‘My hands are more than clean’ on food assistance programme says Minnis


Tribune Staff Reporter


FORMER Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis said his Cabinet had no involvement in the COVID-19 food assistance programme after establishing a National Food Distribution Taskforce to manage it.

His comments came a week after he told The Tribune that three senior police officers interviewed him earlier this year as part of an investigation into the programme.

Deputy Commissioner of Police Leamond Deleveaux has said Dr Minnis is not a suspect in the investigation.

Yesterday, Dr Minnis again said his hands are clean.

“If they want to question me, they can question me. They know the facts,” he said “The facts are Cabinet approved the individuals (working within the food programme), Cabinet approved the budget and that was the end. The politicians would have had no involvement whatsoever after that. The conclusions are sent to the various ministries, and that is it. And that’s all any politician can say to them, that it’s been approved by Cabinet (and) sent to finance.”

He further said officials agreed with NGOs not to distribute food at constituency offices to prevent political involvement or bias.

“My hands are more than clean; my hands are more than clean,” he said. “I’ve said it before I think the Prime Minister when he questions me, he’s barking up the wrong tree. And he knows that. And he does not want this giant or this gorilla to come forth.”

Dr Minnis said NGOs and supermarkets who helped during the pandemic should be given more credit.

“They were able to deliver food in a timely manner. (They avoided) the problems the rest of the world was having in terms of unrest, in terms of rioting, in terms of starvation or insufficient food. They have been able to avoid that,” he said.

He added: “The supermarkets did their part by giving the Bahamian taxpayers discounted rates just to ensure that foods are low. So rather than the prime minister trying to demean individuals, the prime minister should recognise these individuals as heroes.”

Last month, Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis accused an unnamed non-profit organisation of going on a spending spree, buying two high-end trucks and boats with public funds that were meant to provide food assistance during the pandemic.

That was one of several criticisms Mr Davis has made about the programme since taking office in 2021.

He had previously said his administration had struggled to determine how the $53m issued to the National Food Distribution Taskforce was spent.


DonAnthony says...

Can Minnis just retire? His tenure was disastrous for the FNM and the Bahamian people. Two of his MPs facing scandalous charges. Just move on and shut up, he had his time, time for new blood.

Posted 13 April 2023, 5:12 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

If ever there was a more honorable, honest and noble politician you have him in Dr. Minnis. This gentleman raised the bar on integrity during his tenure. If ever the Bahamian people need a new leadership, then let us bring this man back. Previous and subsequent Prime Ministers have sullied this office.

Posted 14 April 2023, 4:53 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

He use to be the most honorable , the competent authority , now he has become a gorilla and a giant , keep on roc with doc show your true colour

Posted 13 April 2023, 5:53 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Tribune Nov-2022:

"*DEPUTY Commissioner of Police Leamond Deleveaux yesterday denied reports that former Youth, Sports and Culture Minister Lanisha Rolle is being investigated by police.*

*He said police were looking into some “irregularities” at the ministry, but could not say if those irregularities occurred when the Minnis administration was in power or during Mrs Rolle’s tenure.*

*When approached by reporters on the matter yesterday, Mrs Rolle said her track record spoke for itself and added that she believed in due time, the truth will be revealed.*

Lanisha Rolle was correct about one thing:

"*in due time, the truth will be revealed*"

Lanisha is actually a sad case. She was someone who should have never been put in that position. She was never equipped to handle power, neither was Adrian Gibson. That was clear to everyone. Yet Dr Minnis pushed both of them to the tippy top immediately. Never made sense.

Posted 14 April 2023, 3:18 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I recall saying something was off with the food program quite early on but as a nation there was a national view of why yall troubling them good people doing all that good work? A few days ago someone referenced the phrase from a Bahamian song "*Pimps in the Pulpit*", no better place to hide, noone looks for them in plain sight. We have no vision. I see a new batch of people jockeying to be placed in leadership now.

Posted 14 April 2023, 3:28 a.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

My neighbour encouraged me to join him in getting the assistance, but I managed without it.

The products were rejects and substandard. Canned fish without labels and cereals without milk. The delivery companies were paid more to deliver a bag than the items were worth.

I have noticed that one restaurant which received half million dollars for delivery has been "temporarily closed' for quite a while now.

Posted 14 April 2023, 10:39 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I am not saying that the food program didnt help people. It did. it was literally the only source of food for some for over a year.

I am saying the entire picture didnt add up. Tried to get this point to one individual who was stuck on Dr Minnis, and bombastic in their support, *disasters are magnets for fraudsters*, they hide in the chaos and the sheer volume of activity, who's going to notice? Thats why international non profits place such high value on transparency, so the public and donors know exactly whats happening and dont lose confidence. Wasnt the counyry given a 250 million dollar facility that they were unable to account for? And I know some people would say *oh, go dig up in the treasury and finance all the records there. We have all the receipts*. Thats not transparency. At minimum transparency requires timeliness, this 2023.

Posted 14 April 2023, 12:33 p.m. Suggest removal

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