Politics as monarch changes

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Such a short time ago we lost our Sovereign Queen - Queen of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas - monarchists will mourn anti-monarchists will see an opportunity to lobby - push for the removal of the Sovereign as Head of State to a Democratic Republic like the majority of the Commonwealth of Nations.

Party politics for sure the PLP has always wanted the removal of the sovereign and there will be no doubt with the 50th anniversary coming up next year their lobby will strengthen and suggest it might be appropriate to take the issue to The People in referenda and see their decision – this will divide.

It cannot be like the Gaming Referendum which for memory the No's solidly won, but were overridden and the then Prime Minister decided to counter the vote and we suddenly had an illegal act become an illegal Law although a Law was passed.

Will the present Prime Minister go down this road? He clearly since election, a year ago has been on an image making profile – it seems to me that his Office has become a public relations fortress of spin and imaging to a level that is becoming rather ridiculous.

We saw it yesterday with the proclamation that those who were Queen's Counsel would now be known as King's Counsel, but the instrument of such designation is controlled by legislation not, I suggest by magisterial proclamation from OPM –- surely only by an Amendment to the Law in Parliament can this occur, I stand to be corrected. The really hilarious part was the last - how he, the Prime Minister, is to be addressed - was that necessary? To this observer a little of the competent authority syndrome coming into play!

Virtually 80 plus percent of living Bahamians only knew a Queen – it's only 50 years next year we took Independence we are young in more senses than one – it will be hard to adjust, but it is now God save The King – King Charles III - may He reign over us (at least ’til the PLP decide to play the referendum card) - I doubt PM Davis will unless they are absolutely sure they can win the question. Referenda have a death wish on sitting governments if they lose one – ask Mr Ingraham and Christie.

Well from Elizabethan to Charlian - interesting as a Realm State our High Commissioner to the Court of St. James/UK was 'required' to sign the Proclamation documents on our behalf as a Realm State - a privilege for His Excellency Ellison Greenslade no Bahamian has ever done that.

A reflection Her Majesty served exemplary for 70 years – totally unselfishly through wars, epidemics and crisis, thank you. Public elected officials should take heed of that and copy – it certainly will be better in the Bahamas if they did.



September 10, 2022.


Alan1 says...

This is an interesting letter with many fine comments. We are proud of being Bahamians. We are proud of our history and the inheritance from the U.K. of our form of government. The Queen 's service to the Commonwealth for over 70 years was excellent. She was interested in all the countries and brought people of so many backgrounds together working for the common good. King Charles has been well trained for his position and is definitely a friend of The Bahamas. We will look forward to working with him in the years ahead.Meanwhile in this time of mourning we will remember our Queen and thank God for her service to us all.

Posted 14 September 2022, 5:59 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

It is necessary to remove Charles because he and his mother have been flying in late in the night (like 3am) with pick-axes and digging pot holes in our roads. They also issued orders to the Governor General to not allow anyone to repair them. We need smooth roads. A smooth road to the future with a new republic !!!!!!

Posted 14 September 2022, 8:25 p.m. Suggest removal

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