Senate president tells joint sitting: ‘Rape is rape’


SENATE President LaShell Adderley called yesterday for the criminalisation of marital rape, saying rape is rape no matter the context.

“Our long walk to freedom has not yet ended when the marital bed has become a violent mattress,” she said. “Rape is rape; notwithstanding the context. The Bible reminds us that men ought to love their wives in the way that Christ loves the church and died for it.

“This love is defined in 1st Corinthians Chapter 13 as being patient, kind, and not delighting in evil. Freedom and justice demand legislation which outlaws spousal rape,” Ms Adderley said.

Ms Adderley’s comments came during a special joint sitting at the House of Assembly which brought members of Parliament and Senators together in the lower chamber. The joint sitting celebrated the contributions that Bahamian women have made to the national development of the country.

The joint sitting also highlighted the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of women obtaining the right to vote and the efforts of the Women’s Suffrage Movement.

Ms Adderley in her remarks pointed out that the “long walk to freedom” for women has not ended yet, saying women are indiscriminately victims of gender-based violence and there is no domestic violence legislation for their protection.

“Freedom, justice and equality demands a Gender-Based Violence Act now,” she stressed.

She also highlighted the need for improvement in the treatment of women, such as women not receiving the same salary compensation, promotion and benefits as their male counterparts.

The meeting yesterday marked the first time a joint sitting was chaired by two women, House Speaker Patricia Deveaux and Ms Adderley.

 When asked by reporters outside of the House of Assembly how she would respond to those who have criticised her management and running of the House, Speaker Deveaux responded: “Anytime a woman is in charge her aggressiveness is always misconstrued.”

 She added: “I’m saying this to say, a woman has to work double down hard when you’re in a man’s world. And so, my aggressiveness is not just to put them in their place. But to take control of the House and make sure that the people’s business is conducted in the right fashion and that is expected by this country.”

 Ms Deveaux defended her running of the House of Assembly.

 “I’m bringing decorum and respect back to the floor,” she said.

 Meanwhile, Education Minister Glenys Hanna-Martin in her remarks highlighted women who have made great strides to development and status of the country.

 “In this gallery joining us, for this solemn occasion, is an array of distinguished women former parliamentarians who are the tangible expression of women obtaining a franchise that is the full participation in the political process.”

 Ms Hanna-Martin applauded these women for their contributions and efforts to the country over the years.

 Among those in attendance at the special joint sitting were Dame Janet Bostwick, who was the first woman elected to serve in the House of Assembly; Italia Johnson, who was the first female Speaker of the House of Assembly; Cynthia ‘Mother’ Pratt, who was the first woman to serve as deputy prime minister, and former Governor General Dame Marguerite Pindling.

 Also in the gallery during the special joint sitting were the wives of former and current prime ministers.


LastManStanding says...

> Ms Deveaux defended her running of the House of Assembly. “I’m bringing decorum and respect back to the floor,” she said.

If by "bringing decorum and respect back to the floor" you mean turning the House into the straw market, then yes, I agree.

Posted 24 November 2022, 9:35 a.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

She does not know the meaning of the word decorum., let alone respect.

Posted 24 November 2022, 5:34 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

> “I’m saying this to say, a woman has to work double down hard when you’re in a man’s world. And so, my aggressiveness is not just to put them in their place."

Only women uncomfortable with their gender exude such an us (women) versus them (men) mentality. If Deveaux really feels she must behave like a man in order to keep order in the HOA, then she is not fit to be Speaker. Intelligent women comfortable with their gender do not have to be overly aggressive with men in any workplace environment today, including our HOA. But the more operative word here in the case of Deveaux may be "intelligent".

By the way, the Senate President's remarks on criminalizing marital rape are spot on.

Posted 24 November 2022, 10:52 a.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

"By the way, the Senate President's remarks on criminalizing marital rape are spot on."


Also understand her sentiments about having to act tougher as a woman to appear to be on an equal footing with a man, it's just the way it is🤣

Posted 24 November 2022, 12:07 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

It is her oponion , it does not make it one way or the other , attention shold be paid men are the ones who are behind in the Bahamas , many of them are not doing well , note the college of the Bahamas , the jails

Posted 24 November 2022, 12:30 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

The system has 85% homes ran by single mothers with sons. These sons grow up to hate females and act out anger like their parent. Why is it that 85% of our women hate what marriage represents in the house if God. They want to set a greater agenda than God by bring rape into the marrital bed. As long as sex workers get legal status along but it really dies not matter because all a husband needs to do is say yes to so so many lonely women just looking for honesty and companionship. I go with Anglican Bishop Boyd view that a married responsible and caring home should never get to the point of sexual neglect.

Posted 24 November 2022, 12:51 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

There will never be gender equality. Sin is real.

Posted 24 November 2022, 4:56 p.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

After a wife reports her husband has raped her, and he is then charged, and goes to jail, upon his release from jail do they remain together as a family and sleep in the same bed, or does she immediately file for divorce?

Posted 24 November 2022, 5:20 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

A part of the G7 gender equality well funded narrative is for trans persons to be protected as resexed male to female. They want equal rights as women, but some bosses prefer them because they don't call in sick every month nor take maternity leave. A very efficient way to run a business is to cancel real women. Not to mention mood swings. But give me the real deal any day.

Posted 24 November 2022, 5:37 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

By looking at a picture, you see why at official picture taking occasions, our thoughts can present brief moments to step back from life's grinds, as observers of how much our political Comrade "Sisters', **sure do love dresses in loud colourful drag gowns, capes and horse hair wigs.**

 The "Sister" is only missing the 4 Feet Long Chandelle Feather Boa.

  How cool get a personally autographed picture of the Comrade "Sister", dressed in full drag, gown, cape and wig with Chandelle Feather Boa.

Tis why at times, you just don't has bother with makin' up stuff.
— Yes?

Posted 25 November 2022, 1:09 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Modern women call achievements that mock the power of men the crown and glory. Some men are now more passionate and nurturing than females who call call being married or tending to children, sick parents and grands a setback in life. Role call for mothers whose sons, now husbands cannot accept no then goes into a tantrum as if still a child. Then the wives, - ring on the finger, handcuffs on the house papers the rich husband's bank account, dreams of a freelance showoff single life, - yes the cat has been used as a trap and then the cage closes. It's a WOW! to use The Holy Bible only once in their lives and are far from being a church going religious of God in full humility.

Posted 25 November 2022, 8:48 a.m. Suggest removal

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