Man murdered in Seabreeze Lane area in his vehicle


Tribune Staff Reporter

POLICE are investigating after a man was shot dead in the Seabreeze Lane area last night.

Police press liaison Chief Superintendent Chrislyn Skippings said that, shortly before 9pm, the department received information of gunshots being heard in the area.

“Officers responded and information received is that the driver of a two-door silver Honda Civic was traveling east along Seabreeze Lane when the occupants of a dark-coloured Japanese vehicle pulled alongside the vehicle,” she said.

“It’s reported that two males exited the vehicle, both of whom are armed with firearms, opened fire on the victim and his vehicle, which resulted in the victim being shot multiple times. In an effort to evade the suspects, the victim vehicle crashed into a wall just behind me. He succumbed to his injuries on scene.”

The victim is believed to be in his early 20s and is not known to police at this time.

Asked if a firearm was discovered inside the victim’s vehicle, Skippings confirmed: “Upon examining the vehicle, we did discover a firearm inside the vehicle.”

Earlier in the evening, another man was shot as he sat in his vehicle outside his place of work in the area of Quintine Alley. He was reported to be in critical condition in hospital last night. 

The victim, a 34-year-old man who lives in Zirconia Street, was parked outside his workplace when a man exited a black Juke Jeep, approached the victim, produced a firearm and shot him multiple times before fleeing in an unknown direction. 

The victim was taken to Princess Margaret Hospital by private vehicle. 

Anyone with information about either incident is urged to call the Criminal Investigations Department at 502-9991/2/3 or Crime Stoppers on 328-TIPS.


bahamianson says...

We must stop this gender violence against men. When will it stop. Enough is enough.

Posted 21 April 2023, 10:02 a.m. Suggest removal

annmon says...

What is unfair in my opinion is that all these young men getting killed pretty much on a daily basis and there seems to be no real outcry for them but now that women are being added to the murder rate more frequently now, they want to have an outcry....both our Gov'ts are at fault for not putting the measures in place to curb this unnecessary violence. The court systems are equally at fault for putting these killers out on bail and OMG the parents are the biggest offenders for allowing their children, male and female to get out of control because the Gov't don't get pregnant and have children. I say start at the root of the problem....THE HOME!!

Posted 21 April 2023, 3:30 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Exactly. The minister is pandering to pomitics and the people follow without thinking. Follow the facts not emotions.

Posted 21 April 2023, 8:46 p.m. Suggest removal

trueBahamian says...

I don't think we can equate there murders with the argument for gender based violence. Although this is equally a tragedy, there is a distinct difference compared to.gender based violence. I believe most of what is being argued is in the context of relationships. So a boyfriend, a husband commits a crime against his other half not turf wars.

Posted 21 April 2023, 11:32 p.m. Suggest removal

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