Davis is a strong negotiator

EDITOR The Tribune.

It was written by an ancient Roman philosopher hundreds of years ago: 'Ut Ameris Amabillis Estol' which translates into: 'If you wish to be loved, you must be lovable'. This quote aptly describes our esteemed and world respected Prime Minister, the Most Hon Philip 'Brave' Davis, MP, KT. Some hold the bogus concept that leaders who are 'feared' as opposed to 'loved' have a better rapport with their citizens. I beg to differ.

From the earliest days of his administration, in my view, it seemed as if former Prime Minister Hubert A. Minnis (FNM-Killarney) wanted top project, as he did, a stern persona and draconian character. His facial features, when admonishing or addressing the nation were not conducive to engendering love towards him. The multiple press conferences wore thin on the average Bahamian. He also adopted, again, in my view, a 'hostile' approach to industrial and labour matters. It was often his way or the highway.

Most Bahamians are a rare and strange breed of people. They do not like to be talked down to and they, for sure, will not long tolerate such a leader. Yes, by all means, leaders should and must 'talk' with the people but it an empathic manner and with respect. Communications and messaging are critical to good governance. The Davis administration is still relatively new so one could understand the very public antics of unions and labour associations. The PM, however. is a master negotiator who, clearly, does not wilt under pressure, public or private. He is Primus Inter Pares and as such the proverbial buck stops at his desk.

In less than one year in high office, the PM and his administration have 'solved' at least 10 long outstanding and simmering labour and industrial agreements that were left hanging out to dry by Messrs. Minnis & Company for years. The Nurses are happy. The Teachers are happy. The Doctors are happy. The hotel industry workers are happy. The Bahamas Christian Council is being listened to and respected. The pharmacists played crazy the other day and shuttered their operations, albeit for a short period. The Bahamas Retail Grocers are almost happy and there is light at the end of the tunnel.

This PM is a listener and a skilled negotiator with a degree of empathy and compassion almost unheard of in recent years. In fact, since the hey days of the late great and deeply lamented Sir Lynden Oscar Pindling. In fact, in my considered view, PM Davis is the logical and natural successor to that iconic and legendary 'son of the soil', despite the pretensions of brothers Ingraham and Christie. Minnis, with all due respect, has yet to even begin to tie the shoe or tennis laces of Sir Lynde or PM Davis.

Clearly, the PM is a master negotiator who gets the job at hand done without bombastic talk and shaving cream. We all recall the ill fated attempt by the Airport Workers Union and the good and hard working employees at the National Insurance Board. You will also note that the Electrical Workers Union over at Bahamas Power & Light have 'behaved' admirably over the past eighteen months and counting.

As the national economy re-emerges and people are gainfully employed or self employed across the board. Exciting things are happening throughout The Family Islands and even over, surprisingly, in Grand Bahama. I predict that Our Lucaya will, finally, be sold before the end of this year. If not, I will literally eat one foot of my shoes - the large set.

Communications and messaging are key to the failure or success of any administration. Yes, a little fiasco along the way, for the PM, whom I love and respect more than a biological or lodge brother, does not, yet, walk or water. All in all, however, The Bahamas is back, locally and internationally, within one short year. Great job PM.

ORTLAND H. Bodie, Jr.


November 6, 2022.


bahamianson says...

Davis is the " I am not aware" politician. Remember when Bamsi burned down. The plp supporter got the contract under Davis' portfolio. He was not aware rhat the dude was not insured. Please stop talking foolishness.

Posted 7 November 2022, 7:58 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

More hot air and verbal effluent from both Idol and sycophant.

You would be hard put to find a more obsequious toady than Bodie, he has developed ass kissing to an art form.

Posted 8 November 2022, 7:48 a.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

#The Grand Lucayan’s former chairman last night said “I told you so” after the Government admitted the resort’s $100m sale has collapsed and it is now seeking an alternative purchaser.

Bodie, you better order a side of crow to go along with your main course of stinky Converse toe jammers, should make a fitting Christmas dinner for a “prophet” of your foresight, 😂

Posted 8 November 2022, 10:04 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

When I see the carbon credits, crypto billions, & Grand Lucayan heads in beds, I'll believe Bodie's sweet talking crap about Davis.

Posted 8 November 2022, 1:36 p.m. Suggest removal

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