And how are we biting the bullet?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

According to The Tribune, government official Rochelle Newbold spoke at the Rotary Club, echoing the PM’s proclamations regarding climate change.

She made the statement, “The only thing we can do, come November, COP27, we have to go to the table and we have to remind them and we have to call them out. The same way we have to bite the bullet and do the right thing, they also have to bite the bullet and do the right thing.”

Pray tell Ms Newbold, how we here in The Bahamas have bitten the bullet?

Is it by having high educational standards, insuring that our population is cognizant of the science and our own personal impacts on climate change?

Is it by responsible government spending, investing in our communities?

Is it by our government investing in producing electricity by solar, wind and tidal energy, all abundant in The Bahamas?

Is it by the adequate planning and investment for the future by our political officials? Is it by telling oil drillers to go take a hike?

Is Ms Newbold suggesting that The Bahamas has done anything but talk about climate change? From my perspective, the vast majority of Bahamians know nothing about the current and emerging science regarding climate change and its increasing effects on The Bahamas.

Bahamian government officials seem even more ignorant of the science, except for how it applies to their own political power.

The idea that The Bahamas has “bitten the bullet” is laughable and a lie. The one thing we do best here is talk. Talk, talk, talk, talk.

Look at Bahamas Air, Bank of Bahamas, Water and Sewerage, and BPL to name just a few organisations that we have failed at improving for decades now.

And, you want us to believe that we are capable of dealing with climate change? This is why we are going to Egypt? To put our hand out and beg for money? Money that we will squander. Just as we have with every other existential problem that exists here. My advice. Stay home and save us the travel expenses.

Fix our own problems here at home first. The many, many problems that we have clearly failed at fixing over and over, and over.



October 31, 2022.


moncurcool says...

So true

How can we have people talking about going to Egypt to tell other countries do something about pollution and climate change and we have not life one finger at home to do one thing about how we pollute?

Posted 1 November 2022, 7:02 p.m. Suggest removal

Dawes says...

LOL no we aren't doing anything. We hope to get money from the rich countries, all while we continue to dig up any part of the country that has environmental resources.

Posted 2 November 2022, 12:56 p.m. Suggest removal

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