Davis says he is ‘distressed’ by murders


Tribune Staff Reporter


PRIME Minister Phillip Davis said he is “distressed” by the latest streak of murders in New Providence.

Three men were killed on Saturday, a 28-year-old, a 22-year-old and a man believed to be in his forties.

Three women were killed the week before that — a mother and her daughter, and a mother whose body was found floating in the South Beach canal.

 During a CARICOM symposium on violence in Trinidad and Tobago last week, Police Commissioner Clayton Fernander said murders had declined by 22 per cent in the first quarter of 2023 compared to 2022. It is unclear what dates that comprised. 

 “I’m distressed over all of these issues,” Mr Davis told reporters on Saturday.  

“It’s clear that we could do things that are physical. We could provide resources. We could flood the streets. But, when things are planned and intentional, it’s just then it’s very difficult to curb what that person is about to do once they’ve planned it and it’s intentional.” 

 Saturation patrols have been a key part of police strategy for reducing crimes in New Providence, with police frequently setting up roadblocks around the island to capture people breaking the law.

 However, Mr Davis said early intervention in the lives of young, at-risk Bahamians is critical. He said the minds of criminals need to be recalibrated, a point that was emphasised to Caribbean leaders at last week’s symposium. 

 “One of the things that came out from our crime violence conference in Trinidad is Dr David Allen’s intervention when he spoke about the abused child being dangerous adults and many of the persons who are perpetrating these violent crimes they have discovered in their research, were somehow or the other abused at a very young age,” he said.

 “And so, from a scientific data collection point of view, it tells us that we have to craft interventions at an early age. We have to identify these young men and women who are being abused at young ages and try to put them on the right path. For now, the mindset is to recalibrate young people’s mindset, which again, when you’re talking about mindset, is very difficult to turn around.” 

Asked if he would encourage police to go even further with saturation patrols, Mr Davis said: “That is happening as you speak.”  

“There’s not a question of directive. You would have seen over the last several weeks, we have saturation patrol that’s working. You’ll see in the next few weeks, a number of vehicles that I’ve invested in to ensure that we have police presence on the street.” 

“But even though you have the presence, like I say, a person who is intentional about what they want to do and they’re planning it, sometimes very difficult to prevent that person from carrying on his plans. All we can do is to create the atmosphere to deter them from that.”


Sickened says...

I guess the good Lord just isn't hearing all of his prayers over the last dozen years? Or, maybe He's just ignoring him? Either way, whatever Davis is doing it isn't working.

Posted 24 April 2023, 9:25 a.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

I guess the PM is now seeing the difference between criticizing everything while in opposition and the reality of actually leading a country. He seems to be so lost....in a kind if daze....and would not stay in this country to deal with our problems.

Posted 24 April 2023, 9:35 a.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

Our society is sick, we have become a violent nation and have lost all love for our brotherman and sisters, with education or the lack thereof playing a huge part, along with teen pregnancy the Bahamas is headed for destruction.

Posted 24 April 2023, 10:05 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Davis says he is distressed by the murders. Davis: where am I flying to this weekend?

Posted 24 April 2023, 12:02 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Why did he make a statement that he *heard the young lady wasnt filing charges*... so... end of story. Now she's retained a lawyer. Having admitted to speaking to the alleged attacker about the incident, will he now be called to testify? None of this would have happened if the police had done what they were supposed to do and interviewed the gentleman. He would have also gotten a lawyer and his lawyer would have told him *not to speak to anyone, we have an interview with the police and we'll find out if charges are coming*.

Have the police had an opportunity to interview Sam as yet on that other FTX case? They said they was waiting for the right time then too.

Posted 24 April 2023, 2:07 p.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

The PM SPOKE TO THE ACCUSED BEFORE THE RBPF, wow, you just can't make this S$$T UP

Posted 24 April 2023, 4:58 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

No you cant. Imagine a trial **IF** it goes that route, a sitting PM called to testify in a rape case involving one of his MPs whom the police waited over a month post incident to question while the MP continued to appear for cabinet and parliamentary sessions. This could make world news. Which could have a positive side effect as we could tell the world once again that we are not corrupt

Posted 24 April 2023, 10:19 p.m. Suggest removal

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