and faculty at schools where there have been positive COVID-19 cases.

Her comments came after Bahamas Union of Teachers president Belinda Wilson said the union was concerned about the Ministry of Health and Wellness’ capacity to properly conduct contact tracing in view of cases in schools and communities.

“It’s our Ministry of Health,” Mrs Hanna Martin told reporters yesterday. “I know the challenge is huge that they are dealing with, but I am confident that they will do the work that they are obliged to do, but it is a big task.

“That is why we have to all be a part of the solution and cooperate in ensuring that we’re able to get ahead of this situation so it will involve things like safety protocols. It will involve things like being able to be proactive if you see symptoms not to come to the school, doing testing, including teachers without any hesitation.

“All of these things - cooperate with the Ministry of Health. So, I think we have to understand that a pandemic is not a one dimensional approach. It is our full cooperation and I’m certain we can always strengthen areas and I’m sure as time moves and as weaknesses are seen there will be a strengthening of where any vulnerabilities are seen.”

The minister also weighed in on an announcement on Wednesday by the prime minister of a pay increase to teachers, along with retention pay for those in the profession.

“I was very elated to hear that the compensation for teachers will be increased in any shape or form,” she said.

“I think that as we move forward we would have a more coordinated look at the compensation of teachers and that’s something we’re looking at now, including the career path for teachers but as a first impetus I was really happy because it is well deserved and long overdue.”


tribanon says...


Posted 27 May 2022, 5:56 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Is that for Covid or Monkey Pox

Posted 30 May 2022, 5:28 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Every time one of these school and Covid stories come out, I ask the same question. Since face to face / in person learning restarted early this year, how many students have died of Covid in the Bahamas.

I saw some kind of total death figure the other week saying 800 persons - but is that students or the grand total ? And how many of them were from when schools re-opened and how many are student deaths?

Posted 30 May 2022, 8:52 a.m. Suggest removal

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