Woman got a call to come outside - then was shot dead


Tribune Staff Reporter


A WOMAN in her 40s was fatally shot after she was prompted to come outside of her home by a phone call early yesterday morning, police said.

She has been identified by relatives as 42-year-old Patrice Sawyer.

According to Chief Superintendent Michael Johnson, sometime after 5am police received information about the incident.

“Upon the officers’ arrival, they met the lifeless body of a female just on the outside of her residence, with apparent gunshot wounds to the upper extremities,” he told reporters at the scene.

“The information thus far that we’re working with is that sometime after five, we believe that she was summoned outside by a phone call. As she went on the outside of a residence, the family members heard what sounded like three gunshots. When they went outside to investigate, they met a loved one on the outside of a residence.”

Asked if police had evidence to suggest the victim knew the assailant, he answered: “No, we cannot say that at this time.”

The Tribune met the victim’s father, Percy Sawyer, at the scene yesterday.

 When this newspaper arrived at the victim’s house, a number of people had already gathered, some wailing in anguish.

 Mr Sawyer recalled the ordeal noting that he remembered hearing the gunshots, but had no idea that his daughter had been fatally wounded.

 “The only thing I heard was two gunshots and it seems to be so close,” he told The Tribune.

 “So then I heard her mother in there — she was hollering. So I come down as I said, don’t tell me they shoot gunshot across from the road and it come in the house.

 “But when I reached the door, I meet her, you know, trying to find a way outside because she don’t see too well. And I asked her what happened, but I thought she get hurt.

 “Then she said, ‘Nothing happened to me’. So I decided to go to the next door where my daughter be. And she said she ain’t there.”

 He said he went outside and saw his daughter lying dead with an apparent gunshot to the head and another to the upper body.

 He also said: “Apparently, whoever it was she must be see the gun and she must be decide to run.”

 Asked if his daughter had complained about having problems with someone in her life, her father said this was not the case. He said if his daughter was having issues with someone, she would have talked to him about it.

 This is not the first tragedy for the family. Mr Sawyer said his son was murdered several years ago.

 “It’s hard to say, but that’s the world we live in,” Mr Sawyer said about losing children to violence. “It’s nothing you can say. It seems to me like despite everything else it’s like a door – a revolving door. You today, you tomorrow. There’s nothing we can do.”

 He said the family has not had closure over his son’s murder.

 “We just get a bunch of paperwork, you put it on the shelf and (catch) dust and nothing happens because six years going on seven years nobody never come to me one day and say ‘Mr Sawyer, we have this or Mr Sawyer we got this....”

 This killing comes after three people, including two men on bail for serious crimes, were shot dead in separate incidents over the weekend.

 Anyone with information on these crimes is asked to contact CID at 502-9991/2 or Crime Stoppers at 328-(TIPS)-8477.


JokeyJack says...

Too bad our phone companies are too dumb to keep phone logs. Maybe the NSA can help us. They are supposedly recording all our calls.

Posted 1 November 2022, 3:30 p.m. Suggest removal

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