PM: TIME TO TACKLE ALL FORMS OF VIOLENCE – No specific policies named as Davis asked about rape


Tribune Staff Reporter

PRIME Minister Phillip “Brave” Davis said yesterday it is time for the country to “get on top” of violence and abuse in all forms, following a recent Supreme Court ruling on a divorce case involving a woman who said she felt like a “rape victim” in her marriage.

The ruling was handed down by Justice J Denise Lewis-Johnson on August 29 and centres around a woman’s divorce petition in which she sought to end her marriage on the grounds of cruel treatment.

The woman claimed her husband would force intercourse and made her feel like a “rape victim” throughout their marriage.

While ruling that the husband was cruel for forcing his wife to have sex against her will on numerous occasions, it was found that “there is no rape in marriage” under Bahamian law.

Yesterday, Mr Davis was asked to comment on the judgement and renewed calls for his government to address the issue of marital rape.

 “I don’t quite follow that ruling,” the prime minister responded. “First of all, violence is violence. I don’t like describing rape at all. I think marital is descriptive that that detracts from the substance of what rape is all about.

 “Rape is a violation of someone’s body without their consent.”

 The prime minister then later said he found the ruling curious since rape is physical abuse, which could be used as a ground for divorce.

 He added: “It’s curious that the judge can say that a woman who claims that she was raped by a husband cannot use that as a ground for divorce when physical abuse could be and rape is physical abuse.”

 Mr Davis has previously said that addressing the issue of marital rape is not a priority item for his administration.

 Social Services Minister Obie Wilchcombe recently acknowledged that while the matter is not a major focus for the government, it is something they will have to deal with eventually.

 This comes as Mr Wilchcombe prepares to meet with church leaders this month to discuss the controversial topic.

 Asked yesterday if he supported Mr Wilchcombe’s comments, the prime minister replied that it was time for the country to get on top of violence and abuse in all forms.

 “It’s time to get on top of violence and abuse in all its forms,” Mr Davis said. “It’s become too prevalent in our society. We’re becoming too anti-social, relationships are being stretched by reasons of egos and personalities and all the external issues that impact relationships.

 “And we need to be able to address those by getting to the root causes of why people act in the way they do. We need to speak to and again, the challenges that we are facing, the societal issues that we face to drive people to do things.

  “We have to get to those. We need to talk to our young men, talk to our young women and talk to our people about what is right and wrong. Civility has to be returned to our society.”

 Last week, police officials revealed statistics showing a rise in reported rapes.

 Between January 1 and August 23, there were 51 reported rape incidents, up three from the 48 incidents that were recorded for the entire year of 2021.

 Police said they have also recorded 69 cases of indecent assault, 10 reported incidents of incest and more than 60 cases of unlawful sexual intercourse so far for the year.

 While commenting on the statistics yesterday, National Security Minister Wayne Munroe said it is time for people to understand that “you don’t fool with little children and that you don’t force yourself on people period.”

 Mr Munroe added: “So, we encourage everyone to stop this behaviour. The police are taking a focused approach on it and, as I say, we encourage everyone to co-operate with them in this effort.”


Sickened says...

So a husband can't be charged with rape but can he now be charged with sexual assault because of this case? It would be a good start until this Christian husbands can't rape crap finally is removed from our laws and the Bible as well.
The Bible needs to reinterpreted by priests with sense.

Posted 6 September 2022, 9:56 a.m. Suggest removal

KapunkleUp says...

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Posted 6 September 2022, 10:09 a.m.

Sickened says...

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Posted 6 September 2022, 11:24 a.m.

themessenger says...

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Posted 6 September 2022, 12:17 p.m.

DonAnthony says...

This is a don’t rock the boat, a kick the can down the road government. More interested in being in government than truly governing and addressing our many serious issues. Problem is that can only be done for so long and the avoidance of these problems only exacerbates them. We have not had real leadership in the Bahamas since the first Ingraham administration.

Posted 6 September 2022, 10:54 a.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

So... what is the plan exactly???

Posted 6 September 2022, 11:25 a.m. Suggest removal

DWW says...

No one needs to worry. Davis will be financially straight and live the high life in 4 years. I don't doubt we will never know how much extra wealth he is creating while in this role and gallivanting around the world pickup up new sources of shady wealth for his personal business while on the Bahamian peoples dollar.

Posted 6 September 2022, 1:33 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Yep ........... he looks (and acts) like the typical African dictator.

The cookie jar will be scrubbed clean by 2026, for sure

Posted 6 September 2022, 3:18 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

After all of these years, how is it that marital rape is such a big issue? It is impossible if the husband and wife live in the same house and sleep in the same bed. how will they be able to prove it. Perhaps the complaint can put in a hidden camera to help the judge decide

It would be good if they could get the murder cases tried.

Posted 6 September 2022, 5:52 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Davis and the PLP are now for sure 'one and done'. His nonchalant and cavalier attitude towards marital rape only serves to prove he is as insensitive and politically tone deaf as Minnis; perhaps worse than Minnis and that's really saying a whole lot!

I frankly feel sorry for Davis's wife who has no doubt been told to keep her mouth shut on this most important matter to many Bahamian women in our society today.

No self-respecting, decent, and sensible woman would ever support Davis or any other PLP candidate (man or woman) in the next national general election. And this is especially true if she has one or more daughters or granddaughters.

Posted 6 September 2022, 7:56 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

donanthony why did the FNM papa not pass the marital rape law, was it in existence then. Mr: Davis will be wise not to touch this law. men and women should go their separate ways. when the marriage is over. marital rape makes no sense when people live in the same house and sleep in the same bed. move on. should be the order for both of them.

Posted 7 September 2022, 11:30 a.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

the saying "Stay out of people's BEDROOM business " still exists

the bible says the two become one flesh. what happened to that?

it appears this will be a law that will affect men.

Posted 7 September 2022, 11:35 a.m. Suggest removal

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