We must stand up and speak

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The victim of alleged physical and sexual assault by a sitting parliamentarian is to be supported and commended by all right-thinking Bahamians. As we all know, it is no easy thing to go up against powerful people in this country.

In fact, in a society where women remain second-class citizens in so many areas of life, every woman or girl who is able to muster the tremendous courage necessary to stand up, against all odds, and speak the truth about her abuse at the hands of any man, must be regarded as a hero, a role model and a shining example.

Meanwhile, given the fact that the threat of intimidation, persecution and retraumatisation always looms for those who would speak truth to power, no one can blame any victim that decides to remain silent. It is the job of the rest of us to continue working to make this a society where any victim of any kind of abuse can come forward and be confident that justice will eventually be done.

In this regard, we must also praise the few media houses that had the bravery and daring to bring this matter to public attention. In a country where “official transparency and accountability” is treated as a term from a strange foreign language, it can be extremely difficult for journalists to uncover the truth. Even when they do, they too can face intimidation and threats of legal action, just for defending the public’s right to know.

So kudos to those reporters and editors that revealed the existence of an investigation which apparently, certain people in high places didn’t want the public to know anything about. These journalists have indeed lived up to the highest ideals of their calling and performed an invaluable public service. Though in the short term, they are likely to be assailed by the usual din from the political flea market, in the long-term these journalists will be recognised by history as agents of progress and decency.

Of course, the MP concerned is innocent until proven guilty by a court of law. That doesn’t mean that this investigation isn’t a matter of public interest. The public absolutely has a right to know and deserves to know whether its duly elected representatives are facing allegations of criminal bahaviour, even while giving them the benefit of the doubt until the investigation is concluded one way or the other. In a more transparent and fair society, this wouldn’t even be up for debate.

Many would say that the proper thing for the MP to do at this stage is step aside from public life until his name is cleared, or at the very least make a clear statement on the matter to his constituents and the public at large.

In any case, the cat is out of the bag now, and the ball is in the Commissioner of Police’s court. Will he treat this matter seriously, or allow it to be swept under the rug?

Right-thinking Bahamians are waiting and watching this space.


New Providence

April 17, 2023


Porcupine says...

You are 100% correct, Voltaire.

Posted 19 April 2023, 7:06 a.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

We for sure won't be able to comment about it lol.

Posted 19 April 2023, 11:23 a.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

She said they had a good relationship until April 4 I believe, what happened .?., the matter should be investigated , and if she has not be truthful , she should be charged ,same as him if he committed an offence,

Posted 19 April 2023, 12:09 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

the tribune's editor has seemingly taken a leaf out of the Speaker of the House's book by expunging at will, and often for no apparent reason, those comments previously posted on matters which could be considered uncomfortable or unpopular in certain quarters, Yes.................

Posted 19 April 2023, 12:59 p.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

In the norm, a lady makes an accusation against an everyday Joe of rape and abuse, and the police do little to no investigation and haul him before the courts in days, now we see a person hiding behind party lines, and the investigation has to be thorough and now taking weeks. This clearly shows how far behind we are when it comes to being accountable. Words and lip service are all we know.

Posted 19 April 2023, 1:39 p.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

On Tuesday a lady onboard a cruise ship reported she was raped and the accused was taken into custody immediately by the RBPF and is being held pending investigation. Do we see a double standard here?

Posted 19 April 2023, 1:49 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

Repost; Quick to investigate and arrest in the case of anyone foreign, when it comes to investigating a complaint against one of the ruling elite by a local girl the underside of the carpet is the only thing that will see the light of day, SMT!

Posted 19 April 2023, 3:39 p.m. Suggest removal

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